Sunday, November 11, 2007

Simalarities 8

At this moment Im feeling utterly rediculuse. Some one was, like usuall asking me if I think Kmt influenced buddhism and of course Im taking this to mean in a proactive way so I continue to blunder through my thoughts in an attempt to answer this.

They traded w/the asiatics since oh I dunno predynastic times? I don't have the exact years to give you but think about that for a minut.... the Kmts were all over silk road trading ... Im sure there was ya know.... conversation going on.... Could this have influenced buddhism... oh sure why not????

Insted of being logical, I went the rout of some of our myths. Wsr left the Kingdome of Kmt and traveled the world (such as it was) in order to teach. Was Wsr a REAL Nswbit? *shrug* It is said he ruled after the gods left. So you have 'the rule of the Ntr' and then you have what some archiologists term as the 'rule of the demi gods' (makes NO sence to me but ok) Wsr/Ausar or Osirus if you prefer greek names, is said to be an actual person type Nswbt, he could have been elevated to 'official' Ntr just like Imhotep. Of course as far as I know these are just legends and I have NO archiological proof to back this up.

Another point I braught up whial remaining oblivious as to the trade btwn kmt and china (as someone on asians finest forum so kindly reminded me) I also hypothosised : well there were so many invasions it was rediculous... so I can't imagine every person of Kmt hanging about... Im sure some of them went to other countries and chilled ya know? Im more than sure that included priests.

If the heiroglyphiscs found in austrailia and the grandcanion have not yet been disproven the above theory seems very likely.

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