Sunday, November 11, 2007

Simalarities 7

[what makes Buddhism different from the rest, is the concept of Four Seals or Three Universal Characteristics, and taking refuge in Triple Gem.] -quoting someone

Actually, in the Esoteric understanding of almost all Religions; the Four Seals, and the Tri-Unity(The Three Jewels: whether Outer, Inner, or Secret) are all taught; albeit explained and/or symbolized a little differently.

In the Khemetian teachings, there is AMEN, RA, PTAH for example, which on one level could be synonymous with the Dharmakaya, Samboghakaya, and Nirmanakaya.

The Khemetians also understood that all compounded phenomena are impermanent, that everything defiled (with ego-clinging) is suffering, that all phenomena are empty and devoid of a self-entity, and that nirvana is perfect peace.

And by the Three Universal Characteristics, I'll assume that you're referring to: --
The three natures or three aspects of experience are:

The imaginary nature (Skt. parikalita, Tib. kun rtag), the dependent nature (Skt. paratantra, Tib. gzhan dbang) and the truly existent nature (Skt. parinispanna, Tib. yongs grub).

Well, we know that the Hebrew Kabbalah is heavily based on the Khemetian Paut Neter(which is even admitted in the Torah), and that Vedic-Brahminism is based on the very Ancient pre-Shakyamuni Tantric Buddhism/Yungdrung Bon.

So let us look at Paranishpanna/Parinispanna in relation to the AIN SOPH of Kabbalah:

QUOTE(Samael Aun Weor)
Ain Soph Paranishpanna

"We must make a specific differentiation between the Ain Soph and the Ain Soph Paranishpanna: In the Ain Soph, interior Self-realization does not exist, but in the Ain Soph Paranishpanna, interior Self-realization does exist." - Tarot and Kabbalah

Here^^^ "Self", in the sense of "Self Liberation"

These connections are worth reflecting on.

---- this whole thing was a post of someone elses... they start bichering

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