Ritual. Cleansing. Small and Long Anointing. The Hymn and Meditations to the Ntr. Presentation of Ma'at. Rituals. Small anointing, offering ritual, hymn and meditation.
2nd Class.
ask that everyone be cleansed before hand. Gasu Nedj or Gasu Ur, donning of clothing.
The Son's of Heru. The School. The Reagon. The Meaning of the Ntr.
Temple Purification. Invoking of the Elements. Great Offering Ceramony. Presentation to ancestors
Half of My personal proceeds will be going to: Karunamayi's free hospital and school.
Om Ayim Srim Hrim
Saraswati Devyei Namaha
(page one)
Opening Prayer
Hail Harakhte, lord of the two horizons,
In your beauty, in your spendor,
On your thrones, in your radiance !
Great One, whose greatness cannot be comprehended,
Lord of the throne, who keeps secret what is hidden.
High One, whose circuit is unknown.
Greatest of powers, fremost one of the East:
How mysterious are your forms,
Though y ou reveal yourself in heaven each day.
I rais my arms in praise of your Ka,
You have gladdened my heart with your beauty,
all rejoice when you are seen !
You are ancestor of the living,
Guardian of those in the Duat,
You are enduring in time.
You are possessor of the royal crowns,
custodian of the sceptres,
keeper of all offerings in the Western land.
Sole watchman, who loaths slumber:
you shine upon the millions
with your beautiful face.
Grand that I may cross the sky with you,
and complete the task of yesterday each day.
(Harakhte is the name of the sphynx)
(page 2)
"To the Ancients, the sacred names, words of power and origial appellations of spiritual figures convey, both in thier writing and enunciation, the spirit they engender."
The Hellianised (Gecco/Romanic terms) will not be used durring this class.
Anpu - Anubis
Apep - Apophis
Ausar - Osirus
Auset - Isis
Djehuti - Thoth/ Hermes
Het-Hert - Hathor
Nebt-Het - Nephtys
Sah - Orion
Sopdet - Siruis
Set - Seth/ Sutek / Typhon
Heru - Horus
The Names of Heru :
Harakhte - dweller in the Horizon
Her em Akhet
Heru Behutet - Heru of the winged disk
Heru em Aakhuti - Horus of the Two Horizons/ the sphynx at Giza
Heru pa khart - Heru the child
Heru-Ur - Heru the Elder
Heru - the younger
As names change, so do the nuances of meaning. As the Greeks renamed the Ntr so did they also corrupt the divine essance. The deffinitions have changed and thusely the 'gods' as constructed by the Geeks/Romans have as well. That is why Isis, Osirus, Anubis are Greek/Roman constructs, as you will come to understand more fully at the completion of the first class.
Ntr - God/ Spirit / Devine or Cosmic Principle
Hekau - magick/ language/ words.
Khmt - The Black Land / The people and country of ancient egypt
Nesut (m) - Pharoaoh
Nesuf (f)
Part One
Ancient teachings tell us Asar as Nesut left his kingdom and traveled the world to share his wisedome and knowledge. There are simalarities if not out right influance in many spiritual paths practiced today. To list some : Kabalistic; Druidic; Hindu (although there is dispute as to which culter is older, Kmt or India and which culter influanced the other), and Shintoism. Confucism and Buddhism are seeped with simalarities to the wisdome text. There are discaplines based on kmt teachings such as Alchemy and Herrmetics. Kmt was the place of saught after learning and knowlege, so much so that Plutarch,Pathagorus and Hypocratese studdied with the Masters of the Temples. In fact, many modern books concerning the Kmt practices will have listings in thier bibliography of eastern and greek philosophies. Even the christian bible has been influenced as seen in the ten commandents, proverbs, psalms up to the new testamet by the negative confession not to mention the sages Amenemope, Ptah-Hotep, Merikara and countless unsignatured text.
Words. Djehuti gave mankind speach, and language. Ma'at gave us order. Therefore speach is sacred. In looking at the Negitive confession and various wisedom text we are showered with the impact of this as quite a bit deals with apropriate speach. It is very simalar to the differances between english and vedic. As english words and symbols (ie the alphabet) impose on us a definitive idea. Hyroglyphs provide us with the symbol and it is up to our spiritual evolution to determine its essance. As vedic is vibrational (symbolic) so is Hekau. (rowan : expound) For a deeper understanding I sudgest reading the symbol and the symbolic by de lubicz.
Ma'at and the Wisedom Text
The priests were the servents to the Ntr. They performed ritual celebratory of Ntr. In order to do this the preasts must be pure in spirit, mind and body. There were cleansing rituals for the body including specific kinds of fasting. Three days before their particular temple rotation (the priests were allowed to mary and have families) they performed a three day fast. No meat or dairy, usually raw foods. They drank a certain mixture that had a two part ........... it detoxed the system and provided daily nutrients. As for the soul, my first Kemit teacher informed me that the priests of her denomination still practice the recitation of the Tenants of Ma'at. Apon rising and before retiering one should recite the 42 tennants of Ma'at. Also the priests were expected to engage in appropriate behavior and I, as did they hand copied not only the 42 tennants but various wisedom text as well. In closing, in order to perform ritual/ magic and glorifications of the Ntr one must understand how to behave in a way pleasing to the Ntr.
"Do not rais your voice in the god's house, he abhors loud speach.
Pray alone with a loving heart, safeguard your words.
he will grant your needs, he will accept your offerings.
Offer to your deity, do not offend his presence.
Do not question his forms, do not make demands when he appears,
Do not become disorderly in his procession or interupt theoracles.
He gives power in a million forms.
The one who magnifies him is magnified.
The god of this earth is the Sun in the sky,
While his images are on Earth.
Offer them daily incesnse as food,
And the lord of risings will be satisfied
---Instruction of Ani, Dynasty 18"
---Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt - Rosemary Clark
The 42 Tennants of Ma'at or the Negitive confession is featured in many differant pyramid text and various scrolls. I have translations by Ra Um Nefer Amen, Faukner and Budge concerning the Papyrus of Ani, the Theban Recension (faukner), the papyrus of Nu by Rosemary clark and a translation by Muata Ashbey (though Im not sure which text/papyrus he translated from)
The School and Reagon.
In this part I will breafly go over the most basic principles encoumpased by the Temple and its teachings regarding the Ntr.
n kmt each grouping or family of Ntr and thier associations were taught at various schools and locations. Today we are concerned with Wsr, Asar, Auset, Set, Nebt-Het and Sopdet. In the kmt tradition the axium as above, so below was born. The kmts did Not sperate their daily life from their spiritual. The Underworld and Heaven had the same Nomes (provinces) as the physical plane of Kmt. There are 42 nom spirits, (the assessors durring the negitive confession) and there are 42 Ntr with in the 10 cosmic families. As you may have infered from the referance to Pythagorus, the kmt's held numbers in sacred esteem as they did with language. This is one of the origins of Numberology. The kmts also did not seperate astonomy and astrology as we do today. As lanuage and writing were sacred, the kmts did not record thier vowels hence, the many differant ways to spell the same name. They did not believe in zero, insted they bleieved in primordial khaos (unformed matter/ latent consciousness/ potential in it's raw form)
Below is a brief synopsys of the school and its 'troup' or 'family' of Ntr.
Each school had associations w/the directions and each direction had it's own 'world' and Ntr.
Sopdet - Presentience / Precession
The rising of Sept marked the New Year and the anual flooding of the nile. This was a day of great importance to the agriculteral society. Also it was believed by the ancients that they orriginated in the Sept star system, they even had intamate knowledge of the three stars of which the weastern cutler was not even awair of untill the 1960's. Sopdet is also known as The Black Auset. (Auset absorbed many of the femine principles/Ntr)
We are going to begin the school at Iunnu (Heliopolis) and it's corrispondance, the World of Rostau (the physical plane).
This represents the earth and its shadow. Spiritual and active which overlap to create our life experiance. It also embodies the elements interaction and support/suplementation in our lives.
The Iunu Ennead (the helliopolan ennead)
Atum - Unity and Consciousness
A solar Ntr self created, he is "The All/ The Complete One" There are two myths surrounding the creation of his 'children', one is that he sneazed them out and the other is that he masterbated and thus created.
Shu - Inhalation/ breath
Tefnut - Diffusion / sensation
Cosmic principles of wind and moisture. They give birth to the more physical of Ntr.
Geb - Creation / Vegitation
Nut - Augmentation/ Gestation
We are used to Geb and Nut mearly representing Sky and earth. They too are cosmic representations, like the norse fehu they also represent matter and fire. In this way they are able to create the progeners of 'man'. The Spiritual Principles of life embodied by thier 'children'.
Asar - Renewal/ Germination
Auset - Fruitation/ birth
They are definitive of our exsistance, descending from the spritual as part of primordial Ntr, in order to be phisically born and thus gain expeariace in order to learn how to acend the earthy toward the more spiritual. They ARE the human exsistance of life as it goes through its cycles not only physically in nature but spritually as well.
Set - Fixation / Corruption
Nebt - Het - Secreation/ Sustanance
They are influences of the material exsistance or life after it has become physical. Our drives, what keeps us here, our needs/desires.
The Dendera Triad. Proliferation.
Het-Her - fertilization/ Conception
The earth, she creates the physical and returnes it to the elements.
Heru - Ascentsion/ Mastery
of both earth and sky, he embodies the aspect of fire. He also represents overcoming our 'base' nauture and evolving spiritually.
Ihy - Insemination/ Procreation
The child of Het-Her and heru, he rose out of a lotus flower and was able to walk among men. His creative aspect is all encoumpasing.
The final grouping of Ntr would be the Funerary Quaternary. Sublimination
From burial rites to protective guardians. Their presance permiates every ritual, as they are deviners, guardians and physical principles. They are associated with the elements of fire, earth, air and water.
Imset - Coagulation/ Liver
Haapi - Circulation/ Lungs
Daumutef - Decomposition/ Stomach
Qebsenuf - Assimilation/ Intestines
The Iunu Tradition (Heliopolis)
Pythagoras of Samos was a student at the Temple of the Sun for twenty-five years before opening his own school in Crotona Italy.
... he ''propounded a view of the universe which is comprised of nine essential rhythms, a 'divine enead.' In his organization of manifest reality, the numbers one through nine symbolically represent every possible expression of the life force, which the Heliopolitan Ennead traditionally embodies in the functions of its Neteru.
"Metaphorically, the nine Neteru of the Heliopolitan creation also represt the nine months of human getsation, as well as the nine components of physical embodiment and growth in mammalian life. Atum represents teh moment of the spirits descent inot the physical matrix. Shu embodies teh sperm and Tefnut, the ovum. Nut provides the amniotic waters of the womb and Geb the umbilicus wich nourishes the fetus. Asar is the spirits entrance into the womb and its enclosure in the body while Set is the separation of the spirit from its origianal state and attachment to human life. Auset, the womb, gives birth and Nebt-Het feeds the newborn infant." --The Sacred Tradition In Ancient Egypt : Rosemary Clark.
Part two:
A Closer Look At Asar, Set, Auset and Nebt-Het
Asar "the Firstborn of the Divine Bretheran"
Embodies the concept of 'resurection'. Not the misconception of that one specific body and united soul dying and then both rising again, but something more in depth. You can come closer to his cyclic nature when comparing him to the norse rune jera. Jera is the run of cycles, as Asar is the Ntr. Your soul is born, it dies, it becomes part of the primordial, it is born again. Plant a seed, deep in the earth, it grows, it blooms... it withers and then hibernates.. to be 'born' again come next season. He is the cycle of life. Un Nefer (to spring up, arise) is the hyroglyph that denotes his name. He is known as the Black Ntr when in potential state and the Green Ntr when flourishing.
Plurtarch wrote extensively of the Asarian myths and corrispondances to the cycle of the moon; his death in the season of scorpio (death/transformation) his dismemberment and its association of half of the 28 day lunar cycle. 14 Temples were constructed in the places where Auset, Anpu and Nebt-Het found the peaces of his body.
He Who is Seen
He braught with him, when he came to live among men, the knowledge. Much as Djehuti braught us language and alphabet, he braught us the understanding of that which is in nature. One of his titles is the 'father of man' as we are said to have been his descendants. Since he died and reigns in the duat he is holder of occult mysteries. Saturn is associated with Asar and is known in astrology to be the planet of death and transformation, its cycle is also 28 days, the age in which Asar was killed by Set. Asar is also associated with the sacred ratio of phi. His soul dwelt in Orion, Auset is symbolic of Sirius and together their union created a race that inherantly embodies 'the universe' or 'divine beings' ... humans, the children of the Ntr.
Asar was the Patron of the Hem(t): the Spiritual Servants
"Craft Working"
Since Asar is the embodiment of renewal, he can assist in the reconstruction of that which is broken or fallen apart, or deteriated. He is the Ntr of beginings (and endings) second chances, growing plants. Creative forces to all that is living. can assist in healing, breaking through blocks, recovering from illness,
The Hymn
"Homage to you, Asar, Lord of Eternity:
Sovergn of all the Neteru, of many names and holy of creations.
You enter the celestial barque and are reborn this day,
Your throne is reestablished in the Two Lands.
Prais be to you, Lord of Ma'ati:
Your beauty is renewed as you travel in the boat of a Million Years
Asar Un Nefre: he allows me to possess my body.
He makes it possible for me to follow in his dignity
Through the gates of the Duat.
Even as I live upon the Earth,
I come to him, and in my hands I offer truth,
There is no falsehood in my breast.
I set this before him, knowing that it is the food upon which he lives.
The Second Born
The destroyer, devourer, devider. Set is an incarnation of Atum in this aspect he is known as the destroyer of souls by the name of Shet.
He came into the world on the third day. Plurtarch recounts that he was not born at the right time or place but created a wound in his mothers side, forcing his birth on his own terms. Originally he was a benevolant Nrt of the deasert. He ruled the souther lands, part of Nubia and the Lybian deaserts. He has many differant roles in ancient literature. He is the one who kills aepe every night as he is the only one strong enough. He is the one to call on to help climb the ladder to heaven. He devours those souls (in his other form of amit) who fail the weighing of the heart so that they may be born again. He is associated with the Great Bear constalation (Khepesh) We are more familiar with the Set depicted in the later dynastic times as the one who kills his brother out of jelousy and terrorises Heru. He is the Ntr of the Night sky and sand storms. His other name is Seb ur (great streangth) He is the law of mortality and the forces of nature.
"The forces of chaos are governed by Set.......is not the Neter of evil; there is truly not a divine being who stands for or promotes it. Rather , he represents the fivision of order and its resultant disorder, withing the context of natural, cyclic episodes. Thus, Set brings to pass the breaches of existence -dissollution,, separation, isolation - not the anomalies. ..... chaos is a tool of evil, but of itself does not necessarily evince it. Evil takes place when it is authorized, or assumed by an authority and supported by its setting. When there is a dearth of consciousness and moral structure, the prospect of evil becomes considerable. It can then manifest on many levels, but it begins on the psychic plane and takes root from that dimension, moving inot social, culteral and religious spheres." Praxis -- Rosemary Clark.
Set is the patron of the Mer(t): the Overseer
Craft Working
He brings advisaries to ones attention and assists in facing irresolvable situations... mental endurance and physical stammina. victory over that which is overpowering and formidable.
Homage to you, divine ladder,
Ladder of Set which lifted Asar into the heavens.
Your sceptre smites my moluth in the chamber of purification,
I pass through your region to know creation once more.
O mighty one of twofold strength,
Whose kingome is the northern sky,
You are the great crocodile, the great one
Who consumes my corruption
The gateway is opened for me, I walk with out obstruction,
Whereupon I soar as the primeval one soars, I become Khepri.
Reborn from new soil, I become a Ka and grow as plants grow.
I am the fruit of every Neter, I arise from their exhaltions.
I come into being in the hours of night,
I am reborn, I am unfettered throught my journey
She provides nourishment and protection for the deceased. She also provides the air for the soul to ascent to heaven. She has an offering bowl for the newborn souls.
Lady of the House
she is associated with the extereme limits of kmt, boundires and all that lies byond the firtle nile. she is barren land. She personifies the dark star of sirius. . She is passive power, one of her names is urt-Hekau (moghty one of words of power). She is the constant companion to her sister and loyal to Asar, and the nurse to Heru.
Nebt-het is the patron of the Hem(t): Divine incarnation
Craft Work
Since she is nourishment she will always ensure that one will never thirst or go hungrey. This is also aplicaple for the soul and she can help in times of depression. She is a protectorass and caregiver to children. She can assist in dietary/ nutritional decisions esp if there are weight problems ranging from anorexia to obescety.
Hail to you: protectoress, winged one,
Whose name is hidden, whose form is unknown.
You whose wings spang the heavens and encompass the Earth
I greet you with rejoicing,
Breathing the wind that comes forth from your feathered arm.
Blessed one of the fountain of Amentet,
Your water provides refreshment, it pours forth onto the fields of Geb.
The Black Land is nourished by your libation,
You restore the form of the Green God.
You are chief mourner of teh departed one,
You lamentations stir life in your beloved brother.
Your favored form brings refreshment to the Ka's in the Duat,
Your weeping is silent, your speech is pure.
Djehuti makes way for you when you enter the hall of Amentet,
He records your mourning chant int he divine book.
Nebt-Het is the hidden head, she stands behind the green God,
She grants her arm to the stricken, she breaths by the sacred disc,
She is the goddess who hides herself.
She brings refreshment tot hose who are in darkness.
Her name is She- Who- Embraces, daughter of Ra,
The one who gives all pure and good things to Asar.
the fourth born
I could type volumes, so I will sum it up by saying she is the Sacred Feminen. She embodies all femal principles. She is the mother, she is the warior, she is the magi. She absorbed aspects of a good bit of the kmt female panthion. She brings forth life. Her sacred number is four; and stands for physical manifestation. She is the Mistress of spells and all magic and knows the secret Name of Ra, which she obtained through her cunning.Her crown is the throne, the seat of earthly exsistance, in fact the Nesut could NOT be if he were not born of the Queen (ideally) The Queen was sacred to Auset and the transmitter of the royal dna.
The Throne
She is the 'source of life' The protector, guardian.
Auset is the patron of the Ur(t): The Magician.
Craft Work
She teaches the proper use of power, the careful practices of magic, dignity, closure. She is also a healer and can restore that which is lost. She is a patron of midwives, emts and hospice.
Asar takes his sister as his protection, She drives away his foes, she turns back evil.
The words of power are uttered from her mouth,
She of perfect tongue, of perfect speech.
By divine decree she is the strong one,
Because she avenged her brother.
She sought him unceasingly,
Pursuing him in sorrow, never alighting.
She wept at his bier, she made wind with her wings,
Raising the unmoving on up from his sleep.
She brought forth his seed, creating his heir.
She nursed the youth in solitude,
Unknown is the place where he was raised.
She brought forth him of the mighty hand,
In the house of Geb.
Asar ari en sent-ef, maket-ef seherit kheru sehemet sep shet skeru em khu re-es.
Aquerit nes an uh en metu semenkhet utu metu.
Auset khut nedget seno-es.
Hehet su atet bakek reret ta pen em hai an khen nes an qemtu-es su arit shut em shut-es
Kherert nef em tenhui.
Arit hennu menat sen-es set heset enenu en rut ab khenpet mut-ef.
Arit au-au shetet nekhen em ua0au an
Rekh bu-ef am beset su, a-ef nekhtu em khent het geb.
Auset is behind you, she protects your limbs.
As she did for her son, she protects the Heru Shemsu,
Those who followed him from the first occasion.
Her offspring are the living, their lord is sovereign of the Two Lands.
They are born among the Neteru, among the cedars,
They are members of the Paut, the first born.
She is mother of the justified one, he who repulses all adversaries,
Who makes transormations in heaven and is born each morning.
Her heirs endure forever and ever, they are given life,
They join witht the disk eternally
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