Wednesday, February 26, 2014



cattle- earned income, wealth. fertility. movable power.  a hard but not to bright worker. Beast of burden, domestic, mild can mean a broken spirit. Has a tendacy to be used and owned. A reiable worker. Can win over oposition through diligence and hard work. If surrounded by delay runes its telling you that even though it seems like a good time to start a new venture, you should wait.

Reversed--- loss and dissapointment unless you change something.  If  surrounded by positive runes it just may be a petty delay to work on your nerves. Material loss, frustration due to finances. In relationships possible arguements, if surrounded by positive runes, this is only temperary.

firey energy of creation, cosmic fire. Fertility. process of life and death and the corelation btw the two. moveable magickal energy. expansive force that can project the soul of entities, that which exists btwn person to person or a person to a thing.


Wild oxen. Powers of resistance, health, streangth. Quick recovery from illness. A male (or male energy) Sudden and unexpected changes. These changes are in the natural flow and should be avoided. You may have to give up some attatchments. Eventual improvement through effort. A  promotion or new career w/more responsibility.good fortune and certain success.

Reversed--- about to or alreaddy have failed to take advantage of the moment. No will power, lack of mitvation. Allowing others to dictate to you and order your life. when pairedw/gifu nd wunjo, your streangth is being used against you. Illness  or fatigue. For men it can indicate problms of a sexual nature.whwaz nd raidho shows that you will allow a good change pass  you  by.

mannifestation.patterning and formulating power., the forming force.defines the origin and nature of things. wisdom and lore.


Thor's hammmer, thorn, Protection and luck.Unexpected good fortune from and unexpected sourse. You being in the right place at the the rt time. Indicates the end of goog luck, make sure that you don't get swallowed up in your own arrogance. Look at your  situation and figure oout where you stand before moving foreward. Being wrong minded and or stubbon in some way. You may be deceaving your self w/a self rieghtous attitude. With delay runes you should wait before pursuing anything or making a decision. It would be benificial to consult w/a person who is wiser, or at least detatched from the situation. If usrrounded by negitive runes, you are being opposed by those who are moraly, politically or financially stoonger than yourself. In a positive cast, = protection, luck and good health.

Reversed. Almost the same thing, the differance being that you will not heed the advise and information being offered. You are set in this corse of action and are full of yourself. Be cautious and act w/care. Hasty decisions will cause regrats. YOu are deceaving yourself about your motives at this time. You might be feeling threatened by someone you feel is weaker or you r lesser in some way. Kenaz reversed in the reading will tell you that the person is about to be revealed.

protects from enamies and harm, overcomes unfriendly situations, love magic, inforces your will, helps to take action, projected energy and applied power.


The offering advise and/wisdome from an outside source. An exame like a written test or interview. Put your fears behind you. You have the ability to overcome. Be on the look out for chance encounters  and  or meeting people oder and wiser, denotes for careful deliberation w/the advise from another. The advice will come from a parental figure. This person is wise in the ways of the spirit. This is indicating that the advise is honest and what you really need to heed at this time to solve your problams. some times it sudgest an aprenticeship to a new trade or reffers to an aspect of life ore siuation that is entirely new to you, you will have guids through this.

Reversed --- showes lies tricker and deceate. Dont believe anything you hear at this time, get a second opinion whenever you are in doupt. Someone else wants whats best from him not you. Biased advise from an individual who is to emersed in the problam and cant be impartial. Parents and supervisors may be trying to interfear w/your plans. May be inhibited from accepting what is offered. Failed communication and you r failure to learn lifes lessons. trouble w/studdies and misuse of info. Pay attention to the position of wyrd.


Travel and movement. Usually for pleasure, w/out mishaps. It can mean one of the soul. It would be a good time to do some inner work. If  you are following your souls path this rune tells you to keep w/it. Good time for discussions and negotions. Even if there are problams at the moment, and there more than likely are then be rest assured that there is a comfortable midpt that can be reached. Its a good time to buy or sell. About to receave some information or a message, usually by phone. Unexpected news at an unexpected time. You may be of two minds on a situation because eather solution could be benificial. If this situation is vague be on your guard. W/neg runes it warns against having faith in others keeping thier word. Perdho r =broken promises, eolh r = taken for a ride.

Reversed---- every thing associated w/this rune are taking on a bad toan. A journey you must undertake even though it comes at a really bad time unexpectedly. A sick friend or relation or people visiting at the wrong time. Problams in transit like delays and break downs or an accadent. Ruined planes, a bad financial deal, comercial action or negotiation. Pay close attention to personal relations, reconciliations are possible as long as you are patient w/a good sence of humor and understanding of the ones you care about.


Streangth, energy and power, good health, powers of rcouperation. Keep a good positive attitude. Protective sighn and indicates  a rest from worries and a time when trials will toan down. A time of opaning up, good things comming into your life. Start new projects and relationships. Signifies the man. Shows the man offering something to the female from the matierial to love wise. If quearent is male the surrounding runes will show whether or not this gift will be accepted. If quarrent is female the surrounding runes may show the motive of the gift. Can signify actual birth when w/ing, beorc, or hagall. With anzus raidho wunjo or wolh its a new creative inspiration by love.

Reversed--------An ending or loss, an offer that will be withdrawn. When with isa need or otherl reversed this   will block your progress generating  traum and aniety. You are gonna fell that you have had poor judement or that your vision has been obscured, leading to  confusion and confoudning of your problams. A break up. A break up of a relationship, esp need. Warrns against clinging to an unbenificial relationship.


Gift. esp in result position. fortutious outcome to any undertaking make during the time span of the reading. Indicating a partnership in business or love. An important developement in a ralationship, could be marrage. A gift of generosity of some sort. Could be emotional or matirial s/a money or an item you will be needing sometimes its an indicator that the problam is emotional. A time of peace and contentment in your life.


Joy and happiness. Positive outcome. Success in ruled aria. w/travel runes/pleasant journy. Deep affection and lasting emotional happiness. can signify the person the quarrent has feelings for. Joy in work esp in artisic in nature. w/kennaz--- the creative element is very important.

Reversed-------- the opposet of upright. Things are slow in comming. Undergoing difficult crisis w/misery and unhappiness. Surrounding runes will indicate where the problamse are , raidho and ehwaz=unsafe or unsuccesfful journy w/breakdowns and delays. If employment--disatisfaction w/your performance in it. Matters of love, dissappointment or delay in relationship. need for putting off an important decision untill a better time. Trouble may be caused by a third party in the form of frustrations and delays. Double dealing on part of another.


Limitations adn delays. forces outside your controll. Elemental disrution. Good or bad. there are forces bearing down on you--  mostly impersonal.Takes a neg toan. It may be at a time when you are about to take a risk. surrounding runes will tell you if the risk is worth it or not.fehu and jera eventual success, but only w/a lot of hard work.If w/perdho, unexpected gain. If any of these are reversted, any risk should be avoided. Your future is in the hands of another. A faceless official or someone who has no personal interest in you whatso ever,  you will learn this by an official letter or seccond hand. Not rt for new starts, disruption. an illness birth or death, its a magor but temorary disrution lasting the time of the reading.


Delay. RUne of patience. Enamored in delays, constraints, ill health or oppression. They will work out in time and no amount of hast or worry will cause things to go any faster. Passage throug a difficult learning situation. Think twice before starting anything. You either lack ability or energy for success. Failure. Hold fast and stay as you are. Ill health.Needs as opposed to wants. you are being ruled by an emotianal need that is not being met. May be blowing things out of perportion.

Reversed-----------improper course of action. Failure and dissapointment. Dont act on hast or impatience. you are on the wrong path. be honest and admit your error and try to salvage what you can, even make restitution. w/wyrd it is karmic, jera its law.If you arent honest w/yourself or others and refuse to accept what is rt an outside force will see that you pay. don't even think about doing anything illegal lately. Its color is black.


Ice, cold, staganance. All plans should be put on hold. With other delays success is highly unlikely. only temp delays. A cooling trend in a relationship--bussiness and emotional.Ill feelings resentment, possible seperation or severing of ties. If emotional the problam is a breach of loyalty.


Harvest. Reaping rewards for the effort expended, karmic or monitary. Justice and legalities. doesn't always sgnify the outcome. Events must occrue in thier own time. Sometimes the delay can be financing or obtaining a devorce, esp if nied is there.  Often legal help when in the result position. If in a negitive cast and in the result position it shows failure and problams. W/wyrd it shows one is following a path one is not suited to.A warning to speak no ill of others before all the relavent facts are known.


The yew. Powerfull allies in dayly life. Powerful association w/protection. Set sights on a reasonable target and able to achieve goals. There may be a slight obsticles do not be overeager to move ahead. This may not be the time when you can influance outcomes and a delay may prove benidicial. Things will turn around for the better. Dhows a slight delay or minor trauma which will eather never fully materialize or turnout in your favor. Only thought foresight, preservearance and right action can difficulties be avoided. Sometimes it can represent the solving of a matter which has remained hidden for some time.


Things hidden, secrets and occult ability. Something that was unknown is about to come to light. Usually poitive new oportunity, ragaining of a hopelessly lost object. It can point out a disclosure of a secret, one you have been trying to keep for yourself. Also unexpected gains and surprises. Unearned gain of money esp w/thurisaz, gifu hagall or wyrd. Sometimes the money is in the form of a gift if it is this way explore the surrounding runes for the motives. With relations, w/uruz gifu kenaz, wunjo, tyr beorc or legaz it points to extereme sexual compatibility on part of the two people involved.With uruz, kennaz or tyr are reversed-- you relationship at the moment is based on sexual attraction and will fail if an effort is not made to relate on other levels. With neg runes = illness of some sort wont be fixed w/ordinary means. Try a metaphysical approach. color is black or silver.

Reversed ----- Events might not turn out as you had hoped. Dont expect too much at this time, You may be overwhelmed by obsticles, but take heart, unpleasant surprises and nasty secrets. Sudgests that the secrets you have been keeping are going to come out. Be cautious. Disspaointment by another person, a close frined, or financial. Don't invest or loan money esp to a friend, you might not get it back. Sexual problams. tyr uruz or kenaz are reversed or if isa is there is shows one partner no longer finds the other attractive.  Look to the surrounding runes to see if this can be worked out.


New influence. New emotions. A new career or studdy. New relationship w/someone who is outgoing and generous and fun to be around. Strong protection rune. will be protected from harm and misfortune for the duration of the reading. Will influence strong premonitions to help you avoid disaster.

Reversed----- vulnerablity or sacrifice w/no personal gain. Are being deceaved by others. They are using you to benifit. Will be made scapegoat. An offer should be refused.. Try to turn the situation to your advantage if  you cant avoid it. You may be deceaving yourself. Expecting something for nothing. You may be having a greed problam. Nievety. You are easaly conned w/financial matters. In love - delay in new relationships  untill more is known about your mates character and motive. This is one of those runes that cant make up its mind, its rainbow and I cant quite do that rt now.


Victory, success. Much power is available to you. Time to make changes. Opposition overcome swiftly. Worry and tension are about to take their toll. business runes show you are investing too much time in work and neglecting the other aspects of your life. If surrounding runes are negetive it could indicate that you often worry about problams but are never motivated enough to do anything about them. A self centered person who wants to be totally in charge of thier life at all times. If this is not possible and it isn't aniety and hopelessness/helplessness set in. May be concerned about her health, strong positive life force. Shows strong powers of recovery.


Victory. Represnts success in any compition. Exterem motivation showing a streinght of will and singlemindedness that can enable you to overcome all odds. When with sucess runes it shows you will keep up your motivation overcoming what ever the oposition. When w/neg or delay runse, the opposition will prevail. An increase in money or power, sometimes both. You are rising up in the world through your own abilities. Love ----a new timely romance filled w/happiness and passion. Tyr is a masculine rune and represents the male quarrent. If the quarrent is female it indicates the most important man in her life. Mans intentions are good but if revereed he may not be totally honest w/you and you have cause to wonder about his motives. P reveresed w/t shows you that your relationship is bassed on sex if ytou t rupright is parred w/w it shows and affectioante and lasting relationship. For a male quarrent it is an indication of his streanght of will. If female this rune shows a man who will come to her aid in trouble. He will be someone she respects or looks up to in some way. In a womans cast when paried w/L it shows that it is she who will take the active part and act on her own behalf in regard to  her problams. In a mans reading coupled w/mannez it often signifies help from supriiour or powerful friends. Quick recovery from illness.

Reversed ---Wanning enthusiasm failure  in competitive enterprises and lack of fidelity in both love and friendship. Shows an impeded energy flow. A death of ideas and creative thoughts and often shows extereme impatience on part of quarrent. When w/delay runes in a positive reading you are experiencing the dark before the dwon and if you remain patient things will certainly improve. For a male it can show an indication to give up in the face of difficulties and are unlikely to make much of an effort on your behalf. You expect good things to drop in your lap by devine rt and if they don't you give up. When w/legaz in a womans reading the meaning is much the same. Love--- any relationship wont reach a perminant  conclusion. May indicate dwindling passion of males behalf showing misunderstandings and dificuttios in communication whether or not this can be resolved will be indicated in the surrounding runes. Be carefull of wearing your heart on your sleeve. you might get hurt.


Fertility rune of birth and family. Can stand for the mother of children and indicates an event bring joy to the family. birth or a wedding. Your true home. The birth isn't necessarily a physical. Enter matters w/care and awairness. Always indicate of a tangeable result and is very helpfull when a new project is being contomplated. Sudgests that annyu thing in the workks should be implamented. In result position a fortunate outcome to any question asked. In other positions = a new beginning a new project a new romance --- which will bring happiness. When surrounded by positive runes it shows a favorable outcome. With neg it shows short lived success. For those who wish for children but have had no success this rune shows it will happen esp w/ing

Reversed -----Famaly problams and domestic problams. Friction btwn you and those closest to you.A warning unless surrounded by neg runes. On its own it doesnt point to a perminant split or irreconcialble differances. Family or fortells the receaving of bad news about family memebers. Signifies anziety about someone close to you. Spuce or partners =gifu. anzus =  child  othel = older relitive. Business -  any venture thought of now will fall through but since its not a totally neg rune it may be saying that through prudence and restraint and timely action these plans can be brought to finish at a later time.


Rune of physical movement phsysical shifts or new dwelling places. Its main significance is change one for the better, usually an anticapated one for the better and usually an anticapated one. It will usually travel of some sort perhaps even an actuall move it stands for good will, developement and steady prograss. It can mean journey by land especially when with with raidho, anzus or beorc. Anzus reversed sick reletive. Raidho a journey for pleasure and beorc a family gathering. In a prominant place whatever question you are tackeling the problam in the correct spirit and are close to success. Sometimes with a rune of outside help auch as anzuz jera or mannez it can show a person whose good judgement and common sence will aid you in what ever is troubling you at the time.

Reversed ---- If groupted w/positive runes it can mean exactly the same reversed as it does upright. Sometiems it indicates a far journey esp if pared w/lagaz. If w/raidho the journey will be temp and for pleasure. Sometimes and when with uruz it shows sudden and unexpected change. Unless w/neg ruens its ot likely to be a bad change. When reversed w/neg runes its telling you to hold fast and not implament any changes you may be considdering at this time. likely to result in misfortune and loss. Be sure that what you are or not doing is at the rt time.


Almost always a poitive and only in the most negitive casts does it even sudgest failure. Successfull conclusion. Completion of projects. Represents the sence of reliefe that comes from a positive accomplishment and mind free of anxiety. Signals an event that will prove to be a milstone in your life the birth of a new child a new job or a new love Indicates an ending of an old phase of life to give birht to a new more exiting one. Marks a time of positive energies and deliverance and good frotune.


Symbolises increase and growth and a time of increased prosperity. When paired w/delay runes it makes thier negitiviy to an eventual victory over obsticles. The growth symbolised by this rune is slow but steady (not overnight) the changes happening may not be noticed at this time. It that putting up a good face willdo much to help you in your preasant problam w/wunjo revised mannez reversed. Othel revised or hagal it indicates that through  your constant dwelling or problams or obsticles you are drwoing those verry things to you life perhaps something so radicle you wil never be the same again. Usually this deals w/a new start on some level but sometimes shows you must make the best of a situation overwhich you have no controll. Things will get better through an outside angency. This is espectially indicated when mannez is close by. It can also show you being exposed to a new way fo thinking or ways of life. Religious enlightenment.


Human kind of independance, receaving some sort of aid or cooperation in regars to y our problam. advise w/ansuz. Totally honest and unbiased. Sometimes refferes to the quarrent. It can then indicate that you may becomming to caught up in the problam to be effective in solving it. w/neg runes = it shows yout you have blown things all out of proportiion and are about to give it up all together. When w/positive runes it can indicate that now is a good time to implament any new plans; if surrounded by delay runes it sudgests that the time is not rt for new projects. A time when you need to tak especial care to remain modest. Now isn't the time to take credit for accomplishments esp w/perdhro or legaz/ It can indicate that the quarent is having problams at this time w/women in general, no matter the sex.

Reversed ---- Indicates that you  can expect no help for the duration of the reading. You will run into all kinds of subersions at this time. Sometimes your advissary is an individual but more often it is a group of people who will see fit to interfier w/your business. The runes surrounding will show you how to deal w/them. Dealay runes tell you to wait before acting.w/tyr fight fire w/fire and w/jera use the legal system. You are your own worst enamy. Indicates selfishness and canshow that you are self centered. Try seeeing from someone esles pt of view. Can indicate a way of life that is alien to you . Perhaps a foriegn country or person. Often this person will hold a sexual interest. annother rainbow.....


Intuitive knowledge and indicates you should follow your intuitions very closely in the matter in question. Sometimes esp w/perdhro it can signify definate psychic abilities. Guided and protected by highter powers. Significant event or prophetic dreem regarding a potentially hazerdous situation or bad offer. Success lies in listaning to you r inner voice. Female rune. Will symbolise the quarrent - if female - that no matter what troubles beset her she will be more than capeable of dealing w/them. In a man's reading it shows the preasance of a strong and supportive female in the background. Possibly the most important woman in his life. Good momory and success in learning. Usually through utilization of the imagination. Shows tide has turned in your favor. A time of reflecting reevaluation and cleansing. In the result position you will meet w/a sympathetic and understanding response from others who can be called apon to help solve your problams.

Reversed ---- Unless backed w/bery positive it is a bad sighn. It shows that you have allready meen mislead by your intuition in taking on something you have no real aptitude fore. Temptation to do the wrong thing or take the easy way out, which can only lead to trouble. Unless w/delay runes this speaks agains a wait and see attitude. You should take action imediately to get out of a bad situation. A woman who may bring trouble into your life. Betrayual and backstabbing on part of a female friend or for a male it can indicate disloyalty on part of an exsisting partner or new love affair that will bring unhappiness. W/success runes it can indicate a strong female figure who may be a great help at preasant but will make you feel beholden later. A falure to call apon the wisdome of your instincts es w P.


Represnts posessions the things only money can buy. Usually land or a building when it does indicate money its usually in the form of inheritances, trust or pension funds. W/fehu beorc nied or wunjo it shows a matirialstic or a tightwad sometimes when paired w/digal it indicates a hard worker someone who expects to wrok logn and hard to fufill wants and is comfortable w/that idea. Often indicates one who is consumed by an ideal or vision perhaps inspired by the past. Runes to look for in this instance are anzus and mannaz. Help in the matter from older people or old friends. It can also signify  inhrrited traites.

Reversed ---- Delay and frustration. In a prominant position 

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