Tuesday, February 25, 2014


He was born in Athribis around 1430 bc. He started as a royal scribe
and became overseer of all of AMenophis III works. ie the planning and
construction of great monuments in Thebes.. the mortuary temple and
its Colossi of Memmnon, the temple of Soleb in Nubia ....

After his death he was deified for his wisdom and in later periods for
his healing powers.
(read de lubicz for an understanding on temple construction)

His worship was mainly in the Theban aria, it lasted up through the
Ptolomeic periad...so about three centuries... He and imhote receaved
chaples in the temple of Het-heru at Dier el-Medina and in Hatchepsuts
tiemple of Amun at Karnac.

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