Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cavern Dieties

10th cavern dieties
those who belong to the sunshine
those who take hold
the nine gods who guard those in the cavern
the nine gods whose arms are hidden
the hidden goddesses
the souls of the gods who became members of Wsr
Those who worship Ra
Those who's faces are warlike

keep in mind there are twelve caverns w/bunches of eather 'nameless'
gods or with names like the above.

The caverns are (in the duat) and punishment places, so many times a
lot of these gods are performing thier duities, doing endless
disembowelments and beheadings.

There are also those dieties that assist the dead throughout the duat
who are not considdered enemies of Ra or Wsr or ya know the 'unsavory'
bad type that must be punnished according to Ma'at. Now there are lots
of demons roaming around the caverns of the duat so these 'good' souls
need protectorates and such.

In the first seven caverns we find mumified and anthropomorphic w/the
patern of two males and one female per group. .. as for the rest, this
book is kinda vague. I suppose I should start re reading my duat stuff
cause Im sure someone will ask me to take them through the duat in

Cavern Dieties fromt eh royal tombs of the valley of the kings
Serpent guardians of the Silent Region, Wsr
Flame breathing serpent Wsr, deities in sarcophagi
Aker, catfish headed gods forms of Wsr
Serpan Great One on his blelly, form of Wsr
Nut, Wsr, Tatenen, Anpu, heru.

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