Lord Set:
His corrispondance is to capricorn, which is kind of a no brainer
since we are looking at this time of year and all. He likes hematie
and diamonds. His favorite color is that of his hair: red. He likes
natron and musk and esp likes to sit under ebony trees. Or so Im told.
One of his Names is Seb Ur. This means 'greatest streangth. Least we
not forget that according to some myths regarding the duat, he alone
would slay apep, so that Ra could continue his journey on the barque
of night to be reborn as Khepri or Khepera each day. (of course the
myths vary and differant Neter take on this task, but only Lord Set
was strong enough to do it alone, everyone else had help)
He, being earthy and fixated, solid is a part of all metals, his
favorite being lead. Kinda interesting considdering that we use lead
as something to protect us from harmful 'rays' but it will poison us
if we ingest it. Its interesting to note that the Opening of the Mouth
ceramony, which was performed on the mummified dead and for the
opening of new temples was enacted with a tool that was made out of metal.
Asside from being 'fixed' on earth and subject to its physical desires
he also helps with corruption, this links him to Anpu (anubis) and it
can be referanced in ancient egyptian text where he was thought to be
Anpu's father. This makes sence when you take into account that both
Neter are associated with not only decay, but with corruption/ corrosion.
In looking at some of the myths we see that Lord Set wasnt exactally
lawless in the way he ran things (excluding that little nasty bit
regarding his brother, nephiew and sister) Lord Sets problem in his
rule was more like his blind and strict adhearance to law. He wasnt
very flexible. Believe it or not, this can cause chaos, evil ect
ect.... look at how some fundamentalists do things, how they pursecute
others for thier various excuses for reasons. This is a Setian
mentality. So pretty much there is no freedom of movement, no freedom
of thought.
Standstill. Or being threatend or having to take defensive manuvering.
Of course life is not fixed or stagnant. This is a major theeme in
buddhism, for example. The impermiance of life. Nothing about it
remains, everything changes there fore the only constant, the only
thing which is 'impermiable' is change aka the impermiance of life.
When one attempts to fix things into being nonmovable or stagnant,,,,
we have chaos, strife and evil (isfet)
Sometimes this can sound pretty dismal, unless of course you want to
know who your enemies are or if they appear sooooooo strong (whether
people or conditions) Lord Set, Seb Ur can help you overcome these things
He overcame Apep, who is the personification of isfet.
The corrosive aspect is also in play especially if we think people or
conditions can't be overcom, Lord Set, Seb Ur can show us how to
wittle down these things into something managable.
Lord Set can teach us tenacaty of mind and spirit, he can teach us
cunning so that we don't have to be weak or powerles.
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