Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feeding of the Hungry Ghosts

from the plum village recitation book

Incense offerings

(three bells)

In gratitude, we offer this incense
to all Buddhas and bodhisattvas
throught space and time
May it be fragrant as Earth herself,
reflecting our careful effots
our wholehearted mindfulness
and the fruit of understanding
slowly ripening
May we and all beings
be companions of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
May we awaken from forgetfulness
and realize our true home
(light incense)

this ceramony is used for offering food to hungry ghosts. It is
practiced every day in temples in Vietnam as part of the afternoon

an alter to the hungry ghosts is placed outside and on it are placed
two candles, once stick of incense, rice gruel, uncooked rice grains,
salt and drinking water. You may use any food offerings that are
suitable for each culture. you can use such as bread, fruit, milk,
cheese, ect ect (just make sure that you dont just let it go to wast
and mold all over the place, eat it for them!) Im pretty lax as I only
perform this once a week)

the opening ceramony is the incense offering


Homage the Budhas and bodhisattvas
in the Avatamaska Assembly.
Homage to Buddhas and bodhisattvas
in the Avatamaska Assembly
Hommage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
in the Avatamaska Assembly
(two bells)

3. Opening Verse

As if a fire is raging on all four sides,
a hungry ghost ceaselessly suffers from heat.
Hungry ghosts, now to be born in Pure Land,
hear this gatha transmitted by Buddha
Those who aspire to see and understand
the Buddhas who are present in the Three Times
must always observe that, in the nature of the dharmatu
all that is arises fromt he mind.

4. Recollection

homage to Avatamasaka Sutra,
proclaimed by the Buddhas in all quarters

Hommage to the Buddha who is present in the Ten Directions.

Homage to the Dharma that is present int he Ten Directions.

Homage to the Sangha that is present in the Ten Directions.

Homage to Shakyamuni Buddha, the Enlightened One.

Homage to Avalokiteshvara, the Boshisattva of Great Compassion

Homage to Kshitigarbha,
rescuing beings from the greatest suffering.

Homage to the Venerable Ananda who recorded the teachings.

5. Repentance and Asparation

Practitioners of the Way, have acted unskillfully
with craving, hatered, and ignoance
manifested in actions of body, speech and mind.
All beings of all species repent of this.

Beings of all species have acted unskillfully
with craving, hatred, and ignorance
manifested in actions of body, speach and mind.
All being so fall species repent of this.

Hungry Ghosts have acted unskillfully
with craving, hatred, and ignorance
manifested in actions of body, speach and mind.
All hungry ghosts repent of this.

Countless beings, I vow to save.
Ceaseless afflictions, I vow to end.
Limitless Dharma Doors, I vow to open.
I vow to realize the highest path of Awakening.

The true nature of beings, I vow to save.
The true nature of afflictions, I vow to end
The true nature of Dharma Doors I vow to open
I vow to realize the true nature of the highest path of Awakening
(two bells)

6. Verses of Offering

Homage to the Tathagata Multiple Jewel.

Homage to the Tathagata Jewel Victory

Homage to the Tathagata Wonderful Form Body

Hommage to the Tathagata Extensive Body

Homage to the Tathagata Far from Fear.

Homage to the Tathagata of the Nectar of Compassion.

Homage to the Tathagata of Infinite Light.

Maintaining our concentration, consciousness is calmed.
So too in practitioners throught the Ten Directions.
May they all be satisfied, letting go of craving,
moving out of darkness to be born into a Pure Land.
May they truly take refuge in the Three Jewels,
give rise to Awakened Mind, and realize the highest path.
For the benefit of practitioners, may the merit of the practice
form the ground on which the future Buddha stands.

Maintaining our concetraition, consciousness is calmed.
So too in all species throughout the Ten Directions.
May they all be satisfied, letting go of craving,
moving out of darkness to be born into a Pure Land.
May they truly take refuge int he Three Jewels,
give rise to Awakened Mind, and realize the higest path.
For the benefit of all species, may the merit of the practice
form the ground on which the future Buddha stands.

Maintaining our concentration, consciousness is calmed.
So too in hungrey ghosts throughout the Ten Directions.
May they all be satisfied, letting go of craving,
moving out of darkness to be born into a Pure Land.
May they truly take refuge int he Three Jewels,
give rise to Awakened Mind, and realize the higest path.
For the benefit of all species, may the merit of the practice
form the ground on which the future Buddha stands.

O practicioners of the Way,
we make offerings of food
multiplied in Ten Directions
so that you can all receive them.
By the merit of this offering,
may we and all practitioners
be successful in the realisation of the path

O beings of all species,
we make offerings of food
multiplied in Ten Directions
so that you can all receive them.
By the merit of this offering,
may we and all species
be successful in the realization of the path.

O hungry ghosts,
we make offerings of food
multiplied in Ten Directions
so that you can all receive them.
By the merit of this offering,
may we and all hungry ghosts
be successful int he realization of the path.

7. Concluding Verse

May we offer up this fragrant nectar
in quality as vast as space
may all species arrive at their deepest aspirations,
returning to the shade of Great Loving Kindness.

8. The Three Refuges

I take refuge in the Buddha
the one who shows me the way in this life.
I take refuge in the dharma,
the way of understanding and love
I take refuge in teh Sangha
the community that lives in harmony and awareness.

I take refuge in the Buddha
I clearly see the path of light and beauty in the world.
Dwelling in the refuge of the Dharma,
I learn to open many doors on the path of transformation.
Dwelling in the refuge of Sangha,
shining light that supports me, keeping my practice free of obstruction

I take refuge in the Buddha in myself,
I aspire to help all people recognize thier own awakented nature,
realizing the mind of love.
Taking refuge in the Dharma in myself.
I apsire to help all people fully master the ways of practice
and walk together ont he path of liberation.
Taking refuge in the Sangha in myself,
I aspire to help all people build fourfold communities,
to embrace all beings and support their transformation.

9. Sharing the Merit

Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awareness,
gives rise to benefits with out limit
We vow to share the fruits with all beings.
We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, freinds,
and numberous beings
who give guidance and support allong the path

May we be born now in the Pure Land
within the heart of a lotus flower.
In the moment when the lotus blooms,
we touch the reality of no birth and no dying
May Buddhas and bodhisattvas be our companions
on the wonderful path of practice

May we end all afflictions
so that understanding can arise,
the obstacles of unwholesome acts be dissolved
and the fuit of awakening be fully realized.
(three bells)

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