RHODOCHROSITE Narcolepsy & narcophobia, poor eyesight, extreme emotional trauma, mental breakdown, nightmares & hallucinations, astral body, kidneys, clears solar plexus of blocked energy, unconditional love & forgiveness, evil eye protection, helps one utilize the creative power of the higher energy centers. Pink and white. RHODONITE Inner ear, alleviates anxiety, confusion & mental unrest, promotes calm, self worth, confidence & enhanced sensitivity. RHYOLITE Balances emotions, self worth, enhances capacity to love, aligns emotional & spiritual bodies, stimulates clarity of self expression. ROSE QUARTZ Heart chakra opener, love & self-acceptance healer for emotional wounds, dissipates anger & tension. Pink. ROYAL AZEL (SUGALITE or LUVALITE) L & R hemisphere balance, opens crown chakra, heart expression, increases altruism, visions & general understanding, protects against negative vibrations, helps one gain power to balance the physical body. RUBY Heart chakra, balances love & all spiritual endeavors, self-esteem, strengthens neurological tissues around the heart, prevents miscarriages. Red. RUTILE Alleviates blockages within the psyche from childhood pressures. SAPPHIRE Spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, colic, rheumatism, mental illness, pituitary, metabolic rate of glandular functions, anti- depressant, aids psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance & astral projection, personal expression, also for pain. Blue. SARDONYX Mental self control, depression, anxiety & especially for grief. Deep blue. Rhodonite is also excellent at maintaining phy, strength. SMITHSONITE Eases fear of interpersonal relationships, merges astral & emotional bodies, balances perspective. SMOKY QUARTZ Stimulates Kundalini energy, cleanses & protects the astral field, draws out distortion on all levels, good for hyperactivity & excess energy, grounding. SODOLITE Over sensitivity, helps intellectual understanding of a situation, awakens 3rd eye, cleanses the mind. Deep blue. SPINEL Leg conditions, when worn on solar plexus, powerful general healer, detoxification aid. TIGER'S EYE Mind focuser, helps purify the blood system of pollutions & toxins, psychic vision, grounding. Honey-brown. TOPAZ Balances emotions, calms passions, gout, blood disorders, hemorrhages, increases poor appetite, general tissue regeneration, VD, tuberculosis, reverses aging, spiritual rejuvenation, endocrine system stimulation, releases tension, feelings of joy. Typically orange or blue. TOURMELINE FACE Dispels fear & negativity & grief, calms nerves, concentration & eloquence improve, genetic disorders, cancer & hormones regulated, raises vibrations, charisma, universal tranquil sleep. TOURMELINE/BLACK Arthritis, dyslexia, syphilis, heart diseases, anxiety, disorientation, raises altruism, deflects negativity, neutralizes distorted energies, i.e. resentment & insecurity. TOURMELINE/RUBELLITE Creativity, fertility, balances passive or aggressive nature. TOURMELINE/GREEN Creativity, opens heart chakra, immune system, psychological problems with the father, blood pressure, asthma, balancer, eliminates conflict within. TOURMALINE/BLUE (INDICOLITE) Lungs, larynx, thyroid, parasympathetic nerves. TOURMELINE/WATERMELON Heart chakra healer, imparts sense of humor to those who need it, balancer, eliminates guilt, nervous system, integration, security & self-containment. Yellow TURQUOISE Master healer, protects against environmental pollutants, strengthens anatomy & guards against all disease, improved absorption of nutrients, tissue regeneration, subtle body alignment & strengthening. Baby blue, with some green. UNAKITE green w/pink emotional balancer; finds root of disease WATERMELON TOURMALINE red & green encourage self-confidence; diminish fear; seeing with your heart; allows one to trust in the power of love. AGATE Good for transmutation, helps with the emotion of acceptance, gives a mellow, blended aspect, beneficial in stomach area. Colors vary. AGATE/BOTSWANA Use with high-pressure oxygen therapy, smoke inhalation. Typically white with green. AGATE/FIRE Master healer with color therapy, enhances all essences, grounds and balances, sexual & heart chakra binder, burns energy. Typically white with red. AGATE/MOSS Emotional priorities, mental priorities, colon, circulatory, pancreas & pulses, blood sugar balance, agriculture. Typically white with moss inside. AGATE/PICTURE L & R brain imbalances, i.e. epilepsy, autism, dyslexia, visual problems, blood circulation to the brain, apathy is eased. ALEXANDRITE Low self-esteem & difficulty centering imply need, central nervous system disorders, spleen & pancreas. AMBER Memory loss, eccentric behavior, anxiety, inability to make decisions, thyroid, inner ear & neuro-tissue strengthener, activates altruistic nature, realization of the spiritual intellect. Typically yellow or orange. Amber is excellent for stress. AMETHYST Headaches, blood sugar imbalance, brain imbalances, edginess, facilitates healing, inner peace, psychic insight, stimulates third eye, aid for meditation, spiritual opening & internal surrender. Typically transparent or purple. AQUAMARINE Fluid retention, coughs, fear, thymus gland, calms nerves, problems with eyes, ears, jaw, neck, stomach, teeth, mental clarity, meditation. ATACAMITE Genitals, VD, thyroid, parasympathetic ganglia. AVENTURINE Eliminates psychosomatic ills, fear, skin diseases, nearsightedness, promotes positive attitude, creative insight. Typically green. AZURITE Arthritis & joints, surfaces psychic blocks that form physical blocks, helps one let go of old belief systems, dissolves fear & helps transform it into understanding. AZURITE-MALACHITE Skin diseases, anorexia, calms anxiety, lack of discipline, powerful healing force to physical body, emotional release. Azurite-malachite is blue and green. BERYL Laziness, hiccoughs, swollen glands, eye diseases, bowel cancer. BLOODSTONE/HELIOTROPE Circulation, all purpose healer & cleanser, stomach & bowel pain, purifies bloodstream, bladder, strengthens blood purifying organs. Typically very dark green with red and orange streaks. CARNELIAN Grounding, stimulates curiosity & initiative, focuses attention to the present moment, use with citrine on lower 3 chakras, digestion. Typically translucent red or orange. CHALCEDONY Touchiness, melancholy, fever, gallstones, leukemia, eye problems, stimulates maternal feelings & creativity. release. Typically a reddish color. CHRYSOCOLLA Emotional balancer & comforter, alleviates fear, guilt & nervous tension, facilitates clairvoyance arthritis, feminine disorders, eases labor & births, thought amplifier. CHRYSOLITE Inspiration, prophecy, toxemia, viruses, appendicitis. CHRYSOPRASE Gout, eye problems, alleviates greed, hysteria & selfishness, VD, depression, promotes sexual organ strength. WonkoSane-- azurite and malachite are almost the same stone... not quite... so they're often found together They're the "stone" you get when you happen to find them I the same place... it's a mixture of the two. CITRINE QUARTZ Heart, kidney, liver & muscle healer, appendicitis, gangrene, red & white corpuscles, digestive tract, cleanses vibrations in the atmosphere, creativity, helps personal clarity, will bring out problems in the solar plexus & the heart, eliminates self-destructive tendencies. Typically a reddish yellow. CLEAR QUARTZ Transmitter & amplifier of healing energy & clarity, balancer, channeler of universal energy & unconditional love, all purpose healer, programmable. DIAMOND All brain diseases, pituitary & pineal glands, draws out toxins, poison remedy. Clear or milky white. DIOPSITE & ENSTATIATE Organ rejection, heart, lung & kidney stimulation, self esteem. ELIAT STONE Tissue & skeletal regeneration, detoxification, antidepressant, karmic life acceptance. EMERALD Radiation toxicity, all mental illness, circulatory & neurological disorders, transmits balance, healing & patience, increases psychic & clairvoyant abilities, meditation, keener insight into dreams. Dark green. FLOURITE Bone disorders, anesthetic, hyperkenesis, ability to concentrate, balances polarities, 3rd eye center, mental capacity & intellect. Varied, green, blue, purple, or blue-green. GARNET/RHODOLITE Capillaries, skin elasticity, protection from pre- cancerous conditions. Red. GARNET/SPESSARTINE Bad dreams, depression, anger, low self esteem hemorrhages, hormone imbalances, inflammations, sexual disease. Red. HEMATITE Blood cleanser & purifier, low self esteem, augments meridian flows, aids in astral projection. Typically Silver. HERKIMER DIAMOND Enhances dream state, helps alleviate stress, draws toxicity from physical form, balances polarities, increases healing ability, develops ability to "give". dart-- hematite, which is an iron ore, is THE grounding stone, and will rarely help with projection. JADE Kidney, heart, larynx, liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid & parasympathetic ganglia healer, strengthens body, ongevity. Green. JASPER/GREEN Constipation, ulcers, intestinal spasms, bladder, gall bladder & general healer, clairvoyance, balances healer's auric field. JASPER/PICTURE Skin, kidneys, thymus & their neurological tissues, betters the immune system, past life recall, overactivity in dream state & hallucinations show a need for it. White, Yellow-brown. I didn't feel like typing so I ripped this off from my other page JASPER/RED Liver, stomach troubles & infections. JASPER/YELLOW Endocrine system tissue, thymus, pancreas, sympathetic ganglia stimulation, ethereal body alignment. JET Feminine disorders, teeth, stomach pain, glandular swelling, fevers, hair loss, alignment of lower spine. KUNZITE Alcoholism, anorexia, arthritis, epilepsy, gout, headaches, colitis, retardation, memory loss, schizophrenia & anic-depression, phobias, emotional equilibrium, thyroid malignancy, gums, pain, self-esteem. msLAPIS Neuralgia, melancholy, fevers, inflammations, penetrates subconscious blockages, throat chakra, sore throat, energy focuser for teachers, lecturers & speakers, mental & spiritual cleanser, used on 3rd eye for meditation, eliminates old & negative emotions, use with other healing stones, thought form amplification, helps in creating mantras. Blue or green. LAZULITE Frontal lobe stimulation, hypertension, liver diseases, immune system. MALACHITE Draws out impurities on all levels, balances L & R brain functions, mental illness, co-ordination and vision, radiation eliminator, evil eye protector, all purpose healer, especially in solar plexus & good for healers. Blue or green. MOONSTONE Soothes & balances the emotions, helps eliminate fear "feeling", encourages inner growth & strength, aids peace & harmony & psychic abilities, aligns vertebrae, digestive aid. Varied, pink, white, blue, or green. MORGANITE Larynx, lungs, thyroid, parasympathetic nervous system, major muscle tissues. NATROLITE Color, lower intestines, thyroid, sciatic nerve, parasympathetic nervous system. OBSIDIAN Protects the gentle from being abused, stabilizer, stomach, intestine & general muscle tissue healer, bacterial & viral inflammations. Black. ONYX Objective thinking, spiritual inspiration, control of emotions & passions, help eliminate negative thinking, apathy, stress & neurological disorders, also used as a heart, kidney, nerve, skin, capillary, hair, eye and nail strengthener. Black. OPAL/CHERRY Red corpuscle & blood disorders, depression, apathy, lethargy, intuition & joy. OPAL/DARK Reproductive organs, spleen & pancreas, filters red corpuscles & aids white corpuscles, bone marrow, depression, esp. of sexual origin, balances, amplifies creative & intuitive thought, grounds radical emotional body. Typically Red. Cherry Opal is reddish, also Fire Opal. there is also a white opal :) dark opal is kinda blue as well as black, kinda mixed. OPAL/JELLY Spleen & abdominal diseases, cellular reproductive problems, helps absorb nutrients, minimizes wide mood swings, mystical thought amplifier. Typically Orange. OPAL/LIGHT Balances L & R brain hemispheresfor neuro disorders, stimulates white corpuscles, helps bringthe emotions to mystical experiences, aids abdomen, pituitary & thymus problems. Typically Yellow. PEARL Eliminates emotional imbalances, helps one master the heart chakra, aids stomach, spleen, intestinal tract & ulcer problems. Typically White or cream. PERIDOT Protects against nervousness, helps alleviate spiritual fear, aids in healing hurt feelings & bruised egos, incurs strength & physical vitality, aligns subtle bodies, amplifies other vibrational energies & positive emotional outlook, helps liver & adrenal function. Typically Green. PYRITE Helps purify the bloodstream and upper respiratory tract, upper intestines, digestive aid, nervous exhaustion, grounding. Gold. QUARTZ/SOLUTION Lymphatic cancer & circulatory problems, helps the psychologically inflexible. Lymphatic cancer & circulatory problems, helps the psychologically inflexible. Radiation toxicity, all mental illness, circulatory & neur
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
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