Fool: New possibilities, new beginnings, hope, blind faith, folly, dreams w/in reach, lack of noticing the possible treachery. The Magi: confident with in the elements, a loner, accomplished in knowledge, wise The Priestess: knowledge with in the mysteries. esoteric knowledge, in controll of her elements. 3 The Empress: The 'mother' this one doesn't look very aprochable, is always taking care of things. 4. The Emporer: weighed by responsibility. Very serious. The care taker of all that he surveys 5. Heirophant: teacher and students, it implies the role you may be taking soon, will you be the teacher or the student? 6. The Lovers: a benificial partnership, emotional love. 7. The Chariot : direction, tenacaty the will to go in the correct direction 8. Streangth : streangth of mind. of will 9. The Hermit: being in a solitarty phase, a good herald for study 10. wheel of fortune: ride the wave of good fortune and take advantageof your blessings and opportunities because lady fortuna is fickle and you never know when you are going to go through a dry phase. 11. Justice: legal things (on occasion) the karma you have sent out is going to come back this can be eather good or bad depending 12.The Hanged Man: in this deck, to me it stands for the inspiration to get everything in your life together. In most other decks it tell of the sacrifices and changes you need to make, self and situation examination. 13. Death: big, impacting changes. Endings 14. Temperance: balance btwn logicand emotions (not to mention everything else) 15. The Devil (the horned one) In this deck it descusses the need to balance the raw nature with the cultivated, in other decks it talks of adictions, drugs, alcohal, sex, ect ect and finding your self trapped in a seemingly impossible situation that you see no way out of, but all the whial you are not accepting what the way out is this situation is entirely of your own making 16. The Tower: your life is about to change, everything is comming crashing down, lots of problams and troubles ahead. 17. The Star: hope, light a call for wonder 18. The Moon: that which is unknown, mysteries, can mean gossup and secrets kept from the quarrent 19. The Sun: victory, accomplishment 20. Judgement: I think that is self explanitory 21. The universe: melding, being at one with your surroundings, happiness Now the major arcanna can be viewed as the story of the evolution towards an enlightened exsistance and the steps taken toward it, starting at the beginging with the fool who starts the journey in innocence toward learning the ways of the magi, establishing connections of intuition, ect ect taking on all the charactoristics of the major arcana arcan means 'secret' Minor Arcana there are four suits each representing an elements Wands/rods/spears there is some debate as to wether wands is conected with fire or with air, to me wands have always been associated with the element of air and therefore carries the same charactoristics such as inspiration, ideas, new projects I describe an air element person as being a philosopher type who can be a bit flighty rushing from here to there with a lot of eccatic energy. Ace: heralds the beginnng of the suit and all of its positive qualities. So with the ace of wands we have new ideas, a new opportunity for business or learnin experiances Two of Spears: this is a best friends card, a person you share all of your feelings and or time with.Some one who introduces new conceptsand ideas to you Three of Spears: on display, the examination of a person or situation by carefull scruteny Four of Sears: a call for celebration Five of Spears: a need to go out of the usuall relm of experiance to find new and sometimes unusual answers to problams and questions Six of Spears: a retun to a phase or to a place, comming to the same concluios or repeating a patern Seven of Spears: A personal construct to remind oneself of ones past failings or where one had gone wrong Eight of Spears: this is the white heart and to me its always been a spiritual symbol to lead the way out of a difficult situation or out of the darkness Nine of Spears: a break down, losses cofustion 10 of Spears: A mental challenge, a quest Court Cards: they usually represent people in the quarrets life. Pages are children or chid like in nature. Knights are usually in thier teens to early 20's. Queens -women, Kings- men : a Knights- I have always noticed that the peope knights represent are double edged, they have wonerful qualities and equally annoying qualities about them and they are usually quite immature Page of Spears.message or a child something new comming in dealing with the attributes of the suit Knight of Wands: Very flighty changes his mind a lot, contradicts himself with out realising it , indecisive yet determind wants things to happen yet get stuck in one place waiting for it to, philisophical and can't quite see reality past inner thoughts, very forgefull. Cant stay in one place too long. Uses purple prose (pretty langueage) Queen of Wands: A woman of thought, who is artistically inclned. Again flighty, chanes her mind quite frequently. Understands responsibility learned the hard way. Imaginitive, whistfull, quiet, distracted. King of Spears: A wisend older man, who has many experiances to share. Swords represents to me fire; knowledge learned esp from books, agittation, difficuties, inteligance, conflict Ace of Swords:This is an incidant waiting to happen, a trap, be wary of the preasant situation be cautious and use all of your intelect Two of Swords: unavoidable argument, you cant get away from it , it will find you , the best you can do is be preparred for it. Three of Swords: regrett, making the wrong decision and acting on selfish desires with out keeping others feelings in mind Four of Swords: Healing after a painful event Five of Swords: realization of wrong, suffering through pentance guilt Six of Swords: this card always tells me that its time for the quarrent to dosome research one way or another, or go on a meditative journy to anwn, there are things to figure out and learn from. Seven of Swords: A difficult task, it can be accomplished through hard work. Eight of Swords: Trapped in a very detrimntal situation. Nine of Swords: depression, sadness, sorrow Ten of Swords: lots of arguments possible physical fighting, destruction. Page of Swords:be vary wary of this person, very manipulative, very inteligant and very self serving Knight of Swords: runs from problams a lot, but also causes many of his own. Argumentative, good debatist, contraicts himself and it doesn't matter because no matter what he is right. Instigates Queen of Swords: Cunnign woman. the type you don't want to cross, she can manipulate, but not always in a negitive way, she can make any situation work for her, very formidable woman. The type you do NOT want to cross and is good to be friends with. King of Swords: I very much agree w/the book meaning of this card, however you need to be aware that strif is not far behind this man, he is fascinating, intelligant, he plays to win and for keeps. Doesn't alwys follow the norm of what is accepted, a leader. Cups- emotions, love, relationships, partnerships. Water element. Fluid, can be violent and soothing, calming and destructive. Ace of Cups: New partnerships, relationships of all kinds from business to romance. Two of Cups: physical love, busines partnerships, romance. Three of Cups: restfull, peacfull situation mayby on a spirital level Four of Cups: emotions are wanning, you are not appreaciating or appreciated in the company you keep or the situation you are in Five of Cups: unsatisfactory relationship. A is longing for C. B is longing for A who knows what C is up to , but the point here is one sided love. Six of Cups: A situation to bear healing, being protected and watched over. Seven of Cups: Yearning, questing, feeling a lone and misunderstood. Eight: procede with caution. Nine of Cups: healing through love Ten of Cups: Emotional fufillment, happiness Page of Cups: Bringer of some info, wisedome Knight of Cups: a bit sad, can be a manipulator, can't give/reciprocate, doesn't take things of others seriously but is moodey and quick to take offence, eotional. Queen of Cups: Emotional, giving, loving woman, tends to h ave moodswings. Understanding and careing King of Cups: same as above in the male aspect Pentacles/disks/shields--income, money, job, business, marketable skills. Earth, stability, grounding. Ace of Pentacles: new employment, a new challenge promotion ect ect Two of P: an in between place, you are ok, but not satisfyed with the sate of things, you have a choice though Three of P: Skill, work in order to distract onself from ones problams,,, immersion in work Four of P: things not comming to fruitation, big planes but no motivation to get them done. It may not even be motivation, but things are not getting. Five of P: very hard times, low income Six of P: offers , but be carefull they may go against your morals and ideals Sevenof P: illusion, something looks better than it is, or you are just deceaving your self. Eight of P: skilled at proffession Nine of P: to me this has nothing to do w/the suit that its in. When it shows up in readings I have done it denotes a person has a low self immage. It can also mean that the answer to what ever being asked should be left up to the other party involved Ten of P: Success, celebration Page of P: a person who has the talent to do the best with what he has, or can find Knight of P: he is searching for something, not much direction, he can't save money and doesn't usually keep a job for very long King of P: This man has his stuff together. He takes care of business
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Quick Tarot
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