Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ganapati Ganapath

Ganesh is prayed to first, at the begining of the day, and all other endevors, there is a lovely lecture I have heard
to sum up, it is to remember to pray to god. Ganapati is the remover of obsticles, the wise, the opener of ways.

Gananam tva Ganapati gum Havamahe
Kavim Kavinam Upamasra vastamam
Jyestharajam Brahmanam Brahmanaspat aana
Srnvan nuti bhissi dasadanam
Aum MahaGanapatayai Namaha

May we worship Ganapati, the Protector of Noble People
The best Poet, the Most Honourable,
The Greatest Ruler and the treasure of all knowledge
O Ganapati, please listen to us and take your seat in our heart.
I bow to the great Ganapati

To remove obsticles:
Aum Gam Ganapatayai Namaha

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