The mineral has suffered the scission from the cause
the plant has suffered the neral
the animal has suffered the the plant
man has suffered the animal
cosmic man will have suffered humanity
Vital suffering is consciousness undergoing the process of surpassing
itself. Genisis is the expansion of Consciousness.
Believeing, learning andknowing are the 3 gates of entry into the temple
Nothing is more vain than being concerned withthe historical aspect of
If this way of speaking about knowledge no longer corrisponds to the
requirements of consciousness today it is not at all certain that it
had more purpose to past humaity, which is alleged to have been more
infantile; demanding immages and abjectifialbe in conformity with its
childish condition..... if this way of presenting knowledge , making
it enchanting through miracles did not on the contrary keep humaity at
an infirior level, if it did not make humanity stupid, insted of
raising it up as the revelation of the redeeming Divine Power should
and could have.
The gestation of christian revelation has been interrupted
historicims leads to idolity -- to true paganism and to the revolt of
those consciousness who apire to light.
the diophantine trigangle 2:4:5 demonstrates symbol.. and evokes a
function that is universal and infavriable it is through this that its
sacred... not as a geometric figure.
The universe is nothing but consciousness and in its apprearance
nothing but an evolution of consciousness from beginning to end, the
end being a return to its cause.
Psychological consciousness misleads us. It generates preconceptionas
by the very fact of the limits of our preconceptions, not because this
perception is limited in itself, but because we cerebrally frame it
into an intellectual deffinition.
... we are limited because of this ... proof of this is given when the
cerebral presance is asleep and the sensetivity awake as in the state
of hypnoses or somnambulism.
By putrefaction, any substance, plant or animal, is reduced to two
separable states, one volatile and the other a fixed sesidue. The
latter, when dried contains an alkaline salt.
Similarly, but more violently, combustion divides all plant and
organic substances into volatile parts, with a residue of ash
containing a fixed, alkaline salt. "Man thou art ash andunto ash thou
salt return." All things are therefore essentially composed of a
volatile part and a fixed part, a principle of generation that
pharaonic theology, for example, summarizes in its teachings on ba and ka.
it goes on....
Consequently, transformations can only be achieved by and for the same
individual, in individual who, durring his lifetime, has undergone a
deep modification of his being. He must reincarnate because his seed
can not transmit these new characteristics to another being. Ignorance
of this fact makes it impossible to establish a definitive law of
(the above makes sence, but I didnt feel like typing out the
'connecting' paragraphs)
chomasomes now... and chemistry for the next two paragraphs.... I dont
even know how to begin to take notes for this stuff....
I will just type the things that strike me as neet.
For a "reincarnation" to occur, the fixing nucleus of an individual's
psyche must be joined witht he organic nucleus of a cell seed. Of
itself, the fixed nucleus can not engedger a new organized being, it
cannot move backward in the evolutionary lineage to start the whole
cycle that leads to organic life. A kinship between the two nuclei the
fixed mineral nucleus and the animal or plant cellular nucleus, is
indispensable, and metampsychosis is the history of the reincarnations
of this fixed nucleus in search of the living being that corrisponds
to its own rhythm.
he then talks about the above in concordance w/kmt and cambodian
ohh now he is talking about cells and the diff btwn animal and plant
cells and what they are made of....
interesting "gene mutationis, in reality, a continuous sequence in the
evolution of consciousness"
oh this was on pages 34 and 35
OMG now he is talking about nuclear science and where it all fits in.
He now discusses the "Hermetic Thesis"
atoms, the universe.....energetic tension.... he just goes all over
the place....
The insect kindome belongs to the Duat *giggle*
more nuclear science
All the efforts causing these changes make up the 'suffering' imposed
upon the individual; it is suffering that causes the widening of
splitting atoms.....
Evolution summarizes all adaptations and transmutations. It manifests
through a progressive organization, expressive of specificity or
speed of light and einstein stuff
quantitive valuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuues
The solar system becomes a lifing being if we disregard the only
concept we hae of it, which is machanical. It is this living whole
that is reffered to in the sevenfold planetary system, similar to the
sevenfold system of sound and of vibrations in general. The sevenfold
pirnciple is, moreover found in the electronic layrs of the atom.
By summarizing these irreducible magnitudes - movement, time and space
or path - under the magnitude that is "speed" then speed applied to a
mass or quantity becomes force. Force annihilated by an obstacle
apprears as energy. But this energy it itself only movement--or speed
of molecules and atoms --- and it appears as heat, electricity, or
light; light is a return on to the original energy that produces
movement. In this lower cycle (mass, energy, and force as irreducible
magnituedes) mass turns out to be a body in motion. The Ancients would
say that mass or quantity is not the basic element of this
interaction, but on the contrary, it is the final result. The
original, active principle finds its resistance and reaction in its
own nature (foot note) and does not constitute a lower group of
force-energy-mass; but conversely, it is the original, creative
function that is genesis, or time and its sequence of phases that is
"movement" and volume is the "thing'" and the "mass".
Footnote: This is the Original Mystery, the Heliopolitan theme. [see
Lucie Lamy, Egyptian Mysteries: New Light on Ancient Knowledge, thames
and hudson 1981]
In summery: All specifications, which are the states of consciousness
aquired during the human ontonogeny, from the beginning of genesis to
the present finality, place man in a relation of consciousness
(although cerebreally unconscious) with the Unviverse. Because man is,
in principle, the final term of all genesis (as present man he is
still in a state of genesis moving toward the absolute end), the whol
Universe appeart to him to be populated by residual terms, but to
which his innate consciousness is vitally related. His mind --his
cerebral or psychological consciousness- consists of an
objectification, a type of external projection of this innate
consciousness that reveals time to him, time being being the function
of genesis, as a relative measure of duration, and it creats for him
the illusion of movement by means of the succession of the phases with
in this genesis. THe specificity of the phases is what distinguishes
them and provides the mental illusion of the object. Exotericism, tha
tis to say, the objective mental appearance, should serve as a guide
for thought, but on the condition that it consider only the vital
reality to be the philosophical magnitude that an object symbolizes.
These philosophical magnitudes are metaphysical forces, or ntru, that
act, resist or react.
This discussion leads us to the definition of the Original Mystery.
Are we dealing here with a supposition a line of reasoning, tha tis,
with speculation? The answer to this question would lead us deeper
into Hermetic philosophy, to which a onsiderable amount of pharaonic
evidence points us.
more about physics and the break down of atoms
some biology stuff
ohh here he quotes A Dialogue between Mayr and Aros of which he
showes the simalaraty with the hall of birth in Luxor and the later of
Amun's barqu in the neos of Alexandar, and the fifth key of the Twelve
keys of Basil Valentine.
It is difficult to speak of fortuitous coincidences when through
millennia one find the same images used to designate these
abstractions. One is very much tempted to see here a science rather
than pure speculation, a secred and sared science that tends to show
what words cannot convey.
discusses tonality, ect with creation.. and volume and genisis......
such are the two positions of consciousness: absolute consciousness
and consiouxness of sconsciousness, which develops untill the cerebral
instrument is formed.
No traditional text speaks of evolution as it is understood in the
west. Our evolutionary theories arise from purely exoteric
observations of vital phenomena, from the justaposition of various
individuals whose kindhsip we want to establish on a material basis:
adaptation to the enviornment, trasformation by heredity, and finnally
gene mutation. Mutation is also only an observation, and it explains
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