Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Symbol and the Symbolic

Symbol and the Symbolic
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz
(this is acutally from the foreward written by Robert Lawlor)
pg 13

In civilizations such as ancient Egypt, what we in our present
presumptusousness call ''primitive animal worship'' was not a worship
of the animal itself, but a consecration made to the vital fucntion
which any animal particularly incarnates. It was not, in reality, a
worship; it was a meditation used to support and clarify an essential
function of nature, that is to say, a Ntr, a god. The Egyptians saw
the jackal as incarnating certain characteristics, functions and
processes of universal Nature. The jackal is an animal which tears the
flesh of its pry into pieces, which it buries and does not eat untill
they rot. From this real, observed behavior, it becomes a symbol for
both a metaphysical and physical process: digestion. Digestion is one
of a number of universal processes which all forms born into nature
must undergo (others include growth, assimilation, coagulation,
decomposition, transformation). Egyptian wisdom teaches us that no
being or form can begin the processes leading to rebirth before its
form or bodily envelope has disintergrated. The jackal headed Ntr
[Anpu] Anubis, is always pictured leading the soul oof the deceased
into the first stages of the lower realms of the dwat or world of
transformations [also reffered to as the underworld] In mumification,
the organs of the deceased were removed, dehydraged, and placed in
urns. The urn holding the intestines had a jackal drawn oon it. The
intestine also serves the function of digesting food already broken
down in the stomach. The jackal also transforms putrified flesh into
life giving nourishment. "What would be poisonous for almost all of
ther creatures in in him becomes an element of life through a
transformation of elements which are bringing about this decomposition
[Isha Schwaller de Lubicz]

The jackal is also the symbol of judment: it is called The Judge
because, in eating, it performs a precise, innate discrimintation,
seperating out the elements capeable of transformation and future
evolution from the eleemts that are untransutable within thier present

Digestion is a destructive process: it is an analysis, a breakdown of
material forms into thier constituent eleemts. Our analytically
directed minds are 'jackal' in function. Not only do we analyze our
society as it undergoes a decomposition, but our analyzing, separating
mentality is the force that is destroying it. We are disinegrating not
only the atoms of matter, but our social institutions, the very
characteristics of our own psychological makeup and physical well
being, and other forms, such as religion and spriitual teachings from
many cultures. But perhaps we are performing this seeming desecration
in harmony with the laws of nature, wherby the death of the old gives
life to the new. The jackal, however knows innately that the
destructive analysis must be arrested at just the right moment. he
must dig up the morsels, or else these pieces of flesh --or these
phases in the collective life of humanity -- may pass into an
indigestible, untransmuted state of disassociation or chaos; then the
possiblitiy of a cycleic rebirth in a continuity from death to new
life could be lost. The Egyptian sage would tell us that we must
worship (as defined previously in this article) the jackal fucktion in
us and find out from it, through identification, the precise timing
and laws applicable in the delicate process of the transmutation of
our epoch.

yeah so meditate on Anpu and all that for about a week... keep a
record in a journal or just email the experiances to me .... I of
course will be joining you in this endevor. If you want me to email
you my experiances w/it let me know and I will.

Brain research reveals that musical ability seems also to be located
in the right hemisphere, particularly the recognition and recall of
tone, harmony and melody. These musical aptitudes involve auditory
pattern recognition of a holistic and often simultaneous nature, very
different from the analytical and verbal process which are located
exclusively in the left hemisphere. The separation of the visual and
verbal from the sonar and intuitive has deep implications in defining
the difference between esoteric and exoteric knowledge.

Robert Ornstein of the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute has
suggested that during our recent evolution the intuitive, non verbal
sensitivity of the right hemisphere has been obscured by the surge of
active development in the left, analytical hemisphere. He claims that
this imbalance in intracortical representation and communication might
be considered a rudimentary cause for the conflicts, disorders and
discrepancies which presently pervade our intellectual and social life.

This bears thinking about.... my line of thinking would be....so much
could be solved if people understood the importance of correct
recitation of mantras and sutras. Esp those in sanskrit, as it is a
vibrational/harmonic language. I can't even begin to recall how many
conversations I have been in where someone says that language and
proper pronunciation have no bearing.

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