orriginally I attempted to match the english translation w/the kmt
word, but I don't have a translation that does that. After comparing
mr wilkinsons list I see that it is not coencidant w/my faukner one...
which I have three of his translations one of which has the kmt terms.
mr wilkinson does not specify which version/papyrus/pyramid text this
particular list is comprised of. Some lists have differant orders for
the Assessors, and some take out and put differant ones in. So,
according to faukner this is not from the papyrus of Ani. or maybe the
german translation that wikenson cites for his rescourse for this
materieal is just a bit differant I dunno.... So here is the list of
Assessors and the crimes they assess according to wilkinson.
If you want more info regarding the Assessors I have four or five
versions of the Negitive Confession/ 42 Tennants of Ma'at in the files
section under wisdom text.
01. Far Srider - falsehood
02. fire embracer - robbery
03. Nosey - rapaciousness
04. Swallower of shades - stealing
05. dangerous one - murder
06. Double lion - destruction of food
07. Fiery Eyes - crookedness
08. Flame - stealing offerings
09. Bone breaker - lying
10. Green of Flame- taking food
11. You of the Cavern - sullenness
12. White of Teeth - transgression
13. Blood eater - killing a sacred bull
14. eater of entrails -perjury
15. Lord of truth - stealing bread
16. Wanderer - eavesdropping
17. Pale one - babbling
18. Doubly Evil - disputing
19. Wememy snake - homosexuality
20. see whom you bring - misbehavior
21. Over the Old One - terrorizing
22. Demolisher - transgressing
23. Disturber - being hot tempered
24. youth - unhearing of truth
25. foretelling - making a disturbance
26. you of the altat - hoodwinking
27. Face behind him - copulating w/a boy
28. hot foot - neglect
29. You of the darkness - quarrelling
30. Binger of your offering - unduly active
31. Owner of Faces - impatience
32. Accuser - damaging a gods image
33. Owner of horns - volubility of speach
34. Nefertem - wrongdoing, beholding evil
35. Temsep - conjuration against the king
36. you who acted willfully - wading in water
37. water smiter - being loud voiced
38. commander of mankind - reviling god
39. bestower of good -
(no i didnt forget to type it,,,, mr wilkenson didnt provide the info)
40. bestower of powers - making distinctions for your self
41. serpant with raised head - dishonest wealth
42. serpent who brings and gives - blasphemy
of course next would be the Nome dieties, but it seems mr wilkenson
just put the ntrs that were popular to each Nome insted of specifying
the particular guardian ntr of that nome, that info can be found in
either of ms rosemary clarks books.
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