Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hekau, Maat and wisdom text

Words. Djehuti gave mankind speach, and language. Ma'at gave us order. Therefore speach is sacred. In looking at the Negitive confession and various wisedom text we are showered with the impact of this as quite a bit deals with apropriate speach. It is very simalar to the differances between english and vedic. As english words and symbols (ie the alphabet) impose on us a definitive idea. Hyroglyphs provide us with the symbol and it is up to our spiritual evolution to determine its essance. As vedic is vibrational (symbolic) so is Hekau. (rowan : expound) For a deeper understanding I sudgest reading the symbol and the symbolic by de lubicz.

Ma'at and the Wisedom Text
The priests were the servents to the Ntr. They performed ritual celebratory of Ntr. In order to do this the preasts must be pure in spirit, mind and body. There were cleansing rituals for the body including specific kinds of fasting. Three days before their particular temple rotation (the priests were allowed to mary and have families) they performed a three day fast. No meat or dairy, usually raw foods. They drank a certain mixture that had a two part ........... it detoxed the system and provided daily nutrients. As for the soul, my first Kemit teacher informed me that the priests of her denomination still practice the recitation of the Tenants of Ma'at. Apon rising and before retiering one should recite the 42 tennants of Ma'at. Also the priests were expected to engage in appropriate behavior and I, as did they hand copied not only the 42 tennants but various wisedom text as well. In closing, in order to perform ritual/ magic and glorifications of the Ntr one must understand how to behave in a way pleasing to the Ntr.

"Do not rais your voice in the god's house, he abhors loud speach.
Pray alone with a loving heart, safeguard your words.
he will grant your needs, he will accept your offerings.
Offer to your deity, do not offend his presence.
Do not question his forms, do not make demands when he appears,
Do not become disorderly in his procession or interupt theoracles.
He gives power in a million forms.
The one who magnifies him is magnified.
The god of this earth is the Sun in the sky,
While his images are on Earth.
Offer them daily incesnse as food,
And the lord of risings will be satisfied
---Instruction of Ani, Dynasty 18"

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