Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Instruction of Duauf

is all about how one should be a scribe.

The Instruction of King Amenemhet.

The king Amenemhet (1955 - 1965 bc), in the 20th year of his reign,
made his son Sesostris I co-regent and withdrew from the outward
activities of political life. This document represents the aged king
as recounting to his son on this occasion, by way of admonishment, the
events wich induced him to take this step; he had preaped
ingratituded, and an attempt had been made on his life.

Instruction which the majexty of King Sehetepibre, the son of Re,
Amenemhet , made, speaking in a message of truth to his son, the Lord
of All.

He said: You have appeared as God, listen to what I say to you, that
you may be king over the lands and ruler over the river banks, that
you you may do good in excess of what is looked for. Be on you guard
against subordinates; do not approach them, and do not be alone. Do
not trust a brother, do not trust 'friends' and do not get to close to
people, this does not profit you.

If you sleep, guard your heart, in this day of advisary no man shall
have adhearents. I give to the poor and nourished the orphan, I cause
him that was nothing to reach the goal, even as him that was of account.

It was he who ate my food that distained me; it was he to whom I gave
my hand that aroused fear therewith. They that clothed them in my fine
linen looked at me as at a shadow and they that anointed them with my
myrrh, pured water.

Mine images are among the living, and my shares (in the offerings)
among men and yet they contrived a conspiracy against me, without it
being heard, and a great contest, with out it being seen. Men fought
on the place of combat and forgot yesterday. Good fortun attends not
one that knows not when he ought to know.

It was after supper, when night had come; I had taken an hour of
repose, and laid me down upon my bed. I was weary, and mmy heart began
to follow after slumber. Then it was as if weapons were branshaded and
as if one inquired, concerning me and I became like a snake of the desert.

I roused me, to fight alone, and I marked that it was a hand to hand
affray of the bodyguard. When I had quicky taken weapons into my hand,
I drove back the rogues. But there is no strenth by night, and one can
not fight along and success will not come without the one who
protected me.

Behold, the abominable thing came to pass when I was without you, when
the Court had not yet heard that I am resigning the soverign power to
you , when I did not yet dwell on you. May I act according to your
counsels, for I fear them no more and I am powerless against the
indolence of servants.

Had the women set the battle in array? Had the conflict been forstered
within the house? Were the townsmen made foolish on account of thir
deeds. Ill fortune has not come behind me since my birth and nothing
happened that might equal my prowess as a doer of valiant deeds.

I trod Elephantin, I marched into the Delta; I stood upon the
boundaries of the land and behld its circuit. I carried foreward the
coundaries of my power by my might and my prowess.

I was one that produced barley and loved the corn god, the nile
greeted me on every .... None hungered in my years, none thirsted in
them. Men dwelt in peace through that which I wroght and talked of me;
all that I comanded was as it should be.

I tamed lions and captured corcodiles. I ..... the wawa and captured
the Matoi; I caused the Bedouins to go as dogs. I build a house
adorned with gold; itscealings are of lapis lazuli.... its floor is
... the doors are of copper and the bolts of bronze, they are made for
endless time and teternity is afraid of them.

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