Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Teachings of Amenemope

Give thine ears, hear what is said
\Give thy mind to interperate them
To put them in your heart is benificial.
It is deteimental for him who neglects them
Let them rest in the casket of your belly
That they may be a part in thier heart
Even when there is a whirlwind of words
they shall be a mooring stake, for your tongue
if you spend yourlifetime whila this is in your heart
you will find success
you will find my words a treasurey of life
your body will porsper apon earth

Guard yourself against robbing the wretched
and again being not puissant over the man of broken arm
do not repel an old man
nor anticipate the aged
do not let yourself be sent on a wicked mission
nor love one who has performed it
do not cry out against one who has been injured
nor answer back to justify yourself
he who does evil, the river bank abandons him
and his flooded land will carry him away
the nonrth wind will come down so that it may end his hour
it is united to the tempest
the thunder is loud and the crockodile evil
o hot head what is your condition
he is crying out his voice to heaven
o moon arraign his crime
steer that we may ferry the wicked man accross
for we shall not act like them
lift him up, give him your hand
lift him in the hands of the god
fill his belly with breat that you have
so taht he may be sated and may cast down his eyes

do not get into a quarell with the argumentative man, nor incite him
with words
proceed cautiously before an opponent
and give way to an advisary
sleep on it before speaking
for a storm will come forth like fire in hey
the hot winded man is his appointed time
may you be restrained before him
leave him to himself
and ntr will know to answer him
if you spend your life with these things in your heart
your children shall behold them

as for the hot headed man in a temmple
he is like a tree growing in an enclosed place
a moment complet; its loss of foilage
its end is reached in the makherma
it is sunk far from its place
the flame is its burial shroud
the truely silent man, he withdrew himself apart
he is like a tree growing in a pot
it grows given and doubled its yeald
it is before its lord
its fruit is sweet; its shade is pleasent
its end ireached in the grove.


Do not take by violence the shares of the temple,
do not be grasping, you you will find overabundance;
do not take away a temple servant
in order to acquire the property of another man.
Do not say today is the same as tomorrow,
or how will matters come to pass?
When tomorrow comes, today is past;
The deep waters sink fromt he canal bank,
crocodiles are uncovered, the hippopotamuses are on dry land,
and the fishes gasping for air;
the wolves are fat, wild fowl in festival and the nets are drained.

Every temperate man in the temple says,
Great is the benevolence of Ra.
Fill yourself with silence, you will find life,
and you body shall flourish upon earth.

Do not displace the surveyor's marker ont he boundaries of hte arable
nor alter the position of the measuring line;
do not be greedy for a plot of land,
nor overturn the boundaries of a widow.

As fo rthe road in the field worn down by time,
he who takes it violently for fields,
if he traps by deceptive attestations,
will be lassoed by the might of the moon.

To one who has done this on earth, pay attention,
for he is a weak enemy;
he is an enemy overturned inside himself;
life is taken from his eye;
his household is hotile to the comunity,
his storerooms are toppled over,
his property taken from his children,
and to someone else his possessions given.

Take care not to topple over the boundary marks of the arable land,
not fearing that you will be brought to court;
man propitiates God by the might of the Lord
when he sets straight the boundaries of the arable land.

Desire then, to make yoursefle prosper,
and take care of the Lord of All;
do not trample on the furrow of someone else,
thier good order will be profitable for you.

So plough the fields, and you will find whatever you need,
and receive the bread from your own threshing floor:
Better is the bushel which god gives you
than five thousand deceitfully gotten;
they do not spend a day in the storehouse or warehouse,
they are no use fo r dough for beer,
their stay in the granary is short-lived,
when morning comes they will be swept away.
Better then, is poverty in the hand of god
than riches in the storehouse;
better is bread when the mind is at ease
then riches with anxiety.

ch 7

Do not set your heart upon seeking riches,
for there is no one who can ignore destiny and fortune;
do not set your thought s on external matters;
for everyo man there is his appointed time.

Do not exet yourself to seek out excess
and your wealth will prosper for you;
if riches come to you by theft
they will not spend the night with you
as soon as day breaks they will not be in your household;
although thier places can be seen, they are not there

when the earth opens up its mouth, it levels him and swallows him up
and it drowns him in the deep
they have made for themselves a great hold which suits them
and they have sunk themselves in the tomb;
or they have made themselves wings like geese
and they fly up to the sky.
Do not be pleased with your self because of riches acquired through
neither complain about poverty
if an officer commands on who goes in front of him
his company leaves him
the boat of the covetous is abandond the mud
whial the skiff of the truly temperate man sails on
when he rises you shall offer to the aten
saying grant me prosperity and health
and he will give you your necessities for life
and you will be safe from fear.


Set your good deeds throught the world
that you may greet everyone;
they make rejoicing for Uraeus
and spit against the Apep
Keep your tongue safe from words of detraction
and you will be the loved one of the people
then you will find your place with in the temple and your offerings
amon the bread deliveries of your lord;
you will be revered,, when you are concealed your grave and be safe
from the might of god.

do not accuse a man
when the news of an escape is conealed
if you hear something good or bad
say it outside where it is not heard
set a good report on your tongue
while the bad thing is covered up inside you.

(this looks way to much like the art of war, I wonder if I got confused somewhere)

Some terrain is easily passable, in some you get hung up, some makes
for a standoff, some is narrow, some is steep some is wide open.
When both sides can come and go, the terrain is said to be easily
passable. When the terrain is easily passable, take up your position
first, choosing the high and sunny side, convenient to supply routs,
for advantage in battle.
When you can go but have a hard time getting back, you are said to
be hung up. On this type of terrain, if the ipponent is unprepared,
you will prevail if you go forth, but if the enemy is prepared, if you
go forth and do not prevail, you will have a hard time getting back,
to your disadvantage.
When it is disadvantageous for either side to go forth, it is
called standoff terrain. On standoff terrain, even though the opponent
offers you an advantage, you do not go for it ---you withdrao,
inducing the enemy half out, and then you attack, to your advantage.
On narrow terrain, if you are there first, you should fill it up to
await the opponent. If the opponent is there first, do not pursue if
the opponent fills the narrows. Pursue of the opponent does not fill
the narrows.
On steep terrain, if you are there first, you should occupy the
gigh and sunny side to await the opponent. IF the opponent is there
first, withdraw from there and do not pursue.
On wide open terrain, the force of momentum is qualized, and it is
hard to make a challenge, disadvantageous to fight.
Understanding these six kinds of terrain is the highest
responsiblity of the general, and it is imperative to examine them.

So among military forces there are those who rush, those who tarry,
those who fall, those who crumble, those who riot, and those who get
beaten. These are not natural disasters, but faults of the generals.
Those who have equal momentum but strike ten with one are in a
rush. Those whose soldiers are strong but whose officers are weak
tarry. Those whose officers are strong but whose soldiers are weak
fall. When colonels are angry and obstreperous and fight on thier own
out of spite when they meet opponents, and the generals do not know
thier abilities, they crumble.

When the generals are weak and alck authority, instructions are not
clear. officers and soldiers lack When the generals cannot assess
opponents, clash with much greater numbers or more powerful forces,
and do not sort out the levels of skill among thier own troops, these
are the ones who get beaten.

These six are ways to defeat. Understanding this is the ultimate
responsibility of the generals; they must be examined.

The contour of the land is an aid to an army; sizing up opponents to
determine ictory, assessing dangers and distances, is the proper
course of action for military leaders. Those who do battle knowing
these will win, those who do battle without knowing these will lose.

Therefore, when the laws of war indicated certain vicotry it is surely
appropriate to do battle, even if the government says there is to be
no battle. If the laws of war do not indicate victory, it is
appropriate not to do battle, even if the government orders war. Thus
one advances without seeking glory, retreats without avoiding blame,
only protecting people, to the benefit of the government as well, thus
rendering valuable service to the nation.

Look upon your soliers as you do infants, and they willingly go into
deep valleys with you; look upon your soldiers as beloved children,
and they willingly die with you.

If you are so nice to them that you cannot employ them, so kind to
them that you cannot command them, so casual with them that you cannot
establish order, they are like spoiled children, useless.

If you know your soldires are capable of striking, but do not know
whether the eneemy is invulnerable to a strike, you have half a chance
of winning. If you know the eneemby is vulnerable to a strike, but do
not know if you r soldiers are incapable of making such a strike you
have half a chance of winning. If you know the enemy is vulnerable to
a strike, but do not know if your soldires can make the strike, but do
not know if hte lay of the land makes it unsuitable for battle you
have half a chance of winning.

Therefore those who know martial arts do not waner when they move, and
do not become exhausted when they rise up. So it is said that when you
know yourself and others, victory is not in danger; when you know sky
and earth, victory is inexhaustible.

Do not covet the property of an official
and do not fill your mouth with too much food extravagantly
if he sets you to manage his property
respect his and yoru s will prosper

do not deal with the intemperate man
nor associate yourself to a disloyal party

if you are sent to transport straw,
prespect its account
if a man is detected in a dhishonest transation
never again will he be employed

ch 13
Do not lead a man astray reed pen or papyrus document
it is the abomination of god
do not witness a false statement
nor remove a man from the l ist by your order
do not enroll someone who has nothing
no make your pen be false
if you find a lage debt against a poor man,
make it into three parts
releasee two fo them and let one remain
you will find it a path of life
you will pass the night in sound sleep ; in the morning
you will find it like good news

better it is to be praised as one loved by men
than wealth in the storehouse;
better is bread when the mind is at ease
than riches with troubles

ch 14
do not pay attention to a preson
nor exert yourself to seek out his hand
if he says to you 'take a bribe'
it is not an insignificant matter to eed him;
do not avert your glance from him, nor bend down your head
nor turn aside your gaze
address him with your words and say to him greetings;
when he stops your chance will come
do not repel him at his first approach
another time he will be braught to judgement

ch 15
do well andd you will attain influence
do not dip your reed against the one who sins
the break of the ibis is the finger of the scribe
take care not to disturb it
the ape (djehuti)rests in the temple of khmun
while his eye travles around the two lands
if he sees one who sins with his finger (a scribe)
he takes away his provisions by the flood
as for a scribe who sins w/his finger
his son shall not be enrolled

if you spend your life with these things in your heart
your children shall see them

Do not unbalace the scale nor make the weights false
nor diminish the fractions of the grain measure
do not wishs for the grain measures of the fields
and then cast aside those of the treasury
the ape sits by the balance
while his heart is the plummet
where is a god as great as Djehuti
the one who discovered these things, to create them?

do not get for yourself short weights
they are plentiful, yea and army by the might of god
if you see someone cheating
at a distance you must pass him by
do not be avaricious for copper
and abjure fine clothes
what is good is one cloaked in fine linen woven as mek
when he cheats before god
when gold is heaped apon gold
at daybreak it turns to lead.

Do not unbalbace the scale nor make the weights false,
nor diminish the fractions of the grain measure
do not wish for the grain measures of the fields
and then cast aside those of the treasury
the ape sits by the balance
while his heart is the plummet
where is a god as great as Djehuti
the one who discovered these things, to create them

do not get for yourself short weights
they are plentiful, yea an army by themight of god
if you see somemone cheating
at a distance you must pass him by

do not be avaricious for copper
and abjure fine clothes
what godd is one cloaked in fine linen woven as mek
when he cheats before god
when gold is heaped upon gold
at daybreak it turnes to lead

17 Beware of robbing the grain measure
to falsify its fractions
do not act wrongfully through force
although it is empty inside
may you have it measure exactly as to its size
your hand stretching out with precision
make not for yourself a measure of two capacities for then it is
toward the depths that you will go
the measure is the eye of Ra
its abomination is the one who takes
as for a grain measurer who multiplies and subtracts
his eye will seal up against him

do not receive the harvest tax of a cultivator
nor bind up a papyrus against him to lead him astray
do not enter into collusion with the grain measurer
Nor play with the seed allotment
more impportant is the threshing floor for barley
than swearing by the Great Throne.


do not go to bed fearing tomorrow
for when day breaks what is tomorow
Man knows not what tomorrow is
God is success
man is failure
the words which meen say pass on one side
the things which god does pass on another side

do not say I am with out fault
Nort try to seek out trouble
Fault is the business of God
it is locked up with his seal
There is no success in the hand of god
Nor is there failure before him
If he turns himself about to seek out success in a moment he destroys him

Be strong in your heart, make your mind firm
do not steer with your tongue
the tongue of a man is the sterring oar of a boat
and the lord of All is its pilot


Do not enter the council chamber in the presence of a magistrate
and then falsify your speech
do not go up and down with your accusation
when you witness stand readied
do not overstate oaths in the name of your Lord
pleas the place of questioning

tell the truth before the magistrate
lest he gain power over your body
if you come before him the next day
he will concur with all you say
he will present your case court before the council of the thirty
and it will be lenient another time as well

Do not corrupt the people of the law court
nor put aside the just man
do not agree because of garments of white
no accept one in rags
take not the gift of the strong man
nor repress teh weak for him
justice is a wonderful gift of god
and he will render it to whomever he wishes
the strength of one like him
saves a poor wretch from his

do not make false enrollment lists
for they are a serious affair deserving death
they are serious oaths of the kind promising not to misuse an office
and they are to be investigated by an informer

do not falsify the oracles on a papyrus
and therby alter the designs of god
do not arrogate to yourself the might of god
as if destiny and fortune did not exsist
hand property over to its rightful owners
and seek out life for yourself
let not your heart build in thier house
for then your neck will be on the exicution block


Do Not say I have found a strong protector
and now I can challenge a man in my town
Do Not say I have found an active intercessor
and now I can challenge him whom I hate

(yeah do that shit yourself)

Indeed you cannot know the plans of God
You cannot perceive tomorow
sit yourself at the hands of God
Your tranuility will cause them to open

(you see, God sent me... and I will have to take care of this for
you... as because you are the above that means you EXPECT the me
version of god to deal w/all your bs.)

as for the crocodile deprived of his tongue
(I ate it)
the fear of him is neglisgible
(fear is the mindkiller... it says so in dune !)
Empty not your soul to everybody
(how gross)
and do not diminish thereby your importance
(wait just a min... most people dont even begin to comprehend or
fathom how utterly important I am)
do not circulate your words to others
(aren't I doing that rt now?)
nor fraternise with one who is too candid

better is a man whose knowledge is inside him
than one who talks to disadvantage
(ignorant bastards)
one cannot run to attain perfection
(oh but those armchair buddhists try so hard at it too.... )
once can not create only to destroy it
(I AM the creator... )

(this song playing is so utterly horrible.. its called sell my soul)


(ichibyo no refrain otoha... its such a cute song)
DO not castigate your companion in a dispute
(is that a word?)
(1. to criticize or reprimand severely.
2. to punish in order to correct.
1. scold, reprove. 2. discipline, chastise, chasten.
1. To inflict severe punishment on. See Synonyms at punish.
2. To criticize severely.
wait just a min didn't that other guy in some other wisedome text say
you should not tolerate ignorance and that you should at least smack
them w/a zen stick???? -- where was that anyway?)

And do not him say his innermost thoughts
Do not fly up to greet him
when you do not see how he acts
may you first (that looks wrong...dyslexia) comprehend his accusation
and cool down your opponant

(ok so lets see... dont rip appart your companion's psyche.....and
dont mind rape him and spiew it out..... do not point at him unless
you stalk him.... so I guess this is a do not stirr up strife thing
and do not give into your base chakra rip the infedel's face off thing)

Leave it to him and he will empty his soul
(sounds awful)
sleep knows how to find him out
(bwaahahhaahaa Im not imagining all manner of shadow creatures
gathered around a bed)
take his feet, do not bother him
(how does that work?)
fear him, do not underestimate him
(that is so hard when you are as godly and great and good as I am)
Indeed you cannot know th eplans of god
you can not perceive tomorow (wanna make a bet? I got my cards rt here)
sit yourself at the hands of god
your tranquility will cause them to open


by everylittle thing
Inuyasha sound track
bounci bounci
SAY good for now
no wait...that isnt it... oh yeah Im sposed to be doing thissaido ni
warau tame bokura
how did that sound like ... never mind

Do not eat a meal in the presence of a magistrate
Nor set to speaking first (who wants to talk to a magistrate if there
is nothing wrong.. what an awful song... it must be gact.. what is
lovemoving on to another horrid song,, happy people by skoop on
somebody-- bleach soundtrack)
If you are satisfied with false words
Enjoy yourself with your spittle
(what the hell was that? I mean I get the last two lines no prob...
but?????? )

the heart of a man is the beak of the god
(which one?)
so take care not to slight it
(not up for blasphemy)
a man who stands the side of an official
should not have his name known on the street
(makes sence to me I guess... but I'd really like to know why.)

(can no longer listen to this crappy song must skip it
Narita Ken
Inuyasha charactor single for Sesshomarou)


do not jeer at a blind man nor tease a dwarf
(how aful... why do people have to be told things like this ,,,, where
is the phone?)
neither interfere with the condition of a cripple
do not taunt a man who is in the hand of god
nor scowl at him if her errs

Man is clay and straw
and God is his potter
He overthrows and he builds daily
he impovershes a thousand if he wishes
(why would he want to?)
he makes a thousand into examiners
when he is in his hour of life
how fortunate is he who reaches the west
when he is safe in the hands of god
(I think he was wandering around a bit here.....)


DO NOT stay in the tavern
(esp a skinhead tavern)
and join someone greater than you
Whether he be high or low in his station
an old man or a youth
but take as a friend for yourself someone compatable
ra is helful though he is far away
(ok I wanna know why I cant befriend anyone benieth my station as
there are sooooooooooooooooo few above it)

when you see someone greater than you outside
and attendants following him, respect him
(well no shit... those attendants can get VIOLENT)
And give a hand to an old man filled with beer
(whial plugging your nose)
Respect him as his children would
(Im still not getting a why .....)

The strong arm is not weakened when it is uncovered
the back is not broken when one bends it
better is the poor man who speaks sweet words
(Im hungry and want mac and chesse but I forgot to bring some damnit)
than the rich man who speaks harshly
(definately agree w/that but what does it have to do w/the first two

A piolot who sees into the distance
will not let his ship capsize
(nooooo not unless he is suicidal... but why is that there?)

Do not reproach someone older than you
(what if they are just WRONG?)
For he has seen the sun before you
do not let yourself be reported to the aten when he rises
with the words 'another young man has reproached an elder'
(well... I will not have to worry on that this life time)
very sick in the sight of Ra
is a young man who reproaches an elder

let him beat you with your hands folded
(did amenemope have an issue ?)
Let him reproach you while you keep quiet
then when you come before him in the morning
he will give you bread freely
(this doesnt sound like a good enough exchange to me)
As for bread, he who has it becomes a dog,
he barks to the one who gives it


Do not expose a window if you have caught her in the fields
ohhhh that was WIDOW
Nor fail to give way if she is accused
do not turn a stranger away your oil jar
that it may be made double for your family
god loves him who cares for the poor
more than him who respects the wealthy
(I understood this.... and there was no off topic wandering.....)

do not turn people away from crossing the river
(I am now reminded of that sceen in the mummy 2)
when you have room in your ferryboat
if a sterring oar is given you in the midst of the deep waters
so bend back your hands take it up
it is not an abomination in the hand of god
if the passenger is not cared for.
(I do not like this song... it must be skipped.. how anoying it
started off really cool too)

Do not aquire a ferryboat on the river
and then attempt to seek out its fares
take the are from teh man of means
but also accept the destitute w/out charge

ch 30

Mark for yourself these thirty chapters
they please, they instruct
they are the foremost of all books
(wow,,,, are you not full of yourself)
they teach the ingorant
(when you arent going off topic and refusing to explane what you are
talking about and why or just semantically wandering all the hell over
the place)
If they are read to an ignorant man
he will be purified through them
(I somehow do not believe you... I think y ou have an ego issue)
Seize them; put them in your mind
(there is enough in there as it is)
and have men interpret them, explaining as a teacher
as to a scribe who is experienced in his position
he will find himself worthy of being a courtier

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