Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Reprograming the Negitive Mind - What I learned from The Celestine Prophecy

> In our society especially we suffer this strange disease. That is we
> are taught that there is something wrong/dirty about us. We are also
> taught to think badly about ourselves and to think in negative terms.

> I will not harbor enemies
> I will not eat my heart.
> The harboring of enemies doesn't just mean letting some asshole convict or wanted by the
> state in your house ... it means dwelling on hurtful things other
> people do to you and feeling offended, upset and angry.
> Not eating the heart means to not be depressed. (in the simplified
> form) to be be consumed and overwhelmed with anger, derision, ect
> as a Pisces with a mars mid heaven I find this ever so slightly
> difficult. One of the thing I do is I explode in bursts for up to a
> couple of hours before I calm down and always consider this:
> I do not speak in anger
> I do not stir up strife
> I am not violent
> Of course I ALWAYS go back to being aware of energy currents and being
> mindful of them I will
> of course start with that. One of the best books I have ever come
> across to help w/understanding this is The Celestine Prophecy.
> every
> living thing (and those things that are a part of the earth) exudes
> energy/life force/ aura/ ect. I will just use the globulous term for
> energy rt now. It is important to understand the complexities of the
> giving and receiving of it. Just keep in mind psychic vamparism is not
> a special thing that only few creepy ass people can do. EVERYONE
> engages in it in some form or another.
> Ok because most people have cut themselves
> off from divine energy have been taught to cut themselves off from it
> .. well we have issues now. It is a total lack and like a vitamin
> deficiency it is what causes the engagement of the DRAMA crap that is
> so rampant in our society, not to mention promiscuity and mistreatment
> of others. This lack is one of the primary causes of conflict.
> Because of this deficiency people in general are corrupt... not out
> of original sin or anything like that... but anyone who has ever been
> an addict to anything (tobacco or alcohal or drugs or sex or shopping)
> can tell you .. it cause manipulative behavior. We all have our dramas
> we engage in and this energy deficiency is the cause.
> An example of this is dominating (anything or anyone) conversation.
> LOL funny idea isn't it? But keep in mind mostly me and my friends
> sometimes have so much to say ... but we never really get upset if
> someone interrupts or changes topic and doesn't mind going back to the
> topic... this is fine and healthy ... but total DOMINATION is what I'm
> referring to here... the 'no interrupt at all fuck you and your
> opinion' policy is what I'm talking about. Like those assholes come and just spiew off at the mouth
> and don't quite engage in conversation but just monologue and fuck
> everyone else.
> Psychological and verbal abuse is another example. Those are things I
> utterly DO NOT tolerate. Even if you have NOTHING nice to say to a
> person... never speak in anger or bitterness... don't talk to the
> person for fuck's sake.... Even if you are spitting acid out of your
> eyes always attempt to respect the other person as they are your
> reflection and are there to teach you something (even if it is only
> patience and how to deal w/rampant ignorant assholes)
> Being All of and not forthcoming w/info, making someone quirey
> endlessly or dig at you for conversation (my mother is excellent at
> this) is also another no no.... secrets are fine and if you intend to
> keep them .. don't let anyone know you have one.
> There are those who are full of hostility and bite your head off at
> all times and interrogate you as if they were shinsengumi trained...
> another drama.. they do this and pick you apart until they find
> something wrong and attack you for it.
> Being overly defensive is another
> OHHHH pooooooooooor meeeeeeeeee you should feel sorry for my plight
> !!!!!!! (give me your sympathy I eat it !!!!) --- my mother does this
> as well and it is one of those dramas I refuse to engage in as well,
> as a result I have been told I am rather cold.
> Oh and lets not forget the ones who are always guilty about something
> and who try to make you feel guilty for what ever. (again something my
> mother does)
> threats and intimidation -- oh my god does that run rampant... I also
> classify this as testosterone poisoning and the my cock is bigger than
> your's syndrome or my goddess is better than yours. A fucking waste of
> time really... do not engage....
> Every one has these dramas... I know I have had mine and once I sat
> down and categorized which ones I employed (pretty much every damn one
> of them as the situation called for it... gods I was pathetic at one
> time)
> I kinda categorize this as working with your shadow self. It's
> something that must be dealt with accordingly in order for spiritual
> advancement, because if you are obtaining energy from others in these
> harmful (not to mention disgusting) ways you can not possibly have a
> pure connection w/yourself or the divine.
> There should be no shame in doing this as these things are what we are
> taught to do w/in the family unit.. as we all have our place rt?? and
> sometimes our place is to just to be fodder or to feed on others. The
> best thing is to recognize and then stop it. Become aware of what you
> are doing and cease and desist. It is not something you can do over
> night and I hope I'm not coming across and even being suggestive that
> it is ... it is a very slow process it's hard to recognize the crap
> w/in ourselves sometimes.
> Its ok if we have garbage.. it just means we have to learn to
> There are some good ways to replace this energy feed that we are used
> to doing. Example and my favorite is to pick a tree and sit w/it.
> Breath slowly and be aware of giving it your energy and affection. It
> will return it. The same principle as grounding... grounding is
> great... earth energy feed... work w/the elements in meditation...
> drink in the air... water... feed on the fire... but always make sure
> you give to it.. this helps teach balance.
> Be mindful when you eat. Eat slow. Taste your food. Energy of life
> force is in there, you are taking it in ... it isn't just to feed your
> body. There are even Buddhist rituals to assist in this which I may
> post if I feel well enough.
> Also start working on your chakras.) Meditate on divine light ... fill yourself
> with it.
> The suggestions I will be using are things I have given
> to past clients that have worked for them. If you WANT to feel better
> about yourself. If you want to be a strong positive person it is
> possible. If you do these little exercises .... as silly as they may
> seem... I have seen them work and make a difference with people... I'm
> not just pulling this shit out of my ass, I promise ! I have done
> these things myself as I have suggested to others so even though some
> of these exercises seem silly and may make you feel self conscious at
> first, give them a try.
> The above dramas and their design on accessing as much impure human
> energy as possible (human energy is totally nasty compared w/the
> elements, universe and divinity, but that is because we make ourselves
> corrupt and excuse our behavior and convince ourselves that its
> perfectly acceptable) *tangent - sorry*
> After reading the above Im sure that you will now understand that it
> is easy to get addicted to other peoples energy (and how easy it is to
> get stuck up some people asses) Because of this... relationships fail
> and plummet.
> oh another side note... I dont ever EVER want to hear about 'so and
> so's drama... as in so and so is doing such and thus... I dont give a
> fuck... seriously... if you want to talk about your own drama I'm all
> for it ! If you need help on how to deal with a particular drama of
> someone elses I'm good w/that to. Ex "it seems as if I am faced with a
> person who interrogates or who insults/ or who puts me down... how would
> you suggest I deal w/that?" is perfectly acceptable. But if you come
> to me whining about a specific person w/out recognizing YOUR OWN I
> swear I will rip you a new asshole as advised by me through the wisdom
> text and the I Ching.
> Back to Power Struggles. It starts when you meets someone neeto and
> give them all your energy (oh that is so nasty to look at
> *coughrusi/lastinvolvementcough* I have little patience w/it)
> What happens is that you tend to cut yourself off from the positive
> energy feeds, if indeed you were ever connected to them in the first
> place, and then you totally give all your energy to the other
> person or completely feed off the other person. So then one of you is
> sapping the other. Hence a power struggle and the little dramas from
> above ensue.
> The best way in dealing w/your own, and not to mention someone elses
> drama that they attempt to inflict on you is to calmly state what they
> are doing and ask them why they are doing it. This usually causes a
> momentary disarmament. Although it can cause more hostility.... The
> best thing to do is to NOT ENGAGE in it or its opposite.
> Ex1a
> Pay attention to your thought pattern. Pay attention to how often you
> think negative things.
> Each time you think in a negative manner recognize that is what your
> doing then stop the thought.
> Ex:1b
> write a list of 10 negative behaviors that you do not like about
> write a list of 10 positive things about yourself.
> 1c. Take the first list and work on removing and banishing them ONE at
> a TIME. Do ritual/ and treat these negative behaviors the same way you
> treat the thought pattern. Recognize that you are doing it. Stop doing
> it. Do not judge yourself or be discouraged.
> 1d. Take your positive list and get a bunch of little stickey note
> pads. Write these positive things down... get some positive
> affirmations as well. Stick them on mirrors and cabinets and your
> frige and say them out loud to yourself.

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