In order to explain irreducible magnitudes more easily, I shall first
provide the elements of a philosophic speculation based on a
classification of these magnitudes, such as they give rise to each other.
(sorry that I cant figure out how to put in the diagram)
I will try to do this manually
The Temple in Man
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz
coppyright 1949 and 1977
series sp
o t mt
i----i----i----(big circle here)----i----i-----i
f en m
sv concrete
that is as close as I could get it the 'i's' are the tick marks
donating where the letters are sposed to go.
Opposing the abstraction of the indivisible Unity -- that is, of the
Origin O --is the lowest term, which is the Mass M. Between the two is
located the middle term that results from this comparison of extermes:
the space S, which is also separating Space or "extent." It has a
double nature.
Each of these magnitudes is a comprehensible only through the
definition of the other two. Toward the Origin, the Space-Path SP
plays the reactive role, while being a resultant of the Movement MT
which defines the time and path that is two dimensional space.
Opposing the Space (Volume) SV (three dimentional Path)is the
reaactive pole of the Mass M. This sv activity thus summarizes,
through Movement, Time and Path. Thus, the Movement of the Volume
defines the Force F which ---arrested by the Mass, which reabsorbs it
--gives the energy EN (resultant energy, the final degradation of
which will be heat) The Energy of Origin is always O.
I say Volume is perceptible Space. Everything in the Universe has
Volume, and there exists no perceptible Space other than that of
Volume. The Univers, in which there appear to be things or voumes, is
not Space; it is Spirit or Formless Substance. One thing is not
seperated from another by a Space, but on the other, by Time. However,
Time is only perceptible through the Movement and the Path; thus, the
Time that seperates two objects is the measure of the Movement, which
makes it necessary for the entire perceptible Universe to be nothing
but movement.
On the other hand, Time, defined by Movement and a Path, therefore has
a beginning and an end. The impulse that gives in the beginning the
Origin O has, as its ultimate and necessary end, the return into
itself. This is the principial cycle. It will manifest itself in the
concrete sequence in which this concrete end is the Mass or seed,
summarizing the initial Energy, which took on the aspects of Time,
Movement, and Space-Mass, this Mass or seed having concentrated Force
and resultant Energy.
The Universe conceived as a living Being Cosmic Man-- is life that is
to say, it is a gestation. Time is thus gestation, the distance
between the seed and its fruit; the Movement is the growth that
produces the volume, which is only substance formed into body or
volume, by a seed, Energy O -- the ferment fixator that appears as Mass.
In these conditions, Mass is nothing but Energy O, the original
Energy, but fixed: a ferment, a seed, the total obstacle to activity.
The original activity being Absolute, the obstacle can not be
absolute; it is solely the sum of the resistances. If the mass were
absolute, it would be the legenday "philosopher's stone" for the seed
is nothing but resistance to the activity of the abstract substance
that thus takes form. A defined seed gives defined form. An absolute
obstacle woudl give the universal form, which, untimately, would bled
anew with its cause..
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