Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Domestic Instruction of Papyrus Insinger

Do not let yourself be named "bad" because of merciless evil, rude,
because of ignorance or lack of shame; because of thoughtless greed;
one who seeks gain through abuse, because of violence. because of not
speaking when it it time to.

In a wise man's hands, rewards and punishements are measured.

Better a quick man's small accomplishment, then a procrasticanors
large one.

Don't forget the man who works efficiantly or the one strong in his work.

Do not concernrn yourself with vengence, do what is in front of you.

The foolish tongue of a stupid man acts like a knife that cuts his life.

Do not take on heavy weight if you are weak in balance.

Do not adopt a differant custom that differs fromt he laws of the land.

Do not squander what little you have if you have nothing stored up.

Do not eat up your profits before fate has given them.

Do not be greedy for a wealthy lifestyle you will never know.

Mistackes of everykind of charactor come from not listaning.

The man who listens to a reprimand saves himself another.

To serve by virture of good charecter protects the one who needs

Djehuti placed the stick upon the earth in order to teach fools. He
also gave a sense of shame to the wise man so that he may escape harm.

There is no tru protection except in doing the god's work and the only
true servent is the one who serves god. The servant is the upper wall
in the darkness of his lord.

For it is Ntr who protects his wise man, due to his service, little
anger, sense of shame and a sence of caring ar ethe praises of a wise man.

He who loves his neighbor will find himself surrounded by family.

Before Ntr both the strong and the week are laughable. Fate and
forture go and come at Ntr command.

Death and tomorow's life, we can not know, this today and its
livelyhood is what a wise man requests.

The heart can not be ascended when its in pain.

Do not perfer death to life, if you are desparing about misfortune,
Ntr returns contentment, the dead to not return at all.

Do not sail the course of an evil man even if fate favors him.

A wise man's patience is in consulting w/Ntr.
Harship when there is no fault, should not be feared. A time of
misfortun does not make a godly man give up.

He who turns away from anger is one far from the Ntr's anger.

Gentleness in every way makes a wise man praised.

Do not permit your tongue to advise when you haven't been asked.

Fate, together with Ntr brings after worry.

Fate does not look ahead, retaliation does not come wrongully. Great
is the Ntr's councel for putting one thing before an other.

Do not take back anything that you have said except that which is
illegal or wrong.

Do not let your speach be differant from your heart in advise when you
are asked.

Many are the insignificant things worthy of respect. Few are the great
things worthy of respect.

The hidden work of the Ntr is made known daily on this earth. He
created light and darkness in which each being is. He created the
earth, birthing millions, swallowing them up and birthing them again.
He created summer and winter through Septs rising and setting. He
created food before the living, the wonders of the fields. He created
the constalations in the sky, that those on earth might know these. He
created breath in the egg even though there was not enterance for it.
He created birth in every womb fromt eh semen they receave. He created
flesh and bones out of the same seed. he created sleep to end
weariness and wakfullness for looking for food.

He created reminders to end sickness and wine to end sadness
He created dreams to show the way the dreams in his blindness
He created life and death before himself for the torment of the impoius
He created wealth for honesty, poverty for falsehood
He created work for the stupid and food for the commoner
He created the seasons of generations so as to have them live
He permits the destiny of the living to be hidden from them so that it
may be unknown.
He permits the food of one who brings food to be differant from the
one that receaves food.
He permits the woman of the roay haram to have another husband
(let us pause here, cause I think that is very important)
He permits the stranger from somewhere else to live like a citazen

There is no man among the people who knows his future that is before him

Fate and retalition turn around and bring about what Ntr commands

Violence, poverty, insutls and meannes (unkindness) never ever rest.

I have not burned to do evil in my heart and Ntr knows
I have not taken revenge on anyone else and no one else has suffered
on my account. I beg forgiveness for all sins committed unknowingly
and I call to the Ntr to have mercy on me and give me sweetness..

Vengance is exalted for its name and belittled for its impatience. Its
punnishment is heavier than t he punnishment of skehmet when she rages.

When vengance comes intot a house, fate tries to escape it
When vengance comes intoa family, it makes brothers enemies
When vengance comes into a town, it makes strife among people
when it comes into a state, it gives evil men power
when it comes into temples it makes fools strong
when it comes to godlesss men, it makes others fear him
when it comes to a wise man it makes him foolish, evil and thoughtless
there is no counsel or consideration in a vengeful wise man.

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