"Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu," "Let the entire universe be always in peace, prosperity, health and wealth."
Friday, February 28, 2014
Universal peace and prosperity
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Moola Mantra
Aum Sat Chitananda Parabrahma Purushotama Paramatma Sri Bhagavati Sametha Sri Bhagavate Namaha Hari Aum Tat Sat
Lalita Sahasranama Stotram
Lalita sahasranama is a sacred Hindu text for the worshippers of the Goddess Lalita Devi, i.e. the Divine Mother, in the form of her and the male gods' feminine power, Shakti. Lalita is the Goddess of bliss, an epithet for Parvati. Etymologically "Lalita" means "She Who Plays". The names are organised as in a hymn, i.e. in the way of stotras. This hymn occurs in the Brahmanda Purana. It is a dialogue between Hayagriva, a minor incarnation (avatara) of Vishnu and the great sage Agastya. The Lalita Sahasranama is held as a sacred text for the worship of the Divine Mother, Lalita (and is also used in the worship of Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Bhagavathi, etc.. It is a principal text of Shakti worshippers. Lalita Sahasranama names the various attributes of the Divine Mother, and all these names are organised in the form of a hymn. This Sahasranama is used in various modes for the worship of the Divine Mother. Some of the modes of worship are parayana (Recitations), archana, homa etc. Lalita Sahasranama is famous for the internal organization of its text and the rhythmic sound vibrations associated with its verbal audio recitation that its rendering can produce. Usually, in a sahasranama, if the same name repeats, the commentators use their scholarship and inspiration to give different meanings to different occurrences of the same name. Lalita sahasranma has the unique distinction, among all the sahasranamas, of not repeating even a single name. Further, in order to maintain the metre, sahasranamas use the artifice of adding words like tu, api, ca, and hi, which are only conjunctions not necessarily needed for the meaning except in rare cases of interpretation. Lalita sahasranama has again the unique distinction of not having even a single such innocuous word in its texture. Every letter and word of the Lalita Sahasranamam is protected from interpolation, mutilation etc. through axioms called CHALARNA SUTRAS or PARIBHASHA SUTRAS in a manner similar to as the Vedas are protected through various methods like - padam, kramam, ghanam etc. The pronunciation of individual words is to be done with care to ensure that there is no distortions in the meaning of the words. The whole hymn is a string of Mantras with hidden esoteric meanings. The sahasranama is an esoteric text and many meanings are attributable to each of these names; as many as sixteen meanings are known to be applicble for some names. Extensive commenteries have been written on the Lalita Saharanamam and a notable translation of an authentic commentary is "Lalita-Sahasranama with Bhaskararaya's Commentary "(Translated Into English) By: R. Ananthakrishna Sastry Published by The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Chennai. and another by Dr. C Suryanarayana murthy published by Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai. Simply chanting Lalita Sahasranama as a daily practice is intended to give relief and create a mind free of tensions, devoted to other living beings in the world, inculcate sincere love, unity, progressing to see divinity in all fellow beings and overcome hatred and animosity towards our enemies. Among the many hymns, mantras and devotional songs available, the Lalita Sahasranama is specially suitable for worship at all times and also at particular times like morning, evening or night. The Sahasranama is to be chanted in Sanskrit to obtain full benefits of its the rhythmic sound vibrations and with a conemplation on the meaning of each nama alongside with the recitation to obtain desired benefits. While Sahasranamas giving material well-being and salvation are prescribed for all castes and in all stages of life, Lalita Sahasranama is generally prescribed for all for obtaining Divine grace for fulfilment of human desires. It is recommended that the Sahasranamama be chanted a number of times every daily or at least once every day or at least on important occasions like, during the summer and winter solstices, on Birth one's own, one's spouse's, and one's children's birthdays, on Navami (the 9th or 14th day of the bright fortnight), and on Fridays, and all auspicious occasions. This Sahasranama may be recited especially on the Purnammi(Full-Moon) Day, as one meditates upon Mother Lalita as seated within the disc of the Moon Prayoga and Phalasruti detail out the method of worship and the benefits accuring from the worship theron. The phalashruti on Lalita Sahasranama given in a chapter following the Laita Sahasranama in the Brahmanda Purana, Regular chanting of Sree Lalitha Sahasranama will ward off premature death, will provide a long and contended healthy life, will give relief to fever and headache. Through the regular chanting of Sree Lalitha Sahasra namam, the atmosphere will be purified. Each nerve in our body will be invigorated and subtle energies will be awakened in the person. It is said that if a person consumes ghee, which is kept while chanting Sree Lalitha Sahasra namam, he will be cured of impotency and will have children This hymn may be recied instead of various expiatory rituals. Devi is believed to protect those who recite this hymn daily from dangers and from attacks by enemies. Daily recitation of the Sahasranama is believed to augment prosperity, eloquence and fame. Recitation on every Friday of a week for prosperity. The Practice of chanting the Sahasranama is open to all and not restricted to any particular denomination or caste or creed who are who have faith and devotion for worship of the Devi There are many Sahasranamas dedicated to Devi including Gangastava, Bhavanistava, Gayatristava, Kalistava, Lakshmistava, Sarasvatistava, Rajarajeshvaristava, Balastava, Syamalastava and Lalitastava. Of these Lalita Sahasranama is held the sacred to Lalita Devi and Shakti Worship. There are some basic rules that protect the words used in the Lalitha Sahasranama; to have a short glimpse of a few of these rules the following link is provided. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahasranama Sree Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram (to be read on Friday's) Om Iem Hrim Shreem Srematrenamah Asyashrilalita sahasranama stotra mahamantrasya, vashinyadi vagdevata rushayah anushtup chandaha shree lalita parameshari devata shrimadvagbhava kutetibijam madhyakuteti shaktih shaktinyasam karanyasancha kuryat mama shree lalita parameshari prasada sidhyardhe jape viniyogah DHYANAM Sinduraruna vigragam, trinayanam, manikyamaoli spharat Taranayaka shekharam, smitamukhim, aapinavakshoruham Panibhyam, alipurnaratna chashakam, raktotpalam bibhratim Saomyam ratna ghatasdha raktacharanam dhyayetparamanbikam Arunam karuna tarangitakshim Dhruta pashankusha pushpa banachapam Animadibhi ravrutam mayukhai Rahamityeva vibhavaye, bhavanim Dhyayetpadmasanasdham vikasita Vadanam padmapatrayatakshim Hemabham pitavastram karakalita Lasadhemapadmam varangim Sarvalankarayuktam satata mabhayadam Bhaktanamram bhavanim Shree vidyam shantamurtim sakala suranutam Sarvasanpatpradatrim Sakunkuma vilepana malikachunbi sasturikam Samandahasi tekshenam sasharachapa pashankusham Asheshajana mohini marunamalya bhushanbaram Japakusuma bhasuram japavidhao smaredanbikam Sree-mata shree maha-ragyni shreematsinha-saneshvaree Chidagni kunda-sanbhuta deva-karya samudyata - 1 Udyadbanu saha-srabha chatur-bahu saman-vita Raga-svarupa pashadya krodha-karanku-shojvala - 2 Mano-rupekshu kodanda pancha tanmatra sayaka Nijaruna prabha-pura majabhramhanda mandala - 3 Chanpaka shoka punnaga saogandhika lasatkacha Kuruvinda mani shrenee kanatkotira mandita - 4 Ashtami chandra vibhraja dalikasdhala shobhita Mukha-chandra kalankabha mruga-nabhi visheshaka - 5 Vadanas-mara mangalya gruhatorana chillika Vaktra-lakshmi pari-vaha chalan-minabha lochana - 6 Nava-chanpaka pushpabha nasa-danda virajita Tarakanti tiraskari nasa-bharana bhasura - 7 Kadanba manjari klupta karna-pura mano-hara Tatanka yugali-bhuta tapa-nodupa mandala - 8 Padma-raga shila-darsha pari-bhavi kapolabhuh Nava-vidruma binbashree nyakkari radanachada - 9 Shudha vidyankurakara dvijapankti dvayojvala Karpura-vitikamoda samakarsha digantara - 10 Nijasanlapa madhurya vinirbhastitakachapi Mandasmita prabhapura majatkamesha manasa - 11 Anakalita sadrusya chubuka shree virajita Kamesha bada mangalya sutra-shobhita kandhara - 12 Kanakangada keyura kamaniya bhujanvita Ratnagrai-veya chintakalola mukta phalanvita - 13 Kameshvara prema-ratna mani prati-panastani Nabhyalavala romali lata phala kuchadvaei - 14 Lakshya romalata bharata samunneya madhyama Stana-bhara dalanmadhya patta-bandha-valitraya - 15 Arunaruna kaostunbha vastra bhasvatkatitati Ratna kinkinikaramya rashanadama bhushita - 16 Kamesha-gynata saobhagya marda-voru dvayanvita Manikya makuta kara janudvaya virajita - 17 Endra-gopa parikshipta smaratunabha janghika Guda-gulpha kurma prushtajaeishnu prapadanvita - 18 Nakhadidhiti sanchanna samajana tamoguna Padadvaya prabhajala parakruta saroruha - 19 Shinjanamani mangira mandita shrepadanbuja Marali mandagamana maha-lavanya shevadhih - 20 Sarvaruna navadyangi sarvabharana bhushita Shiva-kameshvarankasdha shiva svadhinavallabha - 21 Sumeru shrunga-madhyasdha shreemannagara naeika Chintamani gruhantahsdha pancha bramga sanasdhita - 22 Mahapadmatavi sansdha kadanba vanavasinee Sudha sagara madhyasdha kamakshi kamadaeinee - 23 Devarshigana sanghata stuyamanatma-vaibhava Bhandasura vadhodyukta-shakti-sena samanvita - 24 Sanpatkari samaruda sindhura vrajasevita Asvarudadhishtitasva koti bhiravruta - 25 Chakra-raja radharudha sarva-yudha parishkruta Geya-chakra radha-ruda mantrini parisevita - 26 Kiri-chakra radha-rudha dandanadha puraskruta Jvalamalinikakshipta mahni prakara madhyaga - 27 Bhandasainya vadhodyukta shakti vikrama harshita Nitya parakra matopa nireekshana samutsaka - 28 Bhanda-putra vadhodyukta balavikrama nandita Mantrinyanba virachita vishangavadhatoshita - 29 Vishukra pranaharana varahi viryanandita Kameshvara mukhaloka kalpita shreganeshvara - 30 Maha-ganesha nirbhinna vighnayantra praharshita Bhanda-surendra nirmukta shastra pratyastra varshini - 31 Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashakrutih Mahapashupatastragni nirdagdha surasainika - 32 Kameshvarastra nirdagda sabhandasura shunyaka Bramhependra mahendradi devasansdhutavaibhava - 33 Haranetragni sandagdakama sanjivanaoshadhih Shreemadvagbhavakutaika svarupa mukhapankaja - 34 Kantadhah-kati paryanta madhyakuta svarupinee Shakti-kutaikatapanna katyadhobhaga dharinee - 35 Mulamantratmika mulakutatraya kalebara Kulamrutaikarasika kulasanketapaline - 36 Kulangana lulantasdha kaolinee kulayogini Akula samayantasdha samayachara tatpara - 37 Muladharaika nilaya bramhagrandhi vibhedini Manipurantarudita vishnugrandhi vibhedine - 38 Aagyna-chakrantaralasdha rudra-grandhi vibhedini Sahasraranbujaruda sudhasarabhivarshinee - 39 Tatillata samaruchi shatchakropari sansdhita Mahashakti-kundalini bisatantu taniyasi - 40 Bhavani bhavanagamya bhavaranya kutarika Bhadrapriya bhadra-murti rbhakta-saobhagyadaeini - 41 Bhakta-praya bhakta-gamya bhakti-vashya bhaya-paha Shanbhavi sharadaradhya sharvani sharmadaeini - 42 Shankari shrikari sadhvi sarachandra nibhanana Shatodari shantimati niradhara niranjana - 43 Nirpepa nirmala nitya nirakara nirakula Nirguna nishkala shanta nishkama nirupaplava - 44 Nityamukta nirvikara nisprapancha nirashraya Nitya-shudha nitya-budha niravadya nirantara - 45 Nishkarana nishkalanka nirupadhirnirishvara Niraga ragamadhani nirmada madanashini - 46 Nishchinta nirahankara nirmoha mohanashinee Nirmama mamatahantri nishpapa papanashini - 47 Nishkrodha krodhashamani nirlobha lobhanashini Nisandhaya sanshayaghni nirbhava bhavanashini - 48 Nirvikalpanirabadha nirbheda bhedanashini Nirnasha mrutyumadhani nishkriya nishparigraha - 49 Nistula nilachikura nirapaya niratyaya Durlabha durgama durga dukha-hantri sukhaprada - 50 Dushta-dura duracharashamani doshavarjita Sarvagyna sandrakaruna samanadhika varjita - 51 Sarva-shaktimaei sarvamangala sadgatiprada Sarveshvari sarvamaei sarvamantrasvarupini - 52 Sarva-yantratmika sarvatantrarupa manonmani Mahishvari mahadivi mahalakshmi rmrudapriya - 53 Maharupa mahapujya mahapataka nashini Mahamaya magasatva mahashaktirmaharatih - 54 Mahabhoga mahaishvarya mahavirya mahabala Maha-bhudirmahasirdhirmahayogeshvareshvari - 55 Mahatantra mahamantra mahayantra mahasana Mahayaga kramaradya mahabhairava pujita - 56 Maheshvara mahakalpa mahatandava sakshini Mahakamesha mahishi mahatripurasundari - 57 Chatushashtyupacharadya chatushashti kalamaei Mahachatushashtikoti yogini ganasevita - 58 Manuvidya chandra vidya chandramandala madhyaga Charu rupacharuhasa charuchandra kaladhara - 59 Charachara jagannadha chakraraja niketana Parvati padmanayana padmarga samaprabha - 60 Panchapretasanasina panchabramha svarupini Chinmaei paramananda vigynanaghanarupini - 61 Dhyanadhyatru dhyeyarupa dharmadharma vivarjita Vishvarupa jagarini svapanti taijasatmika - 62 Supta pragynatmika turya sarvavasdhavivarjita Prushtikartri bramharupa goptri govindarupini - 63 Sanharini rudrarupa tirodhanakarishvari Sadashivanugrahada panchakrutya parayana - 64 Bhanumandala madhyasdha bhairavi bhagamalini Padmasana bhagavati padmanabha sahedari - 65 Unmesha nimishotpanna vipanna bhuvanavalih Sahasrashirshavadana sahasrakshi sahasrapat - 66 Aabramhakitajanani varvashrama vidhaeini Nijagyna rupanigama punyapunya phalaprada - 67 Shruti simanta sirurikruta padabja dhulika Sakalagama sandoha shukti sanputa maoktika - 68 Purushardhaprada purna bhogini bhuvaneshvari Anbika nadi nidhana paribramhendra sevita - 69 Narayani nadarupa namarupa vivarjita Hrinkari hrimati hrudya heyopadeyavarjita - 70 Rajarajarchita ragyni ramya rajivalochana Ranjani ramani rasya ranarkinkini mekhala - 71 Rama rakenduvadana ratirupa ratipriya Rakshakari rakshasaghni rama ramanalanpata - 72 Kamya kamakalarupa kadanba kusumapriya Kalyani jagatikanda karunarasasagara - 73 Kalavati kalalapa kanta kadanbari priya Varada vamanayana varunimadavihvala - 74 Vishvadhika vidavidya vindhyachala nivasini Vidhatri vidajanani vishnu maya vilasini - 75 Kshetra-svarupa kshetreshi kshetrakshetragynapalini Kshaya-vrudhi vinirmukta kshetrapala smarchita 76 Vijaya vimala vandya mandaru janavatsala Vagvadini vamakeshi vahni mandala vasini - 77 Bhaktimatkalpalatika pashupasha vimochani Sanhruta sheshapashanda sadachara pravartika - 78 Tapatrayagni santapta samahladana chandrika Tatuni tapasaradhya tanumadhya tamo-paha - 79 Chiti statpadalakshyardha chidekarasa rupini Svatyanandalavibhuta bramhadyananda santatih - 80 Parapratyakchitirupa pashyanti paradevata Madhyama vaikharirupa bhaktamanasa hansika - 81 Kameshari prananadi krutagyna kamapujita Shrungararasa sanpurna jaya jalandharasdhita - 82 Odyana pita nilaya nindu mandala vasini Rahoyaga kramaradhya rahastarpana tarpata - 83 Sadyah prasadini vishvasakshini sakshivarjita Shadanga devata yukta shadgunya paripurita - 84 Nityaklinna nirupama nirvana sukhadaeini Nitya shodashika rupa shree kantardha sharirini - 85 Prabhavati prabha rupa prasidha parameshari Mulaprakruti ravyakta vyaktavyakta svarupini - 86 Vyapini vividhakara vidya vidya svarupini Mahakameshanayana kumudahlada kaomudi - 87 Bhaktahardhatamobheda bhanumadbanu santatih Shivaduti shivaradhya shivamurtishivankari - 88 Shivapriya shivapara shishteshta shishta-pujita Aprameya svaprakasha manovachamagochara - 89 Chichakti shchetanarupa jadashakti jadatmika Gayatri vyahruti sandhya dvijabrunda nishemita - 90 Tatvasana tatvamaei panchakoshantarah sdhita Nisima mahima nitya-yaovana madashalini - 91 Madagharnita raktakshi madapatala gandabhuh Chandana drava digdhangi chanpeya kusumapriya - 92 Kushala komalakara kurukulla kuleshvari Kulakundalaya kaolamarga tatpara sevita - 93 Sumara gananadhanba tushtih pushtirmati dhrutih Shanti spastimati mantirnandini vignanashini - 94 Tejovati trinayana lolakshi kamarupini Malini hansini mata malayachala vasini - 95 Sumukhi nalini subhru shobhana suranaeika Karikanti kantimati kshobhini sukshmarupini - 96 Vajreshvari vamadevi vayovasdha vivarjita Sideshvari sidhavidya sidhamata yashasvini - 97 Vishudichakra nilaya raktavarna trilochana Khatvangadi praharana vadanaika samanvita - 98 Payasanna priya tvaksdha pashuloka bhayankari Amrutadi mahashakti sanvruta dakinishvari - 99 Anahatabjanilaya shyamabha vadanadvaya Danshtrojvalakshamaladi dhara rudhira sansdhita - 100 Kalaratryadishaktyao-ghavruta snigdhao-dana priya Mahavirendra varada rakinyanba svarupini - 101 Manipurabja nilaya vadanatraya sanyuta Vajradikayudhopeta dayaryadibhiravruta - 102 Rakta-varna mansanishta gudanna pritamanasa Samsta bhakta sukhada lakinyanba svarupini - 103 Svadhishtananbujagata chaturvaktra manohara Shuladyayudha sanpanna pitavarna tigarvita - 104 Medhonishta maduprita bandinyadi samanvita Dadyannasakta hrudaya kakini rupadharini - 105 Muladharanbujarudha panchavaktrasdhi sanpdhita Ankushadi praharana varadadi nishevita - 106 Mudgaodanasaktachitta sakinyanba svarupini Aagynachakrabja nilaya shuklavarna shadanana - 107 Majasansdha hansavati mukhyashakti samanvita Haridranai karasika hakinirupa dharini - 108 Sahasradala padmasdha sarvavarnopashobhita Sarvayudhadharashukla sansdhita sarvatomukhi - 109 Sarvaodana pritachitta yakinyanba svarupini Svahasvadha mati rmedha shrutih smrutiranuttama - 110 Punyakirtih punyalabhya punyashravana kirtana Pulomajarchita bandhamochani bandhuralaka - 111 Vimarsharupini vidya viyadadi jagatprasuh Sarvavyadhi prashamani sarvamrutyu nivarini - 112 Agraganya chintyarupa kalikalmashanashini Katyayani kalahantri kamalaksha nishevita - 113 Tanbulapuritamukhi dadimikusumaprabha Mrugashi mohini mudhya mrudani mitrarupini - 114 Nityatrupta bhaktanidhi rniyantri nikhileshvari Maityradi vasanalabhya mahapralayasakshini - 115 Parashaktih paranishta pragynana ghanarupini Madhvipanalasa matta matrukavarna rupini - 116 Mahakailasa nilaya mrunala mrududorlata Mahaniya dayamurti rmahasamrajyashalini - 117 Aatmavidya mahavidya shreevidya kamasevita Shree shodashaksharividya trikuta kamakotika - 118 Katakshakinkaribhuta kamala kotisevita Shirasdhita chandranibha phalasdhendra dhanuh prabha - 119 Hrudayasdha ravi prakhya trikonantara dipika Dakshayani daityahantri dakshayagyna vinashini - 120 Darandolita dirghakshi darahasojvalanmukhi Gurumurtirgunanidhi rgamata guhajanmabhuh - 121 Deveshi dandanitisdha daharakasha rupini Pratipanmukhyarakanta tidhimandala pujita - 122 Kalatmika kalanadha kavyalapa vinodini Sachamara ramavani savyadakshini sevita - 123 Aadishakti rameyatma parama pavanakrutih Anekakoti bramhanda janani divyavigraha - 124 Klinkari kevala guhyakaivalya padadaeini Tripura trijagadvandya trimurti stridasheshvari - 125 Tryakshari divyagandhadya sindura tilakanchita Uma shailendra tanaya gaori gandharava sevita -126 Vidhvagarbha svarnagarbha varada vagadhishvari Dhyanagamyaparichedya gynanada gynanavigraha - 127 Sarvavedanta sanvedya satyananda svarupini Lopamudrarchita lilaklupta bramhanda mandala - 128 Adrushyadrushyarahita vigynatri vedyavarjita Yogini yogada yogya yoganandayugandhara - 129 Echashakti gynashakti kriyashakti svarupini Sarvadhara supratishta sadasadrupadharini - 130 Ashtamurtirajajaitri lokayatra vidhaeini Ekakini bhumarupa nirvaita dvaitavarjita - 131 Annada vasudha vrudha bramhatmaikya svarupini Bruhati bramhani bhramhi bramhananda balipriya - 132 Bhasharupa bruhatsena bhavabhava vivarjita Sukharadhya shubhakari shobhana sulabhagatih - 133 Rajarajishvari rajyadaeini rajyavallabha Raja tkrupa rajapita niveshitanija shrita - 134 Rajyalakshmih koshanadha chaturanga baleshvari Samrajyadaeini satyasandha sagaramekhala - 135 Dikshita daityashamani sarvaloka vashankari Sarvardhadatri savitri sachidananda rupini - 136 Deshakala parichinna sarvaga sarvamohini Sarsvati shastramaei guhanba guhyarupini - 137 Sarvopadhivinirmukta sadashiva pativrata Sanpradayeshvari sadhvi gurumandala rupini - 138 Kulottirna bhagaradhya maya madhumatimahi Gananba guhyakaradhya komalangi gurupriya - 139 Svatantra sarvatantreshi dakshanamurtirupini Sanakadi samaradhya shivagynana pradaeini - 140 Chitkala nandakalika premarupa prinankari Namaparayana prita nandivida nateshvari - 141 Midhya jagadadhishtana muktida muktirupini Lasyapriya layakari sajja ranbhadi vandita - 142 Bhavadava sudhavrusthih paparanya davanala Daorbhagya tula vatula jaradhvanta raviprabha - 143 Bhagyabhi chandrika bhakta chittakeki ghanaghna Rogaparvatadanbholi rmrutyudaru kutarika - 144 Mahishvari mahakali mahagrasa hamashani Aparna chanidika chandamundasura nishudini - 145 Ksharakshatmika sarvalikeshi vishadharini Trivargadatri subhaga tryanbaka trigunatmika - 146 Svargapavargada shudha japapushpa nibhakrutih Ojovati dyutidhara yagynarupa priyavrata - 147 Duraradhya duradhatsha patali kusumapriya Hamati merunilaya mandara kusumapriya - 148 Viraradhya viradrupa viraja vishatomukhi Pratyagrupa parakasha pranada pranarupini - 149 Martanda bairavaradhya mantrini nyastarajyadhuh Tripureshi jayatsena nistraigunya parapara - 150 Satyagynananandarupa samarsya parayana Kapardini kalamala kamadhukamarupini - 151 Kalanidhih kavyakala rasagyna rasashevadhih Pushtapuratana pujya pushkara pushkarekshana - 152 Paranjyotih parandhamah paramanuh paratpara Pashahasta pashahantri paramantra vibhedini - 153 Murta murta nityatrupta munimanasa hansika Satyavrata satyarupa sarvantaryamini sati - 154 Bramhani bramhajanani bahurupa budharchita Prasavitri prachandagyna pratishta prakatakruti - 155 Praneshvari pranadatri panchashatpritarupini Vishrunkhala viviktasdha viramata viyatprasuh - 156 Mukunda muktinilaya mulavigraharupini Bhavagyna bhavarogaghni bhavachakra pravartini - 157 Chandasara shastrasara mantrasara talodari Udarakirti rudhamavaibhava varnarupini - 158 Janmamrutyu jaratapta janavishranti daeini Sarvopanishadudghushta shantyatita kalatmika - 159 Ganbhira gaganantahsdha garvita ganalolupa Kalpanarahita kashtakanta kantardha vigraha - 160 Kartakarananirmukta kamakeli tarangita Kanatkanakatatanka lilavigrahadharini - 161 Ajakshaya vinirmukta mugdha kshipraprasadini Antarmukha samaradhya bahirmukha sudurlabha - 162 Traei trivarganilaya trisdha tripuramalini Niramaya niralanba svatmarama sudhasrutih - 163 Sansara pankanirmagna samudharana sandita Yagyna priya yagynakartri yajamana svarupini - 164 Dharmadhara dhanadhyaksha dhanadhanya vivardhini Viprapriya viprarupa vishvabhramanakarini - 165 Vishvagrasa vidrumabha vaishnavi vishnuruini Ayoniryoninilaya kulasdha kularupini - 166 Viragoshtipriya vira naishkarmya nadarupini Vigynanakalana kalyavidagdha vhaindavasana - 167 Tatvadhika tatvamaei tatvamardha svarupini Samagana priya saomya sadashiva kutunbini - 168 Savyapasavyamargasdha sarva padvi nivarini Svasdha svabhavamadhura dhira dhirasamarchita - 169 Chaitanyardhya samaradhya chaitanya kusumapriya Sadodita sadatushta tarunadityapatala - 170 Dakshina dakshinaradhya darasmera mukhanbuja Kaolini kevala narghya kaivalyapadadaeini - 171 Stotrapriya stutimati shruti sanstuta vaibhava Manasvini manavati maheshi mangalakrutih - 172 Vishvamata jagadhatri vishalakshi viragini Pragalbha paramodara paramoda manomaei - 173 Vyomakeshi vimanasdha vajrini vamakeshvari Panchayagyna priya panchapreta manchadhishaeini - 174 Panchami panchabhuteshi panchasankhyopacharini Shashvati shashvataishvarya sarmada shanbhumohini - 175 Dharadharsuta dhanya dharmini dharmavardini Lokatita gunatita sarvatita shamatmika - 176 Bandhuka kusuma prakhya balalila vinodini Sumangali sukhakari suveshadya suvasini - 177 Suvasinyarchana prita shobhana shudhamanasa Bindutarpana santushta purvaja tripuranbika - 178 Dashamudra samaradhya tripura shrivanshankari Gynanamudra gynanagamya gynanagyneya svarupini - 179 Yonimudra trikhandeshi trigunanba trikonaga Anaghadbhuta charitra vanchitardha pradaeini - 180 Abhyasatishayagynata shadadhvatita rupini Avyajakarunamurti ragynanadhvanta dipika - 181 Aabalagopavidita sarvanullanghyashasana Shrichakrarajanilaya shrimatripurasundari - 182 Shri shiva shivashaktyaikya rupini lalitanbika Yvam shri lalita devya namnam sahasrakam jaguh – 183
Prayers to Honor Devi
Ya Kundendu-Tushara-Hara-Dhavala Ya Shubhra-Vastravta Ya Vina-Vara-Danda-Mandita-Kara Ya Shveta-Padmasana Ya Brahmachyuta-Shankara-Prabhrtibhir Devaih Sada Vandita Sa Mam Patu Saraswati Bhagwati Nihshesha-Jadyapaha ~May Saraswati, the goddess of learning, who is pale like a garland of kunda flowers, the moon or frost, who is dressed in white, whose hands play the vina, who sits on a white lotus flower and is always adored by the gods Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, protect me by completely removing the dullness of my intellect Brahma Rupini Gayatri Divye Sandhye Saraswati Ajare Amare Chaiva Brahma Yone Namostute ~Oh Gayatri! You are the personification of Brahman. You are the goddess of knowledge, the divine twilight. You are ageless and immortal. You are the mother of the Vedic knowledge. I bow down to you. Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini Durge Kshame Shive Dhatri Svadhe Svahe Namostute ~Victorious one, auspicious one, Kali! Bhadrakali! Wearer of the skull garland! O mother! All-forgiving protector and nurse! Sacred syllable of the sacrifice, I bow down to you. Prachanda-Chanda-Mundayor Maha-Balaika-Khandini Hy Aneka-Runda-Munda-Yug-Rane Balaika-Dayini Kvachit Tv Ashakti-Karini Rama-Vilasa-Dayini Mudestu Kalika Sada Samasta-Papa-Harini ~ May Kali, who takes away all sins, bring you joy. She was the only one able to destroy the terrible demons, Chanda and Munda. Kali gives courage and strength to a warrior on a battlefield littered with headless corpses. She robs the strength of those not devoted to her, though she gives good fortune to those who are. Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvatha Sadhike Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostute ~O auspicious one, O partner of Lord Shiva! O golden one! You make all things possible. You are the refuge of all. You have the third eye of knowledge. I bow down to you. Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradayini Mantra Murte Sada Devi MahaLaxmi Namostute ~O MahaLaxmi! Bestower of success and intelligence, worldly enjoyment and liberation, I bow down to you, O goddess, whose form is the mystic syllable. Samudra-Mekhale Devi Parvata-Stana-Mandale Vishnu-Patni Namast Tubhyam Pada-Sparsham Kshamasva Me ~O Bhumi! You are girdled by the oceans and the mountains are your breasts. O wife of Vishnu, I offer you my salutations. Forgive me for treading on you. Udbhava-Sthita-Samhara- Karinim Klesha-Harinim Sarva-Shreyaskarim Sitam Natoham Rama-Vallabham ~I offer my reverence to Rama's beloved Sita, the source of the world's creation, maintenance and destruction, the remover of all miseries and the bringer of all auspiciousness Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe Vrndavaneshvari Vrshabhanu-Sute Devi Pranamami Hari-Priye ~O golden-skinned Radha, queen of Vrindavan, daughter of Vrishabhanu and beloved of Krsna, I offer salutations to you. Jaya Devi Bhakti-Datri Prasida Parameshvari Jaya Devi Subhadre Tvam Sarvesham Bhadra-Dayini ~Glories to you, Subhadra, the bestower of bhakti! Be kind to me, O ruler of the universe! Please bestow auspiciousness on us all. Vrndayai Tulsi Devyai Priyayai Keshavasya Cha Krsna-Bhakti-Prade Devi Satyavatyai Namo Namaha ~Salutations to you, Vrinda Devi! You are most dear to Keshava. O Goddess! O form of truth! You bestow devotion to Krsna, so I bow down to you again and again. Baddhanjalir Naumi Kuru Prasadam Apurva-Mata Bhava Devi Gange Ante Vayasy Anka-Gataya Mahyam Adeha-Bandhaya Payah Prayaccha ~With folded hands, I offer you my salutations, O Ganga Devi! Please be compassionate and treat me like your own child. I pray that on my last day on earth you will take me into your watery lap and grant me liberation from this body. Chid-Ananda-Bhanoh Sada Nanda-Sunoh Para-Prema-Patri Drava-Brahma-Gatri Aghanam Lavitri Jagat-Kshema-Datri Pavitri-Kriyan No Vapur Mitra-Putri ~O Yamuna, O daughter of the sun! You are the object of Krsna's love, the sunshine of eternal consciousness and bliss! Your body is the flowing liquid form of Brahman. You wash away all the world's sins and bring it auspiciousness. Please purify us.
Prayers to Honor Devi
Ya Kundendu-Tushara-Hara-Dhavala Ya Shubhra-Vastravta Ya Vina-Vara-Danda-Mandita-Kara Ya Shveta-Padmasana Ya Brahmachyuta-Shankara-Prabhrtibhir Devaih Sada Vandita Sa Mam Patu Saraswati Bhagwati Nihshesha-Jadyapaha ~May Saraswati, the goddess of learning, who is pale like a garland of kunda flowers, the moon or frost, who is dressed in white, whose hands play the vina, who sits on a white lotus flower and is always adored by the gods Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, protect me by completely removing the dullness of my intellect Brahma Rupini Gayatri Divye Sandhye Saraswati Ajare Amare Chaiva Brahma Yone Namostute ~Oh Gayatri! You are the personification of Brahman. You are the goddess of knowledge, the divine twilight. You are ageless and immortal. You are the mother of the Vedic knowledge. I bow down to you. Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini Durge Kshame Shive Dhatri Svadhe Svahe Namostute ~Victorious one, auspicious one, Kali! Bhadrakali! Wearer of the skull garland! O mother! All-forgiving protector and nurse! Sacred syllable of the sacrifice, I bow down to you. Prachanda-Chanda-Mundayor Maha-Balaika-Khandini Hy Aneka-Runda-Munda-Yug-Rane Balaika-Dayini Kvachit Tv Ashakti-Karini Rama-Vilasa-Dayini Mudestu Kalika Sada Samasta-Papa-Harini ~ May Kali, who takes away all sins, bring you joy. She was the only one able to destroy the terrible demons, Chanda and Munda. Kali gives courage and strength to a warrior on a battlefield littered with headless corpses. She robs the strength of those not devoted to her, though she gives good fortune to those who are. Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvatha Sadhike Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostute ~O auspicious one, O partner of Lord Shiva! O golden one! You make all things possible. You are the refuge of all. You have the third eye of knowledge. I bow down to you. Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradayini Mantra Murte Sada Devi MahaLaxmi Namostute ~O MahaLaxmi! Bestower of success and intelligence, worldly enjoyment and liberation, I bow down to you, O goddess, whose form is the mystic syllable. Samudra-Mekhale Devi Parvata-Stana-Mandale Vishnu-Patni Namast Tubhyam Pada-Sparsham Kshamasva Me ~O Bhumi! You are girdled by the oceans and the mountains are your breasts. O wife of Vishnu, I offer you my salutations. Forgive me for treading on you. Udbhava-Sthita-Samhara- Karinim Klesha-Harinim Sarva-Shreyaskarim Sitam Natoham Rama-Vallabham ~I offer my reverence to Rama's beloved Sita, the source of the world's creation, maintenance and destruction, the remover of all miseries and the bringer of all auspiciousness Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe Vrndavaneshvari Vrshabhanu-Sute Devi Pranamami Hari-Priye ~O golden-skinned Radha, queen of Vrindavan, daughter of Vrishabhanu and beloved of Krsna, I offer salutations to you. Jaya Devi Bhakti-Datri Prasida Parameshvari Jaya Devi Subhadre Tvam Sarvesham Bhadra-Dayini ~Glories to you, Subhadra, the bestower of bhakti! Be kind to me, O ruler of the universe! Please bestow auspiciousness on us all. Vrndayai Tulsi Devyai Priyayai Keshavasya Cha Krsna-Bhakti-Prade Devi Satyavatyai Namo Namaha ~Salutations to you, Vrinda Devi! You are most dear to Keshava. O Goddess! O form of truth! You bestow devotion to Krsna, so I bow down to you again and again. Baddhanjalir Naumi Kuru Prasadam Apurva-Mata Bhava Devi Gange Ante Vayasy Anka-Gataya Mahyam Adeha-Bandhaya Payah Prayaccha ~With folded hands, I offer you my salutations, O Ganga Devi! Please be compassionate and treat me like your own child. I pray that on my last day on earth you will take me into your watery lap and grant me liberation from this body. Chid-Ananda-Bhanoh Sada Nanda-Sunoh Para-Prema-Patri Drava-Brahma-Gatri Aghanam Lavitri Jagat-Kshema-Datri Pavitri-Kriyan No Vapur Mitra-Putri ~O Yamuna, O daughter of the sun! You are the object of Krsna's love, the sunshine of eternal consciousness and bliss! Your body is the flowing liquid form of Brahman. You wash away all the world's sins and bring it auspiciousness. Please purify us.
Planitary Mantras
In Vedic astrology, there are nine planets [refered to as Navagrahas, "nava" - 'nine', "graha" - 'planet'] which have both positive and negative influences on human life. When these planets create ill celestial effects the following mantras may be recited in order to ease or negate them. The planets are also ruled by different deities. Therefore, offerings to a planetary deity may aid in this process. These deities are as follows: Sun - Surya Moon - Chandra Mars - Mangala Mercury - Budha [not a typo] Jupiter - Brihaspathi Venus - Shukra Saturn - Shani ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by Dr. David Frawley The following are the name (nama) mantras for the planets as preceded by their Shakti or power mantras. These can be used to connect with the planetary deities and to energize all the higher powers of the planets. Sun – Om Hrim Sum Suryaya Namah Moon – Om Shrim Som Somaya Namah Mars – Om Krim Kum Kujaya Namah Mercury – Om Aim Bum Budhaya Namah Jupiter – Om Strim Brahm Brihaspataye Namah Venus – Om Klim Shum Shukraya Namah Saturn – Om Hlim Sham Shanaye Namah Rahu [Dragon's Head] – Om Dhum Ram Rahave Namah Ketu [Dragon's Tail]– Om Hum Kem Ketave Namah Pronunciation: Hrim – Hreem, Shrim – Shreem, Strim – Streem, Prim – Preem, Klim – Kleem. If you aren’t knowledgeable of Sanskrit, seek one who is in order to clarify pronunciation. Explanation of Planetary Shaktis Sun – Hrim, Harana Shakti, the power to hold, energize, attract and fascinate. Moon – Shrim, Sharana Shakti, the power of refuge, surrender, peace and delight Mars – Krim, Karana Shakti, the power of action, work, motivation, and transformation. Mercury – Aim, Vachana Shakti, the power of articulation, calling, guiding and teaching. Jupiter – Strim, Starana Shakti, the power of expanding, unfolding, blossoming and evolving. Venus – Klim, Kama Shakti, the power of love, delight, contentment and fulfullment. Saturn – Hlim, Stambhana Shakti, the power of delaying, stopping, holding, and terminating. Rahu – Dhum, Dhavana Shakti, the power of obscuring, hiding, protecting and preparing. Ketu – Hum, Havana Shakti, the power of offering, sacrifice, destruction and transformation. Mantras from: http://www.vedanet.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8&Itemid=2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more mantras go here: http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/mantras.htm update: Mantra Navagraha Om Hrim hrim Suryaya namah Om Aim klim Somaya namaha Om Hum shrim Mangalayai namah Om Aim strim shrim Budhaya namah Om Hrim kleem hoom Brihaspataye namah Om Hreem shreem Shukraya Namah Om Aim hreem shreem Sanischaraya namah Om Aim brim Rahave namah Om Hreem aim Ketave namah ~ http://www.placelife.com/veda/agnihotra/mantra/index.html
Narayani Stuti
devi prapannarti-hare prasida prasida matar-jagato khilasya prasida visvesvari pahi visvam tvamisvari devi caracarasya adhara-bhuta jagatas-tvam-eka mahi-svarupena yatah sthitasi apam svarupa sthitaya tvayaita dapyayate krtsnam-alanghya-virye tvam vaisnavi saktir-ananta-virya visvasya bijam paramasi maya sarnmohitam devi samasta-metat tvam vai prasanna bhuvi mukti-hetuh vidyah samastas-tava devi bhedah striyah samastah sakala jagatsu tvayaikaya purita-mambayaitat ka te stutih stavyapara paroktih sarva-bhuta yada devi svarga mukti pradayini tvam stuta stutaye ka va bhavantu paramoktayah sarvasya buddhi-rupena janasya hrdi samsthite svargapavargade devi naraya, ni namostute kalakasthadirupena parinama-pradayini visvasyoparatau saktyai narayaoi namo stute sarva-mangala-mangalye sive sarvartha-sadhike saranye tryambake gauri narayani namo stute srsti-sthiti-vinasanam sakti bhute sanatani gunasraye gunamaye narayani namo stute saranagata-dinarta-paritrana-parayane sarvasvarti-hare devi narayani namo stute hamsa-yukta-vimana-sthe brahmam rupa-dharini kausambhah ksarike devi narayani namo stute trisula-candrahi-dhare maha-vrsabha-vahini mahesvari-svarupena narayani namo stute mayura-kukkuta-vrte maha-sakti-dhare naghe kaumari rupa-samsthane narayani namo stute sankha-cakra-gadasarnga-grhita-paramayudhe prasida vaisnavi-rupe narayani namo stute grhitogra-mahacakre danstroddhrta-vasundhare varaha-rupini sive narayani namo stute nrsimha rupenogrena hantum daityan krtodyame trailokya-trana-sahite narayani namo stute kiritini mahavajre sahasra-nayanojjvale vrtra-prana-hare caindri narayani namo stute siva duti-svarupena hata-daitya-mahabale ghora-rupe maharave narayani namo stute damstra-karala-vadane siromala-vibhusane camunde munda-mathane narayani namo stute laksmi lajje mahavidye sraddhe pusti-svradhe dhruve maharatri maha vidye narayani namo stute medhe sarasvati vare bhuti babhravi tamasi niyate tvam prasidese narayani namo stute sarvasvarupe sarvese sarva sakti samanvite bhayebhyas-trahi no devi durge devi namo stute etat-te vadanam saumyam locana-traya-bhusitam patu nah sarvabhlrtibhyah. katyayani namo stute jvala-karalam-atyugram-asesasura-sudanam trisulam patu no bhiter-bhadra-kali namo stute hinasti daitya-tejamsi svanenapurya ya jagat sa ghanta patu no devi papebhyo nah sutaniva asurasrgvasapanka-carcitas-te karojjvalah subhaya khadgo bhavatu candike tvam nata vayam rogan-asesan-apahansi tusta rugta tu kaman sakalan-abhistan tvam-asritanam na vipan-naranam tvam-asrita hyasrayatam prayanti Narayani Stuti - O Devi ! O Destroyer of woes! Be Pleased. O Mother of all the worlds! O Supreme Controller of the Universe! Protect us all, and protect this world! Thou art the Support of this Universe. Thou, the One is appearing as this world! Thou art water. Thou art the elements. Thou are Vishnu-Maya. Thou art the Cause for bondage and liberation. All knowledge is Thy form. All women are Thyself, O Mother! All this is filled by Thee alone. Thou art Intelligence in all men. O Narayani! Thou art the giver of Svarga and Moksha. Thou art Time, Space and Causation. O Blessed Refuge of the distressed, O Narayani! Salutations to Thee! O Destroyer of all troubles of the devoted who take refuge in Thee, O Narayani, Salutations to Thee! O Brahmani with Kamandalu, sitting on the swan! O Mahasvari with trident, moon and serpents, sitting on a bull! O Kaumari with Mahasakti, sitting on a peacock! O Vaishnavi with Sankha, Chakra, Gada, Sarnga, and various great Astras! Be pleased, O Narayani! Salutations to Thee! O Inrani sitting on the elephant, with Vajra in the hand! O Narayani! Salutations to Thee! O Devi of the dreadful form of Narasimha and of Varaha with a ferocious tusk, O Narayani, Salutations to Thee! O Devi who took various forms like Kaali and Sivadooti, O Terrible-faced! O Narayani, salutations to Thee! O Lakshmi! O Kaali! O Sarasvati! Protect us, O Durga! O Naragani, salutations to Thee! May Thy Trisula, Chakra Ghanta, Conch, Sword, which destroyed Chanda, Munda, Sumbha, Nisumba and other Rakshasas, protect us, O Narayani, Salutations to Thee! O Devi! Thou destroyest all the bad diseases completeb. Thou givest when pleased all that one desires. To them who take refuge in Thee, there is no want. They really get a suitable Refuge in Thee. O Devi, wherever there are evil qualities, wherever there are Rakshasas, wherever there are unrighteous forces, there Thou manifestest Thyself and destroyest them, O Devi! Be Pleased, Be pleased. Protect, O Protect us! May the sins of the world lessen quickly. O adorable Devi! Take pity on these (Devas) who are under Thy Great Feet
Mantras with perpose
Mantras for specific purposes Mantras for wealth: 1. Om Lakshmi Vam shri kamaladhram svaha 2. Jimi sarita sagar mahu jahi Jadyapi tahi kamana nahi 3. Bishva bharana poshana kara joi Takar nama Bharat asa hoi 4. Om shrim hrim shrim kamale kamalalaye mahya prasida prasida prasida svaha 5. Omm shrim hrim shrim mahalakshmyai namah For Marriage: 1. Taba janaka pai bashishtha ayasu byaha saja savari kai Mandavi shruta kirati Urmila kuwari lai hankari kai 2. Katyayani mahamaye mahayogindadhishvari Nandagopasutam devi patim me kurute namah For having children: 1. Devakisutam Govindam Vasudevam Jagatpatim DehimeTanayam Krishna twam-aham Sharanagatah. To have a son: 1. Sarvabadhabinirmukto dhanadhanyasutanvitah Manushyo tatprasaden bhavishyati na samshayah 2. Om hrim lajja jjalyam thah thah lah om hrim svaha For safety of the child in the womb: 1. Om tham tham thim thim thum them thaim thoum thah thah om Curing fever: 1. Om namo bhagavate rudraya namah krodhesvaraya namah jyoti patangaya namo namah siddhi rudra ajapayati svaha 2. Om vindhya vanana hum fat svaha 3. Om namo bhagavate chhandi chhandi amukasya jvarasya shara prajjvilita parashupaniye parashaya fat 4. Om namo maha uchchhishta yogini prakirna dranshta khadati tharvati nashyati bhakshyati om thah thah thah thah Removing any disease: 1. Om Hrim hansah 2. Om shrim hrim klim aim Indrakshyai namah 3. Om sam, sam sim, sum sum sem saim sam saha vam vam vim vim vum vum vem vaim voim voum vam van saha amrita varech svaha. For sound health: 1. Mam mayat sarvato raksha shriyam vardhaya sarvada Sharirarogyam me dehi deva deva namostute 2. Om aim hrim shrim namah sarvadharaya bhagavate asya mama sarva roga vinashaya jvala jvala enam dirghayusham kuru kuru svaha 3. Achyutam chamritam chaiva japedoushadhakarmani 4. Om namo paramatamne para brahma mama sharire pahi pahi kuru kuru svaha For curing piles: 1. Om chhai chhui chhalaka chhalai ahum Ahum klam klam klim hum For curing pox: 1. Om shrim shrim shrum shram shroum shrah om kharastha digambara vikata nayanam toyasthitam bhajami svaha Svangastham prachandarupam namabhyatmabhibutaye For stimulating digestive fire: 1. Agastyam kumbhakaranam cha shamincha vadavanalam Bhojanam pachanarthaya smaredabhyam cha panchakam For sound sleep: 1. Om agasti shayinah For long life: 1. Hroum om jom sa om bhurbhuvah svaha om Tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam Urvarukamiva bandhanata mrityormukshiyamamritat For children's diseases: 1. Avyadajoangdhri manimanstava janvathoru, yajnoachyutah kati tatam jatharam ka hayasya For removing obstructions and difficulties: 1. Sakal vighna vyopahin nahin tehin Rama sukripan bilokahin jehin 2. Sarva badha prashamanam trailokyasyakhileshvari Evameva tvayakaryamasmad vairi binashanam 3. Om ram ram ram ram ram ro ro ram kashtam svaha 4. Om namah shante prashante gum hrim hrim sarva krodha prashamani svaha For winning court cases: 1. Pavan tanaya bala pavan samana Buddhi viveka bigyana nidhana To Keep safe from snakes: 1. Om Narmadayai vicharana 2. Ananta vasukim shesham padmanabham cha kambalam Shankhapalam dhritarashtram takshakam kaliyam tatha munirajam Astikam namah 3. Om plah sarpakulaya svaha ashehakula sarva kulaya svaha For removing the venom of snakes: 1. Garudadhvajanusmaranat vishaviryam vyapohati 2. Nama prabhau jana Siva niko Kalakuta falu dinha amiko To keep safe from theft: 1. Om kafall-kafall-kafall 2. Om karalini svaha om kapalini svaha hroum hrim hrim hrim chora bandhaga thah thah For peace and detachment: 1. Daihika daivika bhoutika tapa Rama raja nahin kahu byapa 2. Bharata charita kari mamu tulasije sadar sunahin Siya Rama pada prema avasi hoi bhava rasa birati For removing doubt: 1. Rama katha sundar karatari Sansaya bihaga unavana hari For purification of thought: 1. Take juga pada kamala manavaun Jasu kripa niramala mati pavaun Reomova of the evil eye: 1. Shyama Gaura sundara dou jori Nirakhahin chhabi janani trina tori For vision of Sitaji: 1. Janakasuta jagajanani janaki Atisaya priya karunanidhana ki To please Hanuman: 1. Sumiri pavan suta pavana namu Apane basa kari rakhe Ramu For devotion to God: 1. Bhagata kalpataru pranatahita kripasindhu sukaddhama Soi nija bhagati mohi prabhu dehu kaya dari Rama For acquiring knowledge: 1. Chhiti jala pavaka gagana samira Pancha rachita yaha adhama sharira For God's forgiveness: 1. Anuchita bahuta kaheun agyata Kshamahun kshama mandira dou bharata * taken from : http://www.astrojyoti.com/mantras4.htm
Bhumi mangalam, Udaka mangalam, Agni mangalam, Vayu mangalam, Gagana mangalam, Surya mangalam, Chandra mangalam, Jagat Mangalam, Jeeva mangalam, Deha mangala, Mano mangalam, Aatma mangalam, Sarva mangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu. Sarva mangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu. Sarva mangalam Bhavatu Bhavatu Bhavatu. Aum Shanti Shanti Shantih May there be tranquility on earth, in water, in fire, in the wind, in the sky, on the sun, on the moon, on our planet, in all living beings, in the body, in the mind, and in the spirit. May that tranquility be everywhere and in everyone. Aum peace peace peace
Sri Mahishasrua Mardini
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram Translated by P.R.Ramachander (This very popular stotra of Goddess Durga is supposed to have been written by Ramakrishna Kavi. Nothing is known about the author. The great Tenali Rama was known as Ramakrishna Kavi and he was a great Bhaktha of Durga. But there are no references to say hat he wrote this great work. Due to its very poetic nature and repetition of words in the same stanza with different nuances, this is extremely difficult to translate. I have used the one incomplete translation available in the web (http://sanskrit.gde.to/doc_devii/mahisha_mean.itx ) as well as the recent great translation by Sri.S.N.Sastry of Madras which has been posted in www.celestel.org. The version of the stotra which I have used is slightly different from what has been quoted above. I have used transliteration with roman script) Ayi giri nandini, nandhitha medhini, Viswa vinodhini nandanuthe, Girivara vindhya sirodhi nivasini, Vishnu Vilasini Jishnu nuthe, Bhagawathi hey sithi kanda kudumbini, Bhoori kudumbini bhoori kruthe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini, Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 1 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Who makes the whole earth happy, Who rejoices with this universe, Who is the daughter of Nanda, Who resides on the peak of Vindhyas, Who plays with Lord Vishnu, Who has a glittering mien, Who is praised by other goddesses, Who is the consort of the lord with the blue neck, Who has several families, Who does good to her family. Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Suravara varshini, durdara darshini, Durmukhamarshani, harsha rathe, Tribhuvana poshini, Sankara thoshini, Kilbisisha moshini, ghosha rathe, Danuja niroshini, Dithisutha roshini, Durmatha soshini, Sindhu suthe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 2 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh goddess who showers boons on devas, Who punishes those who are undisciplined. Who tolerates ugly faced ogres, Who enjoys in being happy, Who looks after the three worlds, Who pleases lord Shiva, Who removes effect of sins, Who rejoices with the holy sound, Who is angry on the progenies of Dhanu, Who is angry with the children of Dithi, Who discourages those with pride, Who is the daughter of the Ocean, Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi Jagadambha Madambha , Kadambha, Vana priya vasini, Hasarathe, Shikhari siromani, thunga Himalaya, Srunga nijalaya, madhyagathe, Madhu Madure, Mdhukaitabha banjini, Kaitabha banjini, rasa rathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 3 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh , mother of the entire world, Who loves to live in the forest of Kadambha trees, Who enjoys to smile, Who lives in the top peak of the great Himalayas Who is sweeter than honey, Who keeps the treasures of Madhu and Kaidabha, Who is the slayer of Kaidabha, Who enjoys her dancing, Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi satha kanda, vikanditha runda, Vithunditha shunda, Gajathipathe, Ripu Gaja ganda , Vidhaarana chanda, Paraakrama shunda, mrugathipathe, Nija bhuja danda nipaathitha khanda, Vipaathitha munda, bhatathipathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 4 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who breaks the heads of ogres, In to hundreds of pieces, Who cuts the trunks of elephants in battle, Who rides on the valorous lion, Which tears the heads of elephants to pieces, Who severs the heads of the generals of the enemy, With her own arms, Who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi rana durmathaShathru vadhothitha, Durdhara nirjjara, shakthi bruthe, Chathura vicharadureena maha shiva, Duthatkrutha pramadhipathe, Duritha Dureeha, dhurasaya durmathi, Dhanava dhutha kruithaanthamathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 5 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who has the strength which never diminishes, To gain victory over enemies in the battle field, Who made Pramatha, the attendant of Lord Shiva, Known for his tricky strategy, as her assistant, Who took the decision to destroy the asuras, Who are bad people, with evil thoughts and mind, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi saranagatha vairi vadhuvara, Veera varaa bhaya dhayakare, Tribhuvana masthaka soola virodhi, Sirodhi krithamala shoolakare, Dimidmi thaamara dundubinadha mahaa Mukharikruthatigmakare, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 6 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who forgives and gives refuge, To the heroic soldiers of the enemy rank, Whose wives come seeking refuge for them, Oh Goddess who is armed with trident , Ready to throw on the heads of those, Who cause great pain to the three worlds, Oh Goddess who shines likes the hot sun, And who is aroused by sound of “Dhumi, Dhumi,” Produced by the beating of drums by the devas, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi nija huum kruthimathra niraakrutha, Dhoomra vilochana Dhoomra sathe, Samara vishoshitha sonitha bheeja, Samudhbhava sonitha bheejalathe, Shiva shiva shumbha nishumbhamaha hava, Tarpitha bhootha pisacha rathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 7 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh, Goddess who blew away hundreds of ogres, Who had smoking eyes, With her mere sound of “Hum” Oh Goddess who is the blood red creeper, Emanating from the seeds of blood, Which fell in the battle field, Oh Goddess who delights in the company of Lord Shiva, And the ogres Shumbha and Nishumbha, Who were sacrificed in the battle field, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Dhanu ranushanga rana kshana sanga, Parisphuradanga natath katake, Kanaka pishanga brushathka nishanga, Rasadbhata shrunga hatavatuke, Kritha chaturanga bala kshithirangakadath , Bahuranga ratadhpatuke, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 8 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who decks herself with ornaments, On her throbbing limbs in the field of battle, When she gets her bow ready to fight, Oh Goddess , who killed her enemies, In the field of battle with a shining sword, And the shaking of her golden brown spots, Oh Goddess , who made the battle ground of the four fold army, In to a stage of drama with screaming little soldiers, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. jaya jaya japya jayejaya shabda , Parastuti tatpara vishvanute , Bhana Bhanabhinjimi bhingrutha noopura, Sinjitha mohitha bhootha pathe, Nadintha nataartha nadi nada nayaka, Naditha natya sugaanarathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 9 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , whose victory is sung, By the whole universe, Which is interested in singing her victory, Oh Goddess who attracts the attention of Lord Shiva, By the twinkling sound made by her anklets, While she is engaged in dancing, Oh Goddess who gets delighted , By the dance and drama by versatile actors, Even while she is half of Lord Shiva’s body, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi sumana sumana, Sumana sumanohara kanthiyuthe, Sritha rajani rajani rajani, Rajaneekaravakthra vruthe, Sunayana vibhramarabhrama, Bhramarabrahmaradhipadhe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 10 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess of the people with good mind, Who is greatly gracious to such people, Oh Goddess who appears very pretty to the good minded, Oh Goddess with moon like face, Who is as cool as the moon ,to those in the dark, Oh Goddess whose face shines in the moon light, Oh Goddess whose very pretty flower like eyes attracts the bees , Oh Goddess who attracts devotees ,like a flower which attracts bees, Oh Goddess who attracts her lord like a bee, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Sahitha maha hava mallama hallika, Mallitharallaka mallarathe, Virachithavallika pallika mallika billika , Bhillika varga Vruthe, Sithakruthapulli samulla sitharuna, Thallaja pallava sallalithe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 11 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess who becomes happy, In the sport of battle, assisted by warriors, Oh Goddess who is surrounded by hunters, Whose hut is surrounded by creepers, And the tribes of Mallikas, Jillakas and Bhillakas, Oh Goddess who is as pretty as The famous fully opened flower, Oh Goddess , who is as pretty as the creeper, Full of red tender leaves, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Avirala ganda kalatha mada medura, Matha matanga rajapathe, Tribhuvana bhooshana bhootha kalanidhi, Roopa payonidhi raja suthe, Ayi suda thijjana lalasa manasa , Mohana manmatha raja suthe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 12 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , who walks like a royal elephant in rut, In Whose face there is a copious flow of ichors, Oh Goddess , who is the daughter of the ocean of milk, From where the pretty moon also took his birth, Oh Goddess who is the ornament of the three worlds, Oh Goddess who is worshipped by the God of love, Who fills the minds of pretty ladies with desire, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Kamala dalaamala komala kanthi, Kala kalithaamala bala lathe, Sakala vilasa Kala nilayakrama, Keli chalathkala hamsa kule, Alikula sankula kuvalaya mandala , Mauli miladh bhakulalikule, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 13 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , whose spotless forehead, Which is of delicate prettiness, Is like pure and tender lotus leaf, Oh Goddess who moves like the spotlessly pretty swans, Which Move with delicate steps, And which is the epitome of arts,, Oh Goddess ,Whose tress is surrounded By bees from bakula trees, Which normally crowd the tops of lotus flowers, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Kara murali rava veejitha koojitha, Lajjitha kokila manjumathe, Militha pulinda manohara kunchitha, Ranchitha shaila nikunjakathe, Nija guna bhootha maha sabari gana, Sathguna sambrutha kelithale, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 14 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess with sweet tender thoughts, Whose sweet enchanting music, Made through the flute in her hands, Put the sweet voiced nightingale to shame, Oh Goddess who stays in pleasant mountain groves, Which resound with the voice of tribal folks, Oh Goddess, whose playful stadium, Is filled with flocks of tribal women, Who have many qualities similar to her, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Kati thata peetha dukoola vichithra, Mayuka thiraskrutha Chandra ruche, Pranatha suraasura mouli mani sphura , Damsula sannka Chandra ruche, Jitha kanakachala maulipadorjitha, Nirbhara kunjara kumbhakuche, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 15 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh goddess, who wears yellow silks on her waist, Which has peculiar brilliance , That puts the moon to shame, Oh goddess, whose toe nails shine like the moon, Because of the reflection of the light, From the crowns of Gods and asuras who bow at her feet, Oh Goddess whose breasts which challenge, The forehead of elephants and the peaks of golden mountains, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Vijitha sahasra karaika sahasrakaraika, Sarakaraika nuthe, Krutha sutha tharaka sangaratharaka, Sangaratharaka soonu suthe, Suratha Samadhi samana Samadhi, Samadhi Samadhi sujatharathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 16 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess , whose splendour , Defeats the Sun with his thousand rays Oh Goddess , who is saluted by the Sun, Who has thousands of rays, Oh Goddess who was praised, By Tharakasura after his defeat, In the war between him and your son, Oh Goddess who was pleased with King Suratha, And the rich merchant called Samadhi, Who entered in to Samadhi, And who prayed for endless Samadhi, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Padakamalam karuna nilaye varivasyathi, yo anudhinam sa shive, Ayi kamale kamala nilaye kamala nilaya Sa katham na bhaveth, Thava padameva param ithi Anusheelayatho mama kim na shive, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 17 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Oh Goddess, in whom mercy lives, And who is auspiciousness itself, He who worships thine lotus feet, Daily without fail, Would for sure be endowed with wealth, By that Goddess who lives on lotus, And if I consider thine feet as only refuge, Is there anything that I will not get, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Kanakala sathkala sindhu jalairanu Sinjinuthe guna ranga bhuvam, Bhajathi sa kim na Shachi kucha kumbha Thati pari rambha sukhanubhavam, Thava charanam saranam kara vani Nataamaravaaninivasi shivam, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 18 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, He who sprinkles the water of the ocean, Taken in a golden pot , on your play ground, Oh Goddess will get the same pleasure , Like the Indra in heaven, when he fondles, The pot like breasts of his wife Suchi, So I take refuge in thine feet Oh Goddess, Which is also place where Shiva resides, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Thava Vimalendu kulam vadnedumalam Sakalayananu kulayathe, Kimu puruhootha pureendu mukhi Sumukhibhee rasou vimukhi kriyathe, Mama thu matham shivanama dhane Bhavathi krupaya kimu na kriyathe, Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 19 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, He who keeps thine face adorned by moon, In his thought would never face rejection, By the bevy of pretty beauties with moon like face, In the celestial Indra’s court, And so oh Goddess who is held in esteem by Shiva, I am sure you would not reject my wishes, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura. Ayi mai deena dayalu thaya krupayaiva Thvaya bhavthavyam ume, Ayi jagatho janani kripayaa asi thatha anumithasi rathe Na yaduchitham atra bhavathvya rari kurutha, durutha pamapakarute Jaya Jaya Mahishasura mardini , Ramya kapardini, shaila Suthe. 20 Victory and victory to you, Oh darling daughter of the mountain, Please shower some mercy on me, As you are most merciful on the oppressed. Oh mother of the universe ,be pleased, To give me the independence , To consider you as my mother And do not reject my prayer even if it is improper, But be pleased to drive away all my sorrows, Oh Goddess who has captivating braided hair, Who is the daughter of a mountain. And who is the slayer of Mahishasura.
Lalithambika Devi Ashtottarasatanamavali
Aum Aim Srim Hrim Rajata-chala-shrungara madhya-sdhayai namo namah Om Rajata-chala-shrungagra madhya-sdhayai namah Om Hima-chala maha-vamsha pava-nayai namah Om Shankarar-dhanga soundarya sharee-rayai namah Om Lasanma-rakata svacha-vigra-hayai namah Om Maha-tishaya soundarya lavanyayai namah Om Shashanka shekhara prana-valla-bhayai namah Om Sada-panchada-shatmaikya svarupayai namah Om Vajra-manikya kataka-kireetayai namah Om Kasturee-tila-kollasi nitalayai namah Om Bhasma-rekhankita lasanma-kayai namah Om Vika-chambho-ruha dalalo-chanayai namah Om Shara-champeya pushta-bhana-sikayai namah Om Latatkamchana-tatamka yugalayai namah Om Mani-darpana sankasha kapolayai namah Om Tanbula-puritasme-ravadanayai namah Om Supakva-dadi-meebeeja-radanayai namah Om Kanbu-puga-samachaya kandha-rayai namah Om Sdhula-mukta-phalo-dara-suharayai namah Om Gireesha-badha-mangalya mangalayai namah Om Padma-pashankusha-lasatka-rabjayai namah Om Padma-kairava-mandara sumalinyai namah Om Suvarna-kunbha-yugma bhasuku-chayai namah Om Rama-niya chatur-bhahu samyuk-tayai namah Om Kana-kanga-dakeyura bhushitayai namah Om Bruha-tsou-varna soundarya-vasanayai namah Om Bruhanni tanbu-vila-sajja-ghanayai namah Om Soubhagya-jata-shrungara-madhya-mayai namah Om Divya-bhushana samdo-hara-jitayai namah Om Parijata guna-dhikya padab-jayai namah Om Supadma raga-pankasha chara-nayai namah Om Kama-koti maha-padma peeta-sdhayai namah Om Sree-kanta-netra kumuda chandrikayai namah Om Sacha-mara rama-vanee rajitayai namah Om Bhakta-rakshana dakshinya katakshayai namah Om Bhute-shalinganod-bhuta pulakangyai namah Om Ananga-jana-kapanga-veeksha-nayai namah Om Bramho-pendra shiro-ratna-ramjitayai namah Om Shachi-mukhya-mara-vadhu sevitayai namah Om Lila-kalpita-bramhanda manditayai namah Om Amrutadi-maha-shakti-samvrutayai namah Om Ykata-patra-samrajya-dayeikayai namah Om Devarshi-bhistuya-mana-vaibha-vayai namah Om Kala-shodbhava durvasa pujitayai namah Om Matte-bhavaktra-shadvaktra-vatsa-layai namah Om Chakra-raja maha-yanta-madhya-varyai namah Om Chidagni-kunda sambhuta sude-hayai namah Om Shashanka-khanda samyukta makutayai namah Om Matta-hamsa-vadhu manda-gama-nayai namah Om Vandaru jana-sandoha vanditayai namah Om Amtarmukha jana-nanda phala-dayai namah Om Pati-vratanga-nabeeshta phala-dayai namah Om Avyaja-karuna pura-puri-tayai namah Om Nitanta sachida-nanda samyuk-tayai namah Om Sahasra-surya-sanyukta-praka-shayai namah Om Ratna-chnta-mani gruha-madhya-sdhayai namah Om Hani vrudhi guna-dhikya-rahitayai namah Om Maha-padma-tavee madhya nivasayai namah Om Jagrat-svapna sugha-pteenam sakshi-bhutyai namah Om Maha-tapougha papanam vinashinyai namah Om Dushta-bheeti maha-bheeti bhanja-nayai namah Om Samasta deva-danuja prera-kayai namah Om Samasta hruda-yanbhoja nila-yayai namah Om Ana-hata maha-padma mandi-rayai namah Om Sahasra-rasarojata vasitayai namah Om Punara-vruta rahita purasdhayai namah Om Vanee gayatri savitri sannutayai namah Om Rama bhumi-suta-radhya padabjayai namah Om Lopa-mudrarchita sreema-charanayai namah Om Sahasra rati-soundarya sharee-rayai namah Om Bhavana-matra-santushta hruda-yayai namah Om Satya-sampurna vigyna sidhidayai namah Om Sree-lochana kruto-llasa phala-dayai namah Om Sree-sudhabdi mani-dvipa madhya-gayai namah Om Daksha-dhvara vini-rbheda-sadha-nayai namah Om Sreenadha sodaree-bhuta shobhi-tayai namah Om Chandra-shekhara bhaktarti bhanja-nayai namah Om Sarvo-padha-vinirmukta-chaitan-yayai namah Om Nama-parayana-bheeshta phala-dayai namah Om Srushti-sdhiti tiro-dhana sankal-payai namah Om Sree-shoda-shaksharee mantra madhya-gayai namah Om Anadyanta svayam-bhuta divya-muryai namah Om Bhakta-hamsa-para-mukhya viyo-gayai namah Om Matru-mandala samyukta lalitayai namah Om Bhanda-daitya maha-satva nasha-nayai namah Om Krura-bhanda shira-cheda nipu-nayai namah Om Dhatra-chyuta sura-dheesha sukha-dayai namah Om Chanda-munda nishumbhadi khanda-nayai namah Om Raktaksha-rakta jihvadi shiksha-nayai namah Om Mahisha-suradorverya nigra-hayai namah Om Abhra-kesha-mahotsaha kara-nayai namah Om Mahesha-yukta natana tatparayai namah Om Nija-bhartru mukham-bhoja chinta-nayai namah Om Vrusha-bhadhvaja vigynana-bhavanayai namah Om Janma-mrutya jara-roga bhanjanayai namah Om Vidhe-yamukta vigyana-sidhi-dayai namah Om Kama-krodhadi shadvarga-nashanayai namah Om Raja-rajarchita ada-sarojayai namah Om Sarva-vedanta sansidha sutatvayai namah Om Veera-bhakta-vigyana nidhanayai namah Om Ashesha dusta dhanuja-sudhanayai namah Om Sakshachri dakshana-moorty manogyanyai namah Om Haya-medagra-sampoojya mahimayai namah Om Daksha-praja-pati sutha-vesha-dyayai namah Om Suma-baneksha-kodanda-mandi-tayai namah Om Nitya-youvans mangalya-mangalayai namah Om Maha-deva sama-yukat-shareerayai namah Om Maha-deva-ratai-tsukya-maha-devyai namah
Kali Chalisa
Kali Chalisa Jayati mahaakaalii jayati, aadya kaalii maata jai karaala vadane jayati, jagata maatu vikhyaata Victory to you, O Mahakali! Victory to you, O primordial source of all beings! Victory to you, O formidable-looking goddess, who are renowned as the mother of the world! Jai jai ruupa prachandikaa, mahaakaalikaa devi jayati jayati shiva-chandrikaa, sura nara munijana sevi Victory, all victory to you, O great goddess Mahakalika, of terrible and frightening aspect! Victory to you, O Moon on the locks of Shiva who are ever adored by gods, men, hermits and devotees. Jayati jayati raktaasanaa, raudramukhi rudraanii ari shonita khappara bharanii, khadaga dhaarinii shuchi paani Victory, all victory to you. O consort of Rudra; you are fearsome to look at and prefer a drink of hot blood; you are described as having a sword in your hallowed hand and as one who fills her cranial bowl with the blood of her victims. Jai jai jai maiyaa shrii kaalii jayati khadaga kara khappara vaalii jayati mahaamaayaa vikaraalaa rudra-shakti kaalahun ko kaalaa Glory, glory to you, O Kali, the bearer of a cranial bowl and a sword in your hands. Victory to you, O terrible Delusion, the might of Rudra and the very death of Death. Maan madhu kaitabha ke vadha hetu pragati shrii hari ke tana se tuu shyaamala gaata maata tava sohata ravi sama cavi lakhi chavipati mohata O Mother, it is for the slaughter of the demons Madhu and Kaitabha that you appeared from the body of Hari. O Mother, your dark form radiant as the sun looks so splendidly winsome that the god of beauty himself cannot but succumb to its charm. Dasha mukha tiisa netra mana bhaavana bhaala baala shashi mukuta suhaavana ko chavi varani sakai maan terii shyaama kesha janu ghataa sugherii You are ten-faced with thirty attractive eyes, the crescent moon and a lovely coronet on your head. O Divine mother; who can describe your comeliness and your dark hair like massed clouds? Ura ari mundamaala chavi chaajata astra shastra dasha hasta viraajata khappara khadaga trishuula kuthaarii gadaa chakra dhanu shankha sudhaarii The beauty of the wreath made of your victims' skulls looks splendid as do the weapons and missiles in all your ten hands. You carry a cranial bowl, a sword, a three-pronged trident, an axe, a club, a disc, a bow and a conch, all in their proper places. Ari kara katana ghaangaraa raajai anga-anga shuchi bhuusana saajai ranjita rakta dasa charana karaalaa jihi vishaala ruupa vikaraalaa The beautiful skirt made of he severed arms of your enemies looks so becoming like the sacred ornaments adorning every part of your body. Your ten dread feet are all smeared with blood and your long tongue sticks out, rendering your appearance frightening. Jabahin attahaasa maa karatii kaampata thara-thara thara-thara dharatii aadi shakti dhani jaga dhaatrii mahaa pralaya kii adhishthaatrii When, O Mother, you laugh aloud, the earth shivers (like one suffering from shaking chills). Blessed are you, O Primordial Energy and foster-mother of the world, you are the presiding deity of Doom (who causes universal destruction). Maan tava pragata shrii shankara rasanaa baahara vadana bhayankara dhani dhani kalakatte kii kaalii sahasabhuji shrii shivapura vaalii O Mother Kali! It is your divine feet that made Shiva's appearance possible in the world; you have long protruding tongue and a frightening look. Blessed, all blessed are you O Mother Kali of Calcutta, who are thousand-armed and who have your abode in Shivapura. Tuuhii kaalii siya dashamukha naashyo shrii raghupati pada vijaya vilaaso jaga sukha shaanti hetu kalyaanaa kariin ruupa dhaarana vidhi naanaa O Kali, as Sita you were instrumental in bringing about Ravana's destruction and Raghupati's victory which, appearing became amorous of the Lord's feet. You assumed manifold forms for the well being peace and happiness of the world. Tuu hii shrii krishna ruupa kii kaalii chandrahaasa muralii kara vaalii chaturbhujii tau astabhujii dhaarii kahun dashabhuja ashtaadashakarii You manifested yourself in the form of Krishna and let your sword be mysteriously transformed into a flute in his hand. Sometimes you take on the form of Vishnu with his four arms, at other times of one (Durga, for example) having eight arms, at still other one having ten or eighteen arms. kahun batiisa chausatha bhuja dhaarata kahun sahasra bhuja kari ari maarata tuu hari shakti ardha vaalii tiikshanadanta rasanaa risi vaalii You sometimes appear with thirty-two arms, at other times with just the double this number, and at still others you multiply your arms into a thousand in order to slay your enemies. You are the very power of Hari invoked with prayer at midnight; you have long sharp fangs and a protruding tongue showing your blood-thirsty and fearsome nature. Raktachandikaa khadaga dhaarinii rudra chandrikaa khala sanhaarinii shrii satashringii aadya kaalii kaalii khoha nivaasini vaalii You are furious combatant with a sword in your hand (you are usually shown on the battlefield or in a cremation ground where you sit on a corpse surrounded by jackals and goblins); you are at once soothing like the moon and fearsome like Rudra and the slayer of the wicked. You are as sublime as a hundred- peaked mountain and a primordial deity of black or dark complexion. You dwell amongst dark, untrodden caverns. Aadi maatu tuuhii nara shiramaalii tumhiin kansa hananii vaitaalii tumhiin bhadrakaalii kailaashii sadaa khalana ke rakta mkii pyaasii You are the original mother (of all beings) and at the same time a dread deity with human heads for your garland; you are the very slayer of Kansa and subduer of ghosts and goblins; you are yourself Bhadrakali, a dweller on Kailasha and one who thirsts for the blood of the wicked. Khacha-khacha-khacha shira kati shatru kara bhara-bhara-bhara shonita khappara bhara dala-dala-dala daanava bhakshana kara chala-chala chala-chala rakta khalana kara Again and again you strike off the heads of your enemies (with your lashing sword) and fill your cranial bowl with blood (oozing from corpses). You gorge yourself on the demon host one after another and rushing on and on shed their wicked blood. Gani-gani-gani ari karahu nipaataa dhani-dhani-dhani shrii kaalii maataa yahi aradaasa daasa kahan maaii puurahu aasa tu hou sahaaii Blessed, blessed, blessed are you, O Mother Kali, who cause your enemies to lick the dust one after another. I entreat you, O mother, to fulfil your votary's expectations and grant him your favour. Paryo gaadha sankata aba bhaarii kehi kaa maiyaa aaja pukaarii chari chora laagyo maga mohii karana chahata raghupati ko drohii I am in a perilous predicament O Mother, and know not whom to call for help. I am being pursued on the rough roads of life by four robbers who are bent upon turning me against the Lord of the house of Raghu Rama. Hai yehii shatruna kaa bhuupaa kaama krodha moha lobha saruupaa inhiin dehun yadi anta pachaarii tabahin milahin bhagavanta murarii These are my prime enemies, the sovereign lords of all the deadly evils; lust, anger, infatuation and avarice. If you overthrow them (and abandon me not to my troubles), I would be blessed with devotion to the enemy of Mura, namely, Lord Krishna. Duujo eka arja yaha maataa todahu sapadi khalana ke taantaa jete dushta mahaa aparaadhii badakarmii paamara baka vyaadhii I also urge you, Mother, to put an end to the unending string of the wicked (bent on vexing me) immediately. All those wicked souls, who are confirmed sinners, evil-doers, mean and suffer from idle volubility and vain chattering: jo nita binu aparaadha sataavata dharma karma shubha ho na paavata tinhin maatu tuu chaki jaa haalii bachana putra kii hoya na khaalii Those who cause vexation without being provoked and who render all religious observances and propitious activities fruitless, you pick up, O Mother and slaughter them without delay; let not this prayer of your son go in vain. Puni bani aindrii aavahu maataa adbhuta shakti dikhaavahu maataa jhatapata lehu khalahin sanhaari mori maatu jani karahu abaarii I entreat you, O Mother, to reveal yourself as the power of Indra (or as Indrani or as Durga) and display your wondrous might. Slay the villains promptly without further delay. Bharahu shanti sukha dhana jana dhaamaa ati ananda hoii yaha graamaa puni puni vinavahi sundaradaasaa maiyaa puura karahu abhilaashaa Fill the homes of your devotees with peace, happiness and prosperity so that this countryside becomes a seat of growing exultation and felicity. Sundardasa bows to you again and again, O Mother, and supplicates you to fulfill his expectations. DOHAA mahaakaaliikaa charita yaha, ika prakaara kaa mantra sarva kaamanaa prati, manahu yanra aru tanra kaalii chaaliisaa padhai, laalii chahai ju koii kaalii ari kaa naasha ho, khaalii vachana na hoii kaalii hari kaa teja hain, ari ko naashana haara hari ki puurana shakti hain karata hetu sanhaara This hymn to the acts of the formidable Kali is like a sacred formula capable of fulfilling every wish as if it were a magic talisman and a charm. He who wishes to attain brilliance should read this hymn to Kali; for it will ensure the destruction of all those who are hostile to Kali-promise which would never go in vain. Kali incarnates the very vital force and power of Hari with which she destroys her enemies for the well being of the world.
Gayatri Devi Ashtottara Sata Namavali/ 108 names of Devi
Gayatri Ashtottara Sata Namavali Om Taruna-ditya samkashayai namah Om Saha-srana-yanoj-valayai namah Om Vichitra-malya-bhara-nayai namah Om Tuhina-chala-vasinyai namah Om Varada-bhaya-hastab-jayai namah Om Revareera-niva-sinyai namah Om Nipatraya-vishesha-gynayai namah Om Yantra-kruti-virajitayai namah Om Bhadha-pada-prayayai namah Om Govinda-pada-gaminyai namah Om Devarhsi-gana-samstu-tyayai namah Om Vana-mala-vibhu-shitayai namah Om Syanda-nottama-samsdha-nayai namah Om Deergha-jeemata-nisva-nayai namah Om Matta-matanga-gamanayai namah Om Hiranya-kamala-sanayai namah Om Deeja-nadhara niratayai namah Om Yoginyai namah Om Yoga-dharinyai namah Om Nata-natyai-kani-ratayai namah Om Prana-vadya-ksharat-mikayai namah Om Chora-chara-kriya-saktayai namah Om Daridrya-chedaka-rinyai namah Om Yada-vendra-kulod-bhutayai namah Om Tureeya-padha-gaminyai namah Om Gayatryai namah Om Gomatyai namah Om Gangayai namah Om Goutamyai namah Om Guruda-sanayai namah Om Geya-gana-priyayai namah Om Gouryai namah Om Govinda-pada-pujitayai namah Om Gandharva-nagara-karayai namah Om Goura-varnayai namah Om Gane-shvaryai namah Om Gadashra-yayai namah Om Guna-vatyai namah Om Gahvaryai namah Om Gana-pujitayai namah Om Guna-traya samayu-ktayai namah Om Gunatraya-vivarji-tayai namah Om Guha-vasayai namah Om Guna-dharayai namah Om Guhyayai namah Om Gandharva-rupinyai namah Om Garya-priyayai namah Om Guru-padayai namah Om Guhya-linganga-dharinyai namah Om Savitryai namah Om Surya-tana-yayai namah Om Sushu-mnanadi-bedinyai namah Om Supra-kashayai namah Om Sukha-seenayai namah Om Sumatyai namah Om Sura-pujitayai namah Om Sushu-patya-vasdhayai namah Om Sudatyai namah Om Sundaryai namah Om Saga-ramba-rayai namah Om Sudham-shubimba-vadanayai namah Om Sustanyai namah Om Suvi-locha-nayai namah Om Seetayai namah Om Sarva-shrayayai namah Om Sandhyayai namah Om Sapha-layai namah Om Sukhada-enyai namah Om Subhruve namah Om Suna-sayai namah Om Sushronyai namah Om Samsara-rnavata-rinyai namah Om Sama-gana-priyayai namah Om Sadhvyai namah Om Sarva-bharana-pujitayai namah Om Vaishnavyai namah Om Vimala-karayai namah Om Mahendryai namah Om Mantra-rupinyai namah Om Maha-lakshmyai namah Om Maha-sidyai namah Om Maha-mayayai namah Om Mahe-sharyai namah Om Mohinyai namah Om Madana-karayai namah Om Madhu-sudhana-choditayai namah Om Meena-kshyai namah Om Madhura-vasayai namah Om Nagendra-tanayayai namah Om Umayai namah Om Trivikrama-pada-krantayai namah Om Trisva-rayai namah Om Trivilo-chanayai namah Om Surya-mandala-madya-sdhayai namah Om Chandra-mandala-samsdhitayai namah Om Vahni-mandala-madya-sdhayai namah Om Vayu-mandala-madya-sdhayai namah Om Vyoma-mandala-madya-sdhayai namah Om Chakrinyai namah Om Chakra-rupinyai namah Om Kala-chakra-vitana-sdhayai namah Om Chandra-mandala-darpanayai namah Om Jyotna-tapanuli-ptamgyai namah Om Maha-maruta-veejitayai namah Om Sarva-mantra-shrayayai namah Om Denave namah Om Papagnai namah Om Parame-shvaryai namah
Discourse on Gayatri
The word "gayatri" refers to three things. 1 - A gayatri is a form of Vedic poetry consisting of 24 syllables. Many gods have a gayatri specific to them [some gods have more than one]. These deity gayatries will be discussed in later files. 2 - The Gayatri mantra [which is what this file will concern] is, quite possibly, the single most popular and important mantra in India. It is a hymn to the Sun and is recited for all purposes. 3 - GayatriDevi ["Devi" means Goddess) is the personifi- cation on the Gayatri mantra mentioned above. She is said to be the Shakti* of Brahma and a form of Saraswati. It is important to note, however, that the Gayatri mantra is not a mantra go the goddess Gayatri herself. *Shakti - The Sanskrit word "shakti", directly translated, means power or strength. On a deeper level, however, "Shakti" is the feminine force, Devi [I will capitalize the word when referring to this meaning]. Shakti is the force behind all action. The movement of my fingers on the keyboard, of my eyes across the screen, the pulse of my heart, these are all happening because of Shakti. Each deva [god] has his complimentary Shakti. While the two are often personified as husband and wife, they are actually inseparable parts of the same whole. Without his Shakti, a deva is powerless, a lifeless corpse. Conversely, if Shakti has no deva, she/it is unfocused power, incapable of acting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that I've covered that side note, on to the Gayatri mantra. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Gayatrî Mantra is first recorded in the Rig Veda (iii, 62, 10) which was written in Sanskrit about 2500 to 3500 years ago, and by some reports, the mantra may have been chanted for many generations before that." ~http://wahiduddin.net/mantra/gayatri.htm As mentioned above, the Gayatri mantra is a hymn to the Sun [Surya/Savitri]. It is also known as a mantra of illumination, both of the spirit and of the intelligence. Recitation of this mantra is said to aid in reaching enlightenment and to flood the spirit/aura with pure light [the energy of the Divine]. It is recommended that one chant the Gayatri mantra a minimum of three times a day, followed by "Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti", which instills the mind with peace and allows the mantra to work more effectively. The Gayatri mantra is purported to dispel sorrow and negativity/evil spirits, protect the person saying it, cure sickness, bring peace, raise spiritual vibrations, ward off misery, fulfill desires, bestow blessings, replace "lower" tendencies with more spiritually enlightened ones, etc. So, as you can see, the recitation of the Gayatri mantra is recommendable, even if it is said only three times a day [at least one full mala in the morning is preferable, but not necessary]. - http://www.sathyasai.org/devotion/prayers/gayatri.html One last thing to look at is the meaning of this mantra. The two websites above both have translations and there are many more descriptions of it's meanings, so I'll just give one of it's basic translations here. Aum - the sacred sound, the primordial sound of creation/ manifestation. Bhur - Earth (physical world) Bhuvaha - Atmospheric region (mental world) Swaha - Solar region (spiritual world) Mahaha - the casual/silent mind (also, the heart vibration) Janaha - the world of creativity (also, the power of the Divine, spiritual word) Tapaha - the world of intuition (also, realm of highest spiritual understanding) Satyam - the world of the Absolute, that which is beyond human comprehension. Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhemahi Diyo Yonah Prachodayat - We meditate upon the radiant Divine Light of that adorable Sun of Spiritual Consciousness; May it awaken our intuitional consciousness. (S. Krishnamurthy) Ok, so, now that you have a basic understanding of the mantra, what IS it? Well, this, too, varies. There are three different forms of the mantra that I have come across, but I have never found one to be any better than the other. I will present all three here and let you decide which one is best for you. The variations concern the invocation which is said before the actual gayatri [lowercase 'g', signifying the form of poetry] is said. There is a long form, a short form, and a form that blurs the invocation with the mantra itself. They are as follows: 1) Aum Bhur Aum Bhuvaha Aum Swaha Aum Mahaha Aum Janaha Aum Tapaha Aum Satyam Aum Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhemahi Diyo Yonah Prachodayat 2) Aum Bhur Bhuvaha Swaha Aum Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhemahi Diyo Yonah Prachodayat 3) Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhemahi Diyo Yonah Prachodayat Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti
For Peace
Om sarve santu sukhinaha May all beings know contentment Om shantih shantih shantihi Om - peace – peace - peace
Durga Chalisa
Durga Chalisa Durga Chalisa Namo Namo Durge Sukh karani, Namo Namo ambe Dukh harani. Nirakar hai jyoti tumhari, Tihun lok pheli ujayari. Shashi lalat mukh mahavishala, Netra lal bhrikutee vikarala. Roop Matu ko adhika suhave, Daras karat jan ati sukh pave. Tum sansar shakti laya kina, Palan hetu anna dhan dina. Annapurna hui jag pala, Tumhi adi sundari Bala. Pralaya kala sab nashan hari, Tum gauri Shiv-Shankar pyari. Shiv yogi tumhre guna gaven, Brahma Vishnu tumhen nit dhyaven. Roop Saraswati ko tum dhara, De subuddhi rishi munina ubara. Dharyo roop Narsimha ko amba, Pragat bhayin phar kar khamba. Raksha kari Prahlaad bachayo, Hiranakush ko swarga pathayo. Lakshmi roop dharo jag mahin, Shree Narayan anga samihahin. Ksheer sindhu men karat vilasa, Daya Sindhu, deeje man asa. Hingalaja men tumhin Bhavani, Mahima amit na jet bakhani. Matangi Dhoomavati Mata, Bhuvneshwari bagala sukhdata. Shree Bhairav lara jog tarani, Chhinna Bhala bhav dukh nivarani. Kehari Vahan soh Bhavani, Langur Veer Chalat agavani. Kar men khappar khadag viraje, Jako dekh kal dan bhaje. Sohe astra aur trishoola, Jase uthata shatru hiya shoola. Nagarkot men tumhi virajat, Tihun lok men danka bajat. Shumbhu Nishumbhu Danuja tum mare, Rakta-beeja shankhan samhare. Mahishasur nripa ati abhimani, Jehi agha bhar mahi akulani. Roop karal Kalika dhara, Sen Sahita tum tin samhara. Pan garha Santan par jab jab, Bhayi sahaya Matu tum tab tab. Amarpuni aru basava loka, Tava Mahirna sab rahen asoka. Jwala men hai jyoti tumhari, Tumhen sada poojen nar nari. Prem bhakti se Jo yash gave, Dukh-daridra nikat nahin ave. Dhyave tumhen jo nar man laee, Janam-maran tako chuti jaee. Jogi sur-muni kahat pukari, Jog na ho bin shakti tumhari. Shankar Aacharaj tap keenhon, Kam, krodha jeet sab leenhon. Nisidin dhyan dharo Shankar ko, Kahu kal nahini sumiro tum ko. Shakti roop ko maran na payo, Shakti gayi tab man pachitayo. Sharnagat hui keerti bakhani, Jai jai jai Jagdamb Bhavani. Bhayi prasanna Aadi Jagdamba, Dayi shakti nahin keen vilamba. Mokon Matu kashta ati ghero, Tum bin kaun hare dukh mero. Aasha trishna nipat sataven, Moh madadik sab binsaven. Shatru nash keeje Maharani, Sumiron ekachita tumhen Bhavani. Karo kripa Hey Matu dayala, Riddhi-Siddhi de karahu nihala. Jab lagi jiyoon daya phal paoon, Tumhro yash men sada sunaoon. Durga Chalisa jo gave, Sab sukh bhog parampad pave. Translation of Durga Chalisa in English I bow to You O Goddess Durga, the bestower of happiness! I bow to You O Goddess Amba, who Ends all miseries. The radiance of your light is limitless and all pervading and all the three realms (Earth, Heaven And the Nether World) are enlightened by Thee. Your face is like the moon and mouth very huge. Your eyes shine with a red glow and You have a Frightening frown. O Mother! Your look is enchanting, the very sight of which ensures welfare of the devout. All the powers of the World repose in Thee and it is You who provide food and wealth for the World's survival. Like the feeding Mother Annapoorna, You nurture the whole universe and You are the one Who appear like the timeless Bala Sundari (young girl of extreme beauty). At the time of dissolution, it is You, O Mother, who destroys everything. You are the beloved Consort of Lord Shiva, Gauri (Parvati). Lord Shiva and all yogis always chant your praise Brahma, Vishnu and all other Gods ever meditate on You. You appear in the form of Goddess Saraswati too, to grant wisdom to the sages and thus ensure their Welfare. O Mother Amba! It was You who appeared in the form of Narsimha, sundering the pillar. Thus You saved Prahlad and Hiranyakashyap also went to Heaven as he was killed by your Hands. In the form of Goddess Lakshmi, O Mother, you appear in this world and repose by the side of Shree Narayan. Dwelling in the ocean of milk, O Goddess, with Lord Vishnu, please fulfill my desires. O Bhavani, the famous Goddess of Hingalaja is no one else but You Yourself. Illimitable is your Glory, defying description. You are yourself Matangi and Dhoomavati Mata. It is You who appear as Bhuvaneshwari and Bagalamukhi Devi to bestow happiness to all. It is You who redeem the wolrd, appearing in the form of Shree Bhairavi, Taradevi and Chhinnamasta Devi, and end its sorrows. Reposing gracefully uopn your vehicle, O Goddess Bhavani, You are welcome by the brave Langour (Lord Hanuman). When You appear in the form of Goddess Kali, with sword in one hand and a cupel in the other, Even Time flees in panic. Beholding You, well armed, with a Trident in your hand, the enemy's heart aches with the sting Of fear. You also repose in the form of Devi at Nagarkot in Kangara. Thus all the three realms shudder in the might of your glory. You slayed the demons like Shumbh & Nishumb and massacred the thousand forms of the dreaded Demon Raktabeej. When the earth was severely distressed bearing the load of the sins of the arrogant Mahishasur. You assumed the dreadful form of Goddess Kali and massacred him along with his army. Thus, whenever the noble saints were distressed, it is You O Mother, who came to their rescue. All the realms including the Amarpuri (divine realm) remain sorrow-less and happy by Your Grace. O Goddess! It is the symbol of Your glory that is burning brightly at Shree JwalaJi. All me and women Ever worship You, O Mother! He who sings Your glory with devotion, love, and sincerity remains beyond the reach of grief And poverty. He who meditates upon Your form with concentration goes beyond the cycle of births and deaths. All the yogis, gods and sages openly declare that without your favour one can't establish communion with God. Shankaracharya had performed once a special penance called Aacharaj and by virtue of which he had subdued his anger and desire. He ever worshipped Lord Shankar and never for a moment concentrated his mind on You. Since He did not realise your immense glory, all His powers waned and then He repented hitherto. Then He sought refuge in You, chanted Your glory and 'victory, victory, victory to Thee, O Jagadamba Bhavani'. Then, O Primal Goddess Jagadamba Ji, You were propitiated and in no time You bestowed Him with his lost powers. O Mother! Severe afflictions distress me and no one except Your Honoured Self can provide relief please end my afflictions. Hopes and longings ever torture me. All sorts of passions and lust ever torment my heart. O Goddess Bhavani! I meditate only upon you Please kill my enemies O Queen! O Merciful Mother! Show me your favour and make me feel happy by bestowing me with all sorts of riches and powers. O Mother! May I be receptable of Your grace as long as I live, ever recounting the feats of Your Glory to all. This way, whoever sings this Durga Chalisa shall ever enjoy all sorts of pleasures and shall attain the highest state in the end.
Devyapadhakshampana Stotram
Devyapadhakshamapana Stotram Na mantram no yantram thadapi cha na jane sthuthimaho, Na chahwanam dhyanam thadapi cha na jane sthuthi kadha, Na jane mudrasthe thadapi na jane vilapanam, Param jane matha thwadanusaranam klesa haranam. 1 Neither I know mantra nor thanthra nor your praise, Neither I know how to call you, nor meditate nor praise you, Neither I know mudras nor how to cry to you, But I know that by obeying you, I would get rid of all problems. Vidhera gnanena dravina virahena alasathaya, Vidheyasakya thaw thava charanayor yachyathirabhooth, Hadethath kshanthavyam anani sa kalodharini shive, Kuputhro jayetha kwachidapi, kumatha na bhavathi. 2 I forgot to salute your feet due to ignorance of rules, Due to having no money, being lazy and inefficient. Oh, mother of all the world and giver of all that is good, It is easy for you to excuse me, For a bad son may be born but there can be no bad mother. Pruthvya puthrasthe janai bahava ssanthi sarala, Param thesham madhye virala tharaloham thava sutha, Madheeyoayam thyagasamuchidamidham, no thava shive, Kuputhro jayetha, kwachidapi kumatha na bhavathi. 3 Oh mother, you have many great sons in this wide world, And in their midst I happen to be retarded and lost, But oh mother, it is not proper for you to leave me out, For a bad son may be born but there can be no bad mother. Jaganmata mathasthava charana sevanarachitha, Nava datham devi dravinamapi bhooyasthava maya, Thadapi thwam sneham mayi nirupamam, Kuputhro jayetha, kwachidapi kumatha na bhavathi. 4 Oh, God of all worlds, Neither have I done service at your feet, Nor have I given in charity immeasurable wealth, But you have to shower your incomparable affection on me, For a bad son may be born but there can be no bad mother. Parithyakthwa devaan vividha vidha sevakulathaya, Maya pancha seetherr adhikam apanithethu vayasi, Idhanim chenmathasthava yadhi krupanapi bhavitha, Niralambo lambodara janani kam yami saranam 5 In this age past fifty, leaving the worship of other devas, Due to several problems of service and worries, I have approached you for your grace. If you do not take mercy on me at this stage, What is the protection for me who is without any support. Chida Basma lepo garala samanam, dik pata dharo, Jadadhari kande bujagapathi hari pasupathi, Kapali bhootheso bajathi jagadeesaika padavim, Bhavani thwad panigrahana paripati phalamidham. 6 That god Pasupathi who applies ash from cremation ground, Who eats poison, who wears no cloths, Who wears a garland of serpent and who has a begging bowl, Who has not washed or combed his hair and who is god of devils, Has attained the position of the Lord of the universe. Is it not Bhavani, because he has married you? Na mokshasyakamksha na cha vibhava vanchapi cha na me, Na vignanapeksha Sasimukhi Sukheschapi na puna, Athasthwam samyache janani jananam yathu mama vai, Mrudani rudrani shiva shiva bhavani japatha. 7 I am not interested in salvation nor in great wealth, I am not interested in knowledge, science or pleasures, Hey mother, I beg of you that I should spend this life, Chanting thy names like Mrudani, Rudrani and Bhavani. Naradhithasi vidhina vividhopacharai, Kim rooksha chintana parair na krutham vachopi, Syame thwameva yadhi kinchanamayyanadhe, Danye krupamuchitham amba param thavaiva. 8 Oh Mother, Syama, I have never worshipped thee, Following the rules laid out for worship, And also I have abused you by using cruel words, And still if you have a little mercy on this orphan, It is because of your graceful and merciful conduct. Jagadamba, vichithramathra kim, Paripoorna karunasthi chenmayi, Aparadha parampara vrutham, Nahi matha samupekshathe sutham. 9 Hey mother of the world, Why is it surprising that you, Have lot of mercy on me, For no mother neglects her son, Even if he has done several mistakes. Mathsama pathaki Nasthi, Papagni thathsama nahi , Evam gnathwa maha devi, Yadayogyam thadha kuru. 10 There is no sinner like me, Nor is there anyone like you, Who can pardon all these great sins, Oh goddess great, understand these both, And do whatever you think is fit. ~Adi Shankaracharya
Devi Suti
Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Vishnu Maayethi Sabdita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the name of maya of Vishnu Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Chetanetyaabhi Dheeyate Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who abides in all beings as consciousness. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Buddhi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of intelligence. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Nidraa Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of sleep. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Kshudhaa Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of hunger. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Chaayaa Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of reflection and meditation. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Shakthi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of Shakthi (creative power). Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Thrishnaa Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of thirst. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Kshaanthi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of forgiveness. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Jaati Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of race. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Lajja Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of modesty. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Shaanthi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of Shaanthi (absolute peace). Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Shradha Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of Shraddha (unshakable faith). Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Kaanthi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of Kaanthi (beauty or brilliance). Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Lakshmi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of prosperity. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Vritti Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of activity. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Smrithi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of memory. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Dayaa Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of Dayaa (mercy or compassion). Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Tushti Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of contentment. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Matru Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of Mother. Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Braanthi Roopena Samsthita Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who resides in all beings in the form of illusion. Indriyaanaamadhistaatri Bhootaanaam Chaakileshu Yaa Bhooteshu Satatam Tasyai Vyaaptidevyai Namo Namaha Meaning:To the all pervading Devi who constantly presides over the senses of all beings and governs all elements, salutations again and again. Chiti Roopena Yaa Kristnam Yetadhyaapya Sthithaa Jagat Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha Meaning:Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who Perv
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