Wednesday, February 26, 2014

To Be or not to be by Steve

One has only to believe something to make it so. We shape our reality
with our thoughts, this is by being aware. Some can have no trouble
seeing thoughts manifest, but for others there is difficulty where
there is doubt. Gathering information, studying and understanding the
information, leads to believing the information, which in effect
alleviates doubt. We study the information using the senses and

So...awareness can be described as processing information until the
equation is solved, leading to smooth, error-less thought processing.
By believing, distracting thoughts are eliminated leaving the main
thought as the focus. With a smooth passage and PURE focus, energy
flows efficiently, thus leading to more effective thought

OK now let's take it deeper...

So... in effect, distracting thoughts create resistance that slow
down the rate of manifestation. But the thought still thought has a frequency, and the more pure
the thought is, the higher it's frequency, which in a linear time-
reality, higher frequency = more speed, and when the speed is great
enough it appears that things manifest instantaneously, which is
ignoring the pattern it went through to come into being by the
illusion of time.

So a thought that encounters resistance from distracting thoughts
will still manifest but at a lower frequency so results will take
longer to appear. They may also appear in a manner that was
undesired, due to the impurity, form(desired accuracy) or uncertainty
of the thought. This is universally true as we see energy takes the
path of least resistance so the manifestation occurs right before the
resistances in the thought process. This is necessary for thought
must lead to manifestation. But if more then one person shares the
same thought, even with distraction, the power of one's thought is
multiplied, giving to increased energy and a faster rate
manifestation, with a frequency that is similar to PURE thought, but
with more instability. This perhaps could lead to a disorderly
manifestation that may not be ideal.

If an infinite amount of energy is put into one thought, and an
infinite amount of energy is put into opposing that thought, this
statement must be true:

Positive thoughts, thoughts of love, allowance and creation resonate
higher, whereas negative thoughts, thoughts of fear, and ignorance,
or disallowance resonate lower, and only get lower with strength.
Positive thoughts resonate higher with strength. Strength is
determined by the frequency of the thought and the focus on it. The
more pure the focus, the more uncluttered the thought is, leading to
a more accurate result.

So thoughts that oppose a thought, or "disallowing" a thought would
hinder its rate of manifestation thus lowering its frequency, or
RATHER, adjusting its frequency based on IT'S OWN frequency. Thought
is limitless so interaction between 2 opposing thoughts would be more
of a balancing force than of simple subtraction.

There must be a range of harmony between thought and opposing thought
since there can be no end in either direction. The frequency does not
flat-line at any point, or existence would cease. I can only surmise
that a frequency above or below the range of harmony would be
disorderly. The universe is perfection, thus the need for harmony,
and order.

So, it is clear that we shape our reality based on the thoughts we
put in it. The illusion of time, giving us the experience of WAITING,
creates DOUBT of our own ability, our own realization. Doubt being a
resistant force in a pure concise thought process.

By eliminating doubt, we increase the frequency of thought, and in
perspective to the illusion of time relativity...the speed/ FREQUENCY
of time increases as thoughts become more pure, allowing thought
manifestation to reveal at an increasing rate. Thus, the relative
speed of time in our reality is based on the purity of ones
thoughts.. So by mastering ourselves, we move the universe forward,
and the gap that is the time illusion begins to shorten it's
frequency, - it's gap. I believe the illusion of time can be
described as the gap between the spikes of thought frequency.

Example: We wish to get to a destination, but the thought of putting
oneself there isn't pure enough and thus the low frequency makes the
thought of going there manifest "slower". The illusioned..time to get
to our destination is relevant to the distance between the spikes of
frequency. As the frequency lengthens, so does our experience of
time. And isn't this true in a more simple fashion: You wish to get
somewhere 1000 miles from where you are, but you aren't thinking
efficiently, so you take a year to walk there.. whereas if your
thought process was more pure.. you may have decided to take a plane,
which in our perspective of time, is much faster then walking. That
is a bit confusing but what I'm trying to say is that things seem to
take less time the clearer we think about it.

And the reason we are able to experience the time illusion, is
because thought is timeless, thus, thought exists everywhere, at
every time. Without the timelessness of thought, we could not
experience the time illusion, and its lessons. Time is that.. Time
is being, it is eternity. Time is to experience frequency. Time IS

The power to shape your reality is limitless. The time gap, in which
it manifests, is relative to your ability to BELIEVE... So it is only
a matter of believing, to move oneself forward. Experiencing collects
information, and analyzes the information, which can lead to
believing the information. The information is eternal truth of god,
the everything.

The individual can not be measured, as it is a piece of the
immeasurable. The experience of individuality is the timeless
everything experiencing eternity. Eternity = thought = BEING.

It may travel backwards where it experiences the absence of its
manifestations, seemingly moving backward in time relatively. This is
the illusion of destruction and erasure, when it is just the absence
of manifestation. If there was an end-all to this direction, it would
be the voidness of everything, absolute detachment. Absolute
nothingness. This is thought moving backwards. The individual
experience of this would be detachment from the self, the all, and
[b]forgetting[/b] as time unfolds, as its frequency lengthens. If
thought moved ONLY in this direction, there would be no harmony, and
time's frequency would only lengthen continuously, thus the eternity
experience would be incomplete, un-solvable, and not understandable.
We can not comprehend this, for it is the un-comprehendible.

It may also travel forwards, where it experiences its manifestations,
moving forwards in time, seeing things created! The end all of this
direction, if there was one, would be absolute awareness of
everything. The individual experience of this would be moving towards
awareness of and attachment to everything. This is learning, loving,
and creating as time's gap decreases, its frequency length –
shortening. If thought moved ONLY in this direction, there would be
still no harmony, time's frequency would increase continuously, and
the experience would be incomplete, un-solvable, and not
understandable as well. It is un-comprehendible.

So the reason why harmony is required, and why the imbalance cannot
be is this: In order to experience the absence of something, the un-
awareness to everything, there would have to be something to be un-
aware of, to be absent of. To be without something, means it has to
BE. And like-wise, to experience everything, to know everything, and
to be aware of everything means to know what it is like to be without

Eternity experienced can be described as an endless path that can be
navigated in either direction…Individuality is the ability to
navigate this path. The pattern or configuration of thought defines
the quality/uniqueness of individuality.

We are one, we are eternity. Spirit is helping us navigate in one
direction, but it can also help us navigate the other.

We, (GOD) have the ability to shape our reality with our thoughts.
Our thoughts are one, and thought is all. So thought is nature. It is
being. To shape our reality is to follow our nature. If this is so
then the following statement must be true:

Our reality as we experience it, is defined by LIMITLESS imagination.
If you can imagine it, it can be.

We are the masters of our own reality.


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