Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Except from Macenzi's myths and legends of ancient egypt

We are confronted by a vast multitude of gods and goddesses. Attempts
to enumerate them result, as a rule, in
compilations resembling census returns. One of the Pharaohs, who lived
about 4000 years ago, undertook the
formidable task of accommodating them all under one roof, and caused
to be erected for that purpose a great
building which Greek writers called "The Labyrinth"; he had separate
apartments dedicated to the various
deities, and of these it was found necessary to construct no fewer
than 3000, The ancient Egyptians lived in a
world which swarmed with spirits, "numerous as gnats upon the evening
beam". They symbolized
everything; they gave concrete form to every abstract idea; they had
deities which represented every phase
and function of life, every act and incident of import, and every hour
and every month; they had nature gods,
animal gods and human gods, and gods of the living and gods of the
dead. And, as if they had not a sufficient
number of their own, they imported gods and goddesses from other

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