I did try and get Amuntet but that was a pain in my ass. So this cartouch of the name Khephr Ra came from this site that sells all maner of pretty things:
This is an excerpt from Religion of Ancient Egypt
by W.F. Petrie
copyrite 1912 or something
"The ran is the name which was essential to
man, as also to inanimate things. Without a
name nothing really existed. The knowledge of
the name gave power over its owner; a great
myth turns on Isis obtaining the name of Ra by
stratagem, and thus getting the two eyes of Ra
the sun and moon for her son Horus. Both
in ancient and modern races the knowledge of
the real name of a man is carefully guarded, and
often secondary names are used for secular purposes.
It was usual for Egyptians to have a
'great name ' and a ' little name '; the great name
is often compounded with that of a god or a king,
and was very probably reserved for religious purposes,
as it is only found on religious and funerary
Someone asked me in a Kmt Pagan chat about taking on a Name, and was actually worried that her own birth name may be offensive to the Ntr.
I really wish I could have read this before I answered her. Its not that I don't know, I just have articulation issues.
Now including the above many traditions and mystery school will have you pick several differant names for several differant perposes. (can you hear that line from the disney Alladen movie...'where a dark man waits, with a dark purpose? It will never break...it broke!)
One of the myrad of reasons for changing ones name is symbolic for your entry into said mystrery Tradition, coven or what not. In this manner you cast asside the old you, and your previous issues and misconceptions and begin your path a new. Some buddhists engage in this activity as well. One of my little 'zen freinds' gave me the name of Tsungchich.
Some times, initially the name is given to you... or the first one is. In many traditions when you reach a certain point or at least adulthood you then choose a name to reflect ... pretty much what every you want to reflect or something that is descriptive of you.
Also in many circles The Name is a private thing especially for the above reason (by mr. Petrie) so some people may have quite a few names. A Birth name that is not ever shared. B. A group name that one shares with others. C. A craft name known to your 'group/coven/whatever/ D. The craft name you dont share with anyone.
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