I have been wondering about this myth for a whie, some say its Het-Hert (Hathor) but finnaly my question is answered !
The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians
W.F. Petrie
copyrite 1912 or so
"The lioness appears in the compound figures of
the goddesses Sekhet, Bast, Mahes, and Tefnut.
In the form of Sekhet the lioness is the destructive
power of Ra, the sun: it is Sekhet who,
in the legend, destroys mankind from Herakleopolis
to Heliopolis at the bidding of Ra. The
other lioness goddesses are probably likewise
destructive or hunting deities. The lesser felidae
also appear ; the cheetah and serval are sacred to
Hathor in Sinai; the small cats are sacred to
Bast, especially at Speos Artemidos and Bubastis."
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