I have lost some of my books eather by proxi (most likely) or some other odd means. Misplacing books is not something that is normal in my life. I can not remember which version of egyptian myth text this is fetured in.... book of gates, book of night, the book of pillars, the book of doors, the book of scratching one's nose...............
It has come to my attention that I will have to read all three versions to find what I want.
and just to show that the Temple of Set isnt all that bad ....
I decided I would post some of the neeto things I found whial trying to find this.
this first one of course made me think of steve....
originally Osiris drowned and was reborn, at the same time that Set was a benevolent God slaying the serpent of self-deceit.
. . In his role as tormentor of the wicked, Set appears in various guises in the Duat (Egyptian Underworld). He is the heart-eating dragon SetNakt (Set is Mighty). SetNakt eats the heart (intellect) of the evil individual. He is the figure of Set the Watcher, who observes the progress of the Boat of Re. This role is one of the observer of the Real, a role that he also fills in slaying the demon Apep. Nightly, the Boat of Re is challenged by the non-created serpent Apep. Apep has the power to hypnotize the other inhabitants of the boat. The other gods fall into a trance, the Boat stops, and Set descends to fight the demon. He kills Apep . . . Set is a destroyer of delusional thinking. He destroys that which has failed to Become real. As such he is a tester of the dead - a god of Limits. In short, Set works in the subconscious as a destroyer of delusion.
— Don Webb, Seven Faces of Darkness (Runa-Raven Press, 1996)
this article Im not even bothering to post, too long. its wikipedia.
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