Her mind was buzzing with frustraition. She wasnt sure what to do with her time, presantly. Ever since her falling out with Jason and his circle. She was still atempting to deal with her disapointment on that matter, after all, he had said... he was 'just a man' .... but that didnt give him the right to be stupid, and horrible...... ick.... she felt like spitting.
She entered haymarket squair, allowing the mixtures of energy to sooth her, heading toward the man with the bagpipes,,,, as always, she tipped him with no less than a $10, but didnt let him see how much she put in.... she really didnt want him to know who was giving it, just that some one greatly appreciated his music.
As she walked, her attention was snagged by an artist.... he was outside the gallery, with two done paintings and an easle. Interesting..... She wafted over.
"iew." she said on accident.
The artist, who looked rather like painting of the frog she was responding to smiled at her in a greatly humored way.
"You don't like Frog?" he asked
"oh not another shamen, had that for dinner last week I'm affraid." her sarcastic and bitter toan flung itself out of her mouth.
He laughed good naturedly.... "Not everyone does.... What do you think about this one?" he jerked his head over toward the painting of nine squairs, the first four looking rather elemental, the rest, just odd to her. She stood for a few minuts looking at it.
"Are you hungrey?" she asked
"hmm getting around to it." he smiled "but I seem to be rather emersed." It looked like he was painting a landscape from the Main cost.
"I'll get you something. What will you have?" she asked him, surprising herself.
"ohh a nice salad will do." he said and eyed her in a conspiritorial manner.
She flet a chill of power.... and something that she may have considered sinister before her vision quest.
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