Saturday, March 1, 2014

The role of the royal couple was to maintain Maat on earth.

"One can translate the word Maat by Rule, as long as one includes in this the ideas of universal order, cosmic harmony, eternal balance of the universe, celestial justice inspiring human justice, rectitude, solidarity among living things, truth, just distribution of duties, social cohesion, wisdom."

This State magic called particularly upon the queen: "It is the woman's spiritual role, her active participation to creation in spirit, that is emphasized and practiced" (women were considered the link between Heaven and Earth). One essential magical act among many was for the queen (or a high priestess) to "sustain, by her love, the energy of the god Amon, so that the divine love could sustain Egypt". The queen is also called "She who sees Horus and Seth" -- in other words it is in her that the two enemy brothers are reconciled. The divine energy was considered a vital reality without which the country could not live in harmony with the Invisible.

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