taken from
Magic and Mystery in Ancient Egypt
Christian Jacq
...Set is known as the assassin of Osiris. But he fulfils a more positive role. When Horus, suffering from a headache, lies on a cushion, his brother Set watches over him, and prevents him being attacked by demons who wish to paralyse him.
This divine act is repeated on earth. The magician acts like a weaver. He cuts off a piece of material, ties seven knots in it and attaches it to the patients big toe. To succeed in this, the magus must take the identity of Set, who has considerable power "I am he who has divided that which was reunited. I am he who is full of vigour and great in power, Set."
Let us not forget that the dead man has been given a perfect shroud, which is also that of the initiant being reborn to life as a spirit -Set's skin. THe house of resurrection will then be the very being of the enemy, the adversary who has been vanquished and mastered by magic power.
All the techniquet of the martial arts rest on the same principle, to use the strength of the opponant who seeks to desrtoy you to increase your own power.
Set is an efficient healer. In a special spell against the mysterious "Asian illness' an appeal is made to Set who calms the sea. Thus the bodily fluids themselves will also be at peace and the illness will go away. If necessary, the sick man will be confined and his mouth closed with the skin of the tortoise.
A magical papyrus from Paris teaches us that the magician invokes the gods with the aid of a vase. He speaks to Set who is thought of as the god of gods. The magician is so bold because Set's
power enables him to make the gods come at his bidding.
Set of the seven faces banishes the dead , enemies and advisaries both male and female and the sow who devours the West.
The magi walkes at night with Heru in front and Set to his right. He does not fear demons in the shadows and the dead can not disturb him. It is he who threatens them: he can cut off thier hands, blind thier eyes, close thier mouths. I am Heru-Set. Theh proclamation creating a union beyond duality, beyond good and evil.
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