Just to see if you had a point and since its been so long since I have seen this I decided to watch it again.
*press play*
wow this is boaring, you actually sat through this?
ok now in effort to answer your thing about massey, I havent actually read his stuff yet. I have it though.... but I also have a list of 50 egyptologists and archiologists I have to read through and Im sure it will keep me occupied for some time.
I have no opinnion on massey since I havent actually read what he wrote. As for the physiscs stuff... Anytime I read anything regarding string theory it leaks out my ears whial Im reading it. I know that a theory has yet to be proven and that is about all I can tell you about physics....but there may be some connection btwn E8 and string theory. ....E8 is prettyyyyyyyyyyyy
since when did people not know that the christians and masons were attempting to dominate/controll the entire world??? do people really not know this?
I dont have a problem with. It just not one of those things I care about eather way. Im ok w/believing that god created everything and that evolution happened.
wow this is way past the five min marker, I was totally wrong about it being w/in the first five min... sorry about that.
(still boaring)
but yeah so far its implying that christianity is the only 'religion' that is currently practiced which I find annoying as fuck.
Im a fan of george carlin.
Ten thousand bc is actually a misleading statement and has not yet been a proven statement and is in fact based on Edgar casey stuff.
Slight detoour about Edgar which I think is necessary
His prophecies thus far have been proven( and I do mean PROVEN) in an actual physical manner to be wrong and inacurate. You cant even try to streach it ... he was not a very accurate prophet.
This does not mean Im disputing his healing stuff
And here is where I point out that Edgar was a high ranking Mason.
aslo both Hawas and Lehner started out working for The E.C. Foundation to go to egypt and prove some of his theories. What actually happened was that they found soooooooooooooooooooooo much evidence to the contrary that they severed thier ties w/the foundation.
so to reiterate the TEN THOUSAND year date is inacurate, not proven and based on something an innacurate 'psychic' highranking Mason said.
wtf? that is my frist response. WTF? why is this vid propgating free mason propoganda.....
I mean they are ok and all... but I dont like Edgar cause I think he was a charleton. Though when I think about it Im sure his healing was great, I mean there had to be a reason people believed in him when his psychicness was always wrong......
ok done w/that rant so lets press the play button. At the moment the screen is showing me the Aten. Didja know AkenAten was a HERATIC. he didnt say ohhh coool everyone ! we got One god now... nope we are gonna worship the sun. thats it, the sun, some people will try and say ooooooooooh it was all about phisics and deeep meaning and life and blahhh. No it wasnt. The sun made things grow and he worshiped it. Then he banned all other religion and then he closed all temples and even put some people to death.... sound familiar? oh yeah this is my rant before even listaning to what they are friggen saying regarding the Aten.
now I bet your wondering why the hell I brang that up? doesnt it go allong w/what this movie is saying?
yeah it does... but that is one bit of ancient egyptian history and I felt like bitching about it. I cant goddamned stand AkenAten.
*presses play*
ok soooooooooooooo
Horus? that would be greek, not egyptian and trust me its more than a slight distinction
This is Heru
he is the EYE of Ra
the incarnation of Ra
He is the Victor
He is the Ruler of all of kmt/Tamery
so here is this guy saying horus is the personification of the sun
the eye is the personification of the sun
(seeeeeeeeeeeeeee the differance?)
and not just any Eye eather, the left eye
which is also Sekhmet
Sekhmet represents the firey destructive aspect of the sun
Ra is the life giving aspect of the sun
Khepri is the sun at morning
and this represents rebirth... the new day the new season after hibernation
Ra is the sun at midday
Atum is the sun at sunset representing heading toward death
khepri created man through his tears
Ra just friggen created them
Atum masturbated and or spat out man
each story has a link to physics by the way that I am not very good at explaning it.... sorry about that.
ok now that I have introduced Heru and Ra and thier connection.....
*presses play*
Heru and Set
just fucking pause
case in the early myths they were not eneamies and were even thought of as tiwns for further details see
Just in case you didnt get it, it really irks me when people blather on about shit w/out know what the fuck they are talking about. You have just gotten to my automatic pissey button.
I provided those links cause Im not rewriting all that here. And I do have a bibliography of sources just in case you want it....
I believe this is where I turned it off. And I will tell you why.
for some reason you have made this movie, you think you want to educate about something, meaning:
There is something that you know that I dont
Now the buddhist stuff in the beginning was fine
and all good
but yeah I already know that theory/beliefe what ever you want to call it.
so its not really inspiring me to watch this if its just stuff I have heard before anyway.
(Im not that media starved)
but ok Im still watching it.
ok then there is the evolution
oh shit fucking asholebastared AkenAten....
and now Heru and Set
well if you have to pick and choose and imediately start off with slight misinformation that sounds like crap assed propoganda and now Im fucking pissed.
I think this is where I turned it off cause I find this type of thing utterly revolting. It hurts my soul.
"Every Morning / Metaphorically Horus would win the battle against Set"
what the goddamned hell is this assfucker talking about?
is he confusing heru and set w/Ra and apap, nonono, he cant be cause orriginally set slew apep every fucking night.
is he talking about the back and forth battles? It didnt go down like that, I swear he is confusing things....
"while in the evening set would conquer horus"
what the hell is this guy reading Budge???? Spence and Lewis????
now Im just really wanting to turn this shit off.
cant even get his fucking myths right
really its not that hard to read is it?
Heru born on dec 25
born of a virgin
star in the east
adored by 3 kings
checkes Heru feast day for this year. the kmt callander was done as the stars move so the feast days sometimes change you seeeee
thats funny
according to actual ancient egyptian star charts and dates (done by ancient egytpians)
Heru's feast day is july 22 (tropical zodiac)
and Heru the Elder is Aug 1
ok but yeah never heard about the dec day... but Im not all knowing
I wonder what his 'source' is
In the orriginal myths Wst was 'virginal'
however, that changed totally by the Old kingdom and She was married to Wsr and Heru was thier son.
three kinds? what three kings?
what is he talking about now?
I'd love to get his sources on this.
Don't get me wrong, I have heard over and over about how the christ myth is based on Heru/Wsr and Auset. I dont dissagree w/it either...
by the age of 12?
where is this written in the ancient text?
ok lets get this straight. I do not know everything
but I have NEVER read this in ANY book.
what books do I have you may ask?
all my books that are w/in arms reach are on my front page
so now w/this stuff about Heru, Im getting kinda wigged. After all I am studdying w/a Temple dedicated to researching and learning Ancient Egyptian stuffy thing you would have thought that the Teacher of the Temple would have mentioned these things in the text books. Oh yeah there are text books. Three very long and leangthy text books... and remember that 50 author list? oh yeahh.... so uhh where did this guy get this from?
I can tell tell you about how the 10 commandments are ripped off from the 42 tennants of maat, I cant even give some more examples of where ancient egyptian wisdom text is ripped off in other various parts of the bible. I cant blather on about Wsr and his rebirth/and what he represents, what part of the duat he belongs in how Heru was braught back from the deat by mommy Auset...... but all of this other stuff. I havent heard of it.
"After being betrayed by Typhon"
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah now I get it. kinda
please, keep in mind that Egyptologists will tell you the same thing I am now telling you. The Greeks were known for thier fabrications. When they wrote about ancient egypt they would outright lie, misinform and make things up.
The greeks themselves took thier idea of the Ntr and then recreated them in THIER viewpoint. And renamed them. Howe you would get Thoth our of Djehuti is way beyond my understanding.......
typhon and set were identified together by the greeks
and I know I have previously mentioned this but I dont think I stressed it enough.
I dont really care about what the greeks had to say. Anything durring the ptolemeic era or past it... I dont research it, because by the time of the Ptolomies it ceases being Ancient Egyptian. So this makes it very clear as to why I have no idea what the hell this guy is talking about.
He isnt refering to ancient egyptian things at all. He is reffering to greek things whial using ancient egytpian iconography. The greeks did depic Horus... and it does look differant, you should see it. But that pic they are showing is ancient egyptian and the story is greek..
By the way....
I have never heard of this rendition of the greek aspect of Horus either. So where did he get this??????
Interestingly, this person is pulling what ever he wants and whether accurate or not, he is putting this info together and I find this rather sickaning.
First of all every good christian knows that jesus was not born in december. The church chose december because it was a close date to a popular pagan celebration of the birth of the God. so here this guy goes again, putting together info in a slightly misleading way so that he can prove the point of what?
the point that the Catholic church filddled w/things and absorbed all kinds of pagan beliefs so that they would have more faithfull followers?
and now this commentator guy is also doing it.... why the fuck am I watching this again?
Im not saying that he isnt right about the zodiac... Im saying that now I remember why I didnt finish watching this ... and why Im not going to finish watching this.....
cause I dont care about christianity at all, and I went through this phase of explaining out this stuff... and its coencidance w/pagan beleifs and astonomy.
OK so yeah ... he gets all this astronamy stuff right, but really ! the only reason I cared enough to make it this far cause you had a something of a point. But I still have no interest in the chirtian coencidances because... Im having to concentrate on other stuff.
I mean if you want to debate bible stuffy thing cause its an inner need you have by all means watch this. But after being able to spot all that stupidity, ohhhhh wowow minterperated astrological alagory... hheeeheehee I like that !
(to bad Im still pissed off about all the lying)
ok Im now pissed agian
that shit that he is talking about at the temple of luxor
sounds more like the temple Hatchepsute built
(remember the nswbit/pharaoh was the incarnation of Heru)
so the story was NOT about Heru
it was about Her, as for that which he is describing...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIim looking through my book which has all mannnor of temple pictures.... not seeeing it
the pics they show
Knonsu (knef???)
was the divine potter who created your ka
by the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
virgin birth hu?
not really, sorry to disspoint you
Now he is right about lots of simalaritys
but the ones he showes... personally I dont know where he is getting them from
May I see a bibliography please?
and Im totally not being sarcastic when I ask for one becuase I have never seen this.
I paused that long scrolly list a couple of times
and Im just wondering where the creator is getting half of this.
the great flood was never in kmt, but yeah gilgamesh.... and by the way in hindu mythology,,, and the sunk place in india.... has been found by the way.
There is no archyological evidance of 'moses' in ancient egyptian text.
haaha at least he got his referance to the negitive confession.
I feel kinda bad about this mostly because he has enough enough proof that he doesnt need to do the above. That misinfo/lying/mistaking facts. What is the point? I mean the guy can mostly back up what he is saying.
"we want to be accademically correct."
(see above reasons for why I think that is funny)
ok Im totally board now, cause they are still talking about stuff I have known for about 10 years. He doesnt mention though that Yehwey (can't spell) was a hill god in predynastic egypt.
you can find that info I think in Breasteds translations of text
or maybe Petrie's translations, I cant quite remember whos.
well so far he hasnt mentioned this. but yeah
there are people who dont know we live in 1984?
so yeah I sudgest this movie, but dont pay any attention to the ancient egyptian stuff....
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Healing on the nicer side
O re, Geb, Nut, Wsr, Heru ! Make well the heart of this suffering man ! Lead him back to life as you made the heart of Re revive durring the attack by Nehaher. Drive out the poison that is in his body as you banished the venom of Apep which was in the body of the great god!
God gives life to the one he loves
God gives life to the one he loves
Threaten to heal
if it ventures into any part of the body, there will be no offerings laid upon the offering tables in the temples, no water will be poured over the altars, no fire will be lit in a sacrificial table, no piece of meat will be taken to the temple.
no more water for one who is in the sacophagus, the one who is in abydos, would not be buried, there will be no more offerings for the one who is in heliopolis....
if you do not listen to my words I will cut the head off a cow on Het hers forecourt, I will decapitate a hippopotamus on the forecourt of Set, I shall make ANpu sit wrapped in a dog's skin and Set sit wrapped in a crocodile skin.
no more water for one who is in the sacophagus, the one who is in abydos, would not be buried, there will be no more offerings for the one who is in heliopolis....
if you do not listen to my words I will cut the head off a cow on Het hers forecourt, I will decapitate a hippopotamus on the forecourt of Set, I shall make ANpu sit wrapped in a dog's skin and Set sit wrapped in a crocodile skin.
daughters of the light
the 7 Het her hold bandages of red yarn with which they create knots. According to the number of knots seven being quite the most benifical sign the destiny of a person is confirmed or denyed.
The Temple of Man pt 1

by R.A. Scwaller de Lubicz
there are just notes I jot down that I think are interesting.
The mineral has suffered the scission from the cause
the plant has suffered the neral
the animal has suffered the the plant
man has suffered the animal
cosmic man will have suffered humanity
Vital suffering is consciousness undergoing the process of surpassing itself. Genisis is the expansion of Consciousness.
Believeing, learning andknowing are the 3 gates of entry into the temple
Nothing is more vain than being concerned withthe historical aspect of Reality
If this way of speaking about knowledge no longer corrisponds to the requirements of consciousness today it is not at all certain that it had more purpose to past humaity, which is alleged to have been more infantile; demanding immages and abjectifialbe in conformity with its childish condition..... if this way of presenting knowledge , making it enchanting through miracles did not on the contrary keep humaity at an infirior level, if it did not make humanity stupid, insted of raising it up as the revelation of the redeeming Divine Power should and could have.
The gestation of christian revelation has been interrupted
historicims leads to idolity -- to true paganism and to the revolt of those consciousness who apire to light.
the diophantine trigangle 2:4:5 demonstrates symbol.. and evokes a function that is universal and infavriable it is through this that its sacred... not as a geometric figure.
The universe is nothing but consciousness and in its apprearance nothing but an evolution of consciousness from beginning to end, the end being a return to its cause.
Psychological consciousness misleads us. It generates preconceptionas by the very fact of the limits of our preconceptions, not because this perception is limited in itself, but because we cerebrally frame it into an intellectual deffinition.
... we are limited because of this ... proof of this is given when the cerebral presance is asleep and the sensetivity awake as in the state of hypnoses or somnambulism.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
More on Set

taken from
Magic and Mystery in Ancient Egypt
Christian Jacq
...Set is known as the assassin of Osiris. But he fulfils a more positive role. When Horus, suffering from a headache, lies on a cushion, his brother Set watches over him, and prevents him being attacked by demons who wish to paralyse him.
This divine act is repeated on earth. The magician acts like a weaver. He cuts off a piece of material, ties seven knots in it and attaches it to the patients big toe. To succeed in this, the magus must take the identity of Set, who has considerable power "I am he who has divided that which was reunited. I am he who is full of vigour and great in power, Set."
Let us not forget that the dead man has been given a perfect shroud, which is also that of the initiant being reborn to life as a spirit -Set's skin. THe house of resurrection will then be the very being of the enemy, the adversary who has been vanquished and mastered by magic power.
All the techniquet of the martial arts rest on the same principle, to use the strength of the opponant who seeks to desrtoy you to increase your own power.
Set is an efficient healer. In a special spell against the mysterious "Asian illness' an appeal is made to Set who calms the sea. Thus the bodily fluids themselves will also be at peace and the illness will go away. If necessary, the sick man will be confined and his mouth closed with the skin of the tortoise.
A magical papyrus from Paris teaches us that the magician invokes the gods with the aid of a vase. He speaks to Set who is thought of as the god of gods. The magician is so bold because Set's
power enables him to make the gods come at his bidding.
Set of the seven faces banishes the dead , enemies and advisaries both male and female and the sow who devours the West.
The magi walkes at night with Heru in front and Set to his right. He does not fear demons in the shadows and the dead can not disturb him. It is he who threatens them: he can cut off thier hands, blind thier eyes, close thier mouths. I am Heru-Set. Theh proclamation creating a union beyond duality, beyond good and evil.
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